FLUORIDE put in and added to the human water supply HAS MADE ALL - TopicsExpress


FLUORIDE put in and added to the human water supply HAS MADE ALL AMERICANS INTO PASSIVE MINDLESS IDIOTS WHO THINK AND BELIEVE ALMOST ANY STUPID SHIT THEY ARE TOLD UNDER THIS MASS SYSTEM OF MIND MANIPULATION. Humans cant think because most of their brains has been transformed into mush. I entreat you all, every woman man and child to now get the BLINDFOLDS from the eyes of your mind. Mankind, all over the world has been forced into a Cave of SHADOWS where all are made deaf,dumb and blind, unable then to see clearly and understand the real nature of reality. We NOW must all connects all of the dots which has for years amongst years insidiously hidden from he mindless masses whom the ZIONIST JEWS define and call the Guyoin. There is NO 50 UNITED STATES, instead there is over layered upon this (50+50 = 100 legal jurisdictions) or CORRUPT ENTERPRISES more made of FEDERAL ENTERPRISE FORMED OUT AND FROM THE [ Federal Reserve ].i You have a conscious MIND which is designed so that you can make intelligent judgments about the nature of physical reality. NOW is the time that your lif depends upon using your mind to its fullest abilities. Cast Aside you cowardly FEAR and examine all of reality and all of your false limited beliefs with open eyes and an HONEST MIND. No other human an do this CRITICAL THINKING FOR YOU. No authority located anywhere in the Universe can compel you to become CONSCIOUSLY RESPONSIBLE where you use your mind and its consciousness to understand what is and what is not the THE NAKED TRUTH. Generally speaking 88% of what we have been told in the official lines of consciousness throughout the whole world is untrue false and based upon wholesale lies of monumental proportions. THOSE WHO ARE BLIND TO ISRAEL, 9/11, THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION, THE MURDERS OF BLACK MALES, IRAQ, C. ) CANT EVEN SEE THEIR OWN [ *ARSSES], THE ARAB SPRING, THE REAL ESTATE DEBACLE & THE BAIL-OUT , ( ETC.), EBOLA, HIV-AIDS, VACCINNATIONS, GMO, FRACKING,
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:49:14 +0000

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