FOCUS FUNDAMENTALS. The greatest obstacle to anyone fulfilling - TopicsExpress


FOCUS FUNDAMENTALS. The greatest obstacle to anyone fulfilling a dream or a vision is mankind. All your possibilities and impossibilities are to a very large extent tied to the people around you. In reality there is no world without people. People make the world, manage and operate its systems. People determine what’s new, what’s old, what’s right what’s wrong, what to do and what to leave basically based on interests and the law of conscience. The world basically is about people; mankind. Needless to say the most dangerous of all creatures is mankind. We are generally not perfect, we have our strengths though; very good strengths but we also have very terrible weaknesses, collectively and per individual. The truth is no man is perfect or infallible. We all have traits in us that are quite dangerous, harmful and destructive. Tragically, the number one victim of every man’s weakness or vile is mankind. We are very mean to ourselves; we are iniquitous, callous and full of pride, envy, spite, treachery, and slander. All men are selfish – putting ourselves first in all things. This applies to individual, teams, tribes, ethnic groups, races, language, religion and even nations. We admire nations that prioritise the welfare, wellbeing and interests of their citizens over others. We all have permanent interest not permanent friendships or relationships. We gravitate towards where our interests are bests served. We are drawn to people, groups, and environments that tend to offer superior benefits to us and we hardly appreciate people for whom they are but for what they’ve been, can be or have given to us. We celebrate people we’ve gained or can gain from, we celebrate and commit to groups that can protect and safeguard our interests. We are strongly driven by what we can get in this life. We are indeed lovers of ourselves. We hardly empathise with people, groups and communities we have no business with or interest in. No matter how terrible their situations are, as long as we are not directly affected or touched by their sorrows and hurt, we remain indifferent. We lack compassion and can hardly go out of our way to be kind or generous to those in need. We live in a very divided and selfish world, there’s keen contest along all our dividing factors; we attack one another, criticize on another, condemn one another and even kill one another. The concept of one world and one love is nothing but an illusion and an apparition. Why am I sounding this way – like mother Theresa you may wonder? It’s simply because I have come to realise that the number one reason why men fail and hardly achieve their goals in life is because their mission and pursuit of purpose is predicated along this pattern of discrimination, division and lack in global empathy. We pursue dreams and desires that are limited in scope and location. We hardly see beyond our immediate environments, our own people, our families, relatives, children and immediate community. We prioritise the interest of our tribe, ethnic group, religion and even denomination actively; unfortunately, not just in pursuing excellence but more in bringing others down! Most of our time, efforts, thinking and activities are subject on how we can bring others down, diminish their possibilities and frustrate their relevance. Instead of admiring their strengths and looking for opportunities of collaboration and growing together, we are busy looking for ways to discredit them and make them unpopular. There are too many meetings, ploys and agendas on how to bring others down and hardly any meeting on how to improve ourselves and others. By nature many are selfish, vengeful and envious so we can’t see the good in anyone else just the bad. Ladies and gentlemen the greatest businesses, corporations and global enterprises have emerged more through collaboration than competition. Companies look and identify the strengths in their competitors that they lack, and then decide to merge; becoming bigger, stronger and more powerful together; consequently everyone gains. Mergers, collaborations and cooperation between mega businesses have made the home countries of these companies richer, stronger and more powerful. Going by statistics, most companies that have refused collaborations and mergers in the last few decades have become very weak, irrelevant or dead. You need the strength in others. My dear friend, if you keep making judgments and decision based on the nature of man, you will never want to help, support, collaborate or trust anyone, because mankind by nature is imperfect and dangerous. Remaining by yourself however and living a life in isolation is even more dangerous, vulnerable and precarious. You need the strength in others irrespective of how bad you think they are, because you are not all that good yourself; you have your mess and weaknesses too. The reality is most people hardly acknowledge the fact that the things they fear in others, they also carry too. When people betray you, are unkind to you, oppress you and abuse you, have you ever tried to think or wonder if you’re like that too? I’ve come to realise many people who criticise their bosses are usually worse off when they become bosses themselves. Maybe most bad behaviours you see in others that really scare you are weaknesses you carry in you too. Have you checked lately? I always laugh and make jest of my female married friends who keep complaining and can’t stand all the single girls dating married men and their threat to deal ruthlessly with any such girl hovering around their husbands. Most of these women I’ve known before they got married and I gently just remind them of some of the married men they also dated when they were single. Most times they become uncomfortable and they are like, Muyiwa mind yourself o, I laugh out loud and just ignore them. Please I’m not advocating it is right to date married people, it is wrong and totally unacceptable; my point here is most of what you see in others that automatically makes you a judge, you may have the tendencies too. Check yourself. What exactly is the learning today. My perspective is, do not on the account of people’s weaknesses, feeble nature and evil tendencies be bad to them. Never let any man make you evil! There is something good in everyone. The truth is, that trait that makes them so bad if properly managed and groomed can make them so good and constructive. Wisdom is to know their weaknesses, be careful to manage it effectively, and then help harness their strengths and develop it. Can I say to you this morning that many people have given up on their dreams and goals in life because some people were mean to them, treated them nasty or didn’t appreciate? Can I also say to you, the people you love, care about and you’re probably purposed to serve are usually the first to hit you, hurt you, disappoint you and betray you? Don’t ever pursue a vision or purpose to help or support humanity because you feel sorry for people and want to help, I promise you, they may never appreciate and may even plot your downfall. Whatever it is you choose to do in life; your dreams, goals, and vision chase it, pursue it and accomplish it because it is the right thing to do, not because you want people to praise, appreciate commend and worship you. Haven’t you realised many great men in history were eventually betrayed, sold out and probably destroyed by those they were fighting for? Your vision and ambition in life should not lay credence on the people involved, because all men are weak and have the tendency to disappoint. Your vision and ambition in life should be based on a conviction to do the right thing, because it is the right thing to do, weather those benefiting are grateful or not. Your vision should be about what you want to give, not what you want to get. And your will to give should be because you want to give not for the sakes of recompense from men. If appreciation and gratitude is what you’re after, you may be disappointed. Do not be weary of doing the right thing because you shall indeed be rewarded, if you do not stop or give up. Having hope in men, putting your trust in men, and expecting reward from men can instantly kill the passion for your dreams and ambition in life because, mankind generally speaking is an unreasonable specie, it’s not deliberate, we’re just wired like that, we have bad in us, that’s our nature. You may be fighting our cause and helping us, but when you fall, make mistakes or goof, we will laugh at you. That’s the way we are. The way it’s natural for scorpions to sting, is the way it’s natural for us to be unkind, unappreciative and ungrateful, so please don’t over rate us. My dear friend, please see the good in us and try ignoring our bad, that’s the greatest key to accomplishing your purpose in life. Even your husband, your wife and those lovely kids can mess you up big time after all your sacrifice and investments. They’re human too. It’s not our fault, please don’t let us make you evil, just ignore our bad habits, were just human, it’s in our nature, please help us, don’t take it personal, expectations do hurt, just do it because it’s the right thing to do...Laughs enjoy your day.#Hero.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 07:30:19 +0000

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