FLOWING IN ABRAHAMIC BLESSING To appreciate this I like to pose a - TopicsExpress


FLOWING IN ABRAHAMIC BLESSING To appreciate this I like to pose a fundamental questionsabout Abrahamic blessings or Dimensions of Covenant Prosperity. 1. What is the worth of Abrahamic blessing? i. Abrahamic blessing is the realm of all round fortune i.e he is a blessed personality. In other words, he was in a state of success, well being, joy, health and progress in all that he undertook. Gen. 24: 34-35. "And the LORD hath blessed my master greatly; and he is become great: and he hath given him flocks, and herds, and silver, and gold, and menservants, and maidservants, and camels, and asses" ii. Realm of being a blessing. Gen. 12:2. This is the realm of abundance and surplus for his neignbours, town and nation. That is the realm of relevance, significance and impact. A lot of rich men in the world are out rightly abuse to prosperity. You cannot feel their impact, they are simply financial nonentity. As from today the Lord will turn you into a financial entity. iii. Contagious blessing. Abraham operated in a realm of prosperity that everyone that had contact with him became prosperous. Gen 12:3 Lot, Pharaoh, Some Kings against him. Gen. 14: 14,16. iv. Uncursable blessings. Gen. 27:29. Abraham operated in the realm that his prosperity was infallible. James 1:17. He was financially secured. v. Generational blessing. He operated in the realm that his blessing flows from one generation to another. Its an inexhaustible blessings till the end of age. Gen 28:14, Gal 3:14.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 20:01:56 +0000

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