FML Im 28 years old :/ lol I am soooo thankful for all those who - TopicsExpress


FML Im 28 years old :/ lol I am soooo thankful for all those who wished me a Happy Birthday today :) It really means a whole lot to me :) Wow I am am so overwhelmed with with messages today :) but I can definitely feel the love Thank you I can not believe i have been alive for 28 years , its soo many years and since I have such a great memory I can remember way back it feels like just yesterday when my sister was born , I also remember screaming/crying that I wanted my mom on my first day of school I think I cried all day :/ you have to understand my parents never left us with a babysitter ever , my parents didnt trust us with anyone , I also remember being 5 years old at a birthday party on Acadia loop here on mines road , I was so close to death that day I got hit by a car :/ I remember being covered in blood laying in a stretcher in the back of the Emergency Ambulance and screaming I dont want to die while in excruciating pain :( I remember the paramedics holding me down and telling me that I was not going to die ... I wonder who those men were :? I also have a blanket that someone gave to my mom to rest my battered little body lying on the street , my mom washed it and could never find the owner of who it belonged to :? ...... But it was not my time to go :/ God has a plan for everyone and I am soo thankful to him to be able to know and touch soo many lives :) For the most part I can not complain , I love my life and although life has been hard at times , Im soo grateful to be alive :) I have been told by a handful of people ..... That I am going to live forever till Im very very very old :) I have been told this by physic clients of mine from the mall a gypsy that came up to me in mexico city and a card reader on another trip to mexico city , a coworker that also had the gift and a few other physic clients I have met :) sorry haters :p suckers lol I do not believe everything I hear but for some reason they all bring that up ..... Well if I do live a long ass time I want to be able to at least make a difference in peoples lives :) many friends/clients say that I should have been a therapist lol they say I have an answer and a solution for all problems .... Well I dont know about that but so they say :) I have had struggles in life like everyone and I have sometimes thought I need to have a conversation with therapist to make sense of it all :/ but I have learned and still learning how to cope and survive and in this long journey we call life ..... I once watched a skit on SNL or MadTV , it was a man seeking therapy for some emotional issues he had ... Saying that ... He was damaged about all the struggles he went through and how he cant seem to move on blah blah blah lol and the therapist said he had 3 very Important words for him he said GET OVER IT lol ... The patient said I cant its really deep dark pain I have the therapist said hhmmmm let me say this GET OVER IT lol the man said so thats what I should do ? I should just get over it ? He said YUP ..... Patient says wow Im cured lol ...... I know life does not work that way and in some cases its not that easy but sometimes to move on and enjoy life we need to say to ourselves GET OVER IT life is too short !!! .... Anyways my thoughts are going crazy and I guess I have had time to reflect on my life ...... I always do .... My birthdays have always been joyous and sad at the same time for me ... I dont know why :/ maybe its just me being happy and I do not know how to deal with it :/ I thank God for my health and my family :) I always know the best things In life ate free and I am soo grateful for having parents that made me a smart -respectful - knowledged - kind - and classy young fellow that I am ..... I can go on for another 30 sentences since I have a lot to thank and reflect on but I will stop now :) Thanks for everything and a big thank you for reading this long ass post LOL :) thanks and God Bless
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 05:12:01 +0000

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