FLYING IS A CRIME IN INDIA, SAYS FORMER AIRCRAFT MAKER Joel Koechlin, founder and former owner of Raj Hamsa Ultralight Pvt Ltd which manufactures microlight aircraft in Bangalore, says, Flying is now a crime all over the world, and more so in India. This is due to the post-9/11 security paranoia. In India, the authorities are just not issuing security clearances to those who would like to fly microlight aircraft. Even a hobby flyer is viewed as a potential terrorist. The Frenchman, who has studied aeronautical engineering and commercial photography, came to India during his travels to see the world. He quite liked Auroville in Pondicherry and set up the company there in 1980 with financial support from JRD Tata. He would take aviation enthusiasts from Bangalore to Ooty for sorties on his microlights. The company would, during the good years, sell over 100 microlights a year, and most of them would be sent to overseas customers. After terrorists crashed jetliners into the twin towers in 2001, security agencies suddenly started viewing all light aircraft with deep suspicion, says Koechlin. In India, the authorities wont tell you its banned but will drag their feet over issuing the security clearance which effectively means you cant fly. He sold the company in 2011 when he realized that interest in the sport was waning and the orders were just not coming in - down to five at its worst phase. The sport will die a slow death if youngsters dont take to it. Right now, only a few of us who received our security clearances long ago can actually fly. Now, if anyone asks me how I should build and fly microlights, I tell them, Go and do something else! he says.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 09:34:49 +0000

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