FOCUS ON JESUS “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of - TopicsExpress


FOCUS ON JESUS “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). Man had a focus in the garden; and all his doings were based on God’s Word, so he focused on God, to do His will, even because he knew only God, so all his actions were within the purpose of God for his life. Adam had God’s will for his focus: and was not divided but was whole, I mean, with all his attention on God, walking in the direction pleasing to his Maker. Until man was beguiled to deviate to another route, whereof he lost his focus on God to the earth; from the spirit to the flesh: man before his fall, received thoughts from God, and that gave him a mentality from God’s Word, so, man lived within the mind of God, and dominated over every living creature on the earth, subduing all things under his authority. Basically, when man woke up in the garden, all that he knew was the instructions from God and his thinking were in the direction of God’s purpose for his being, so whatever man did was as a performance of God’s Word to him, and with him; thus, fulfilling His very will upon the earth was the focus of man. That was when man lived by his spirit, possessing the knowledge of God: and was completely without the knowledge of the flesh; so man had a spiritual perception of life, and that positioned him to relate to, and with God, and man had a glorious life of absolute mastery and dominion; a stress-free life, a life of rest, a life of no sickness and diseases, a life of no poverty, a life of no worries, no fear, no confusion, no frustration…: I mean, a life of dominion, and confidence, a life of certainty, a life of abundance, joy, and freedom, a life of dignity and value, a life of purpose and focus… no adequate words can utterly describe man’s life in the garden; it was excellent and really marvelous! But when man lost his focus on God, he began to adopt for himself a lifestyle conformable to the earth, he began to crave after so many vain things in his lifetime, seeking and pursuing after limitless vanities, having no rest; living in anxiety for many things: there comes in the saying of the Preacher, “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions” (Ecclesiastes 7:29); man began to create so many unnecessary worrying reasons to suffer through life, things that profiteth not the soul became things that men coveteth to death. Man almost completely lost his focus on God, by reason of focusing on the divers cares of this life; there appeared thoughts of, and from many other things outside God, to preoccupy the mind, inasmuch as, no space left to accommodate the thoughts of, and from God. And the principle is, “…as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7), which means, the life of a man, is preconditioned on his thinking; every man is a character of his thoughts. So, if the devil could get you to think outside God, he could cause you to rebel against God, or live without God. Consider how he deceived the first man to sin against God; he planted contrary thoughts in the mind of the woman to negatively influence the man, and that was all that he needed to do to pull man off God’s plan; he caused man to believe in different thoughts which opposed God’s Word in man, and that was enough to change man’s destiny in the earth, for man rebelled against his Creator, not willingly: but as thus stepped out from His purpose for his being, and became enemies and aliens from God, walking after their own lust, sojourning in darkness. Again, consider how craftily the devil spoke through Peter to Jesus, trying to muddle His motive for the cause to which He sojourned on this earth: but, because the Master knew the difference between words, He was able to knock the devil out (Matthew 16:21-23). But unlike Adam, when the devil tempted him through the woman, he saw only the woman; and couldn’t perceive that those words contradicted that of God, and allowed those thoughts to deflect his thinking to another direction. Therefore, I want to hereby emphasize clearly to your understanding, that, your life is channeled in the direction of your thinking. So all that is required to disconnect a man from God, are thoughts that gives a different focus outside God to man. If, as a man thinketh, so is his life, then, a man who fixes his mind on things necessary in this life only, spiritually distance himself away from God; and has no part, connection, or relationship with God, for the carnal mind journeys towards death: but God giveth life, so, he that is earthly minded journeys in the opposite direction of God; going downwards from God (Romans 8:8), how sad! This is a very striking reason why Romans 12:2 is vital in the life of the Christian, which says, “…be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Which also in other words can be put as, “do not accommodate the thoughts of, and from this world: but reprogram your mind with God’s Word, that, ye might attain to the perfect will of God.” Do not reason from the wisdom of this world, neither think ye in the direction of the world, because, you can never know God truly by thinking as the world, for the world will always divert your focus from God; by positioning you to focus on the activities within the earth, and gives you an inclination towards earthly treasures and vain pleasures. Meanwhile, “Heaven and earth shall pass away…” (Matthew 24:35), and if that is true, even as it is true, then what’s the hope of the carnal mind, and the man who’s focus is of the world; and the things therein? This I say then, FOCUS ON JESUS; for He’s the “…Alpha and Omega, the first and the last…” (Revelation 1:11), and will be your lively hope of eternal life, for He’s the way to God, so, focusing on Jesus will condition you to journey towards God; making you an active partaker of God’s Kingdom, fulfilling His perfect will for your life. Hence, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:1-2). Because all these things in this earthly life, will systematically distract a man’s attention to divert his focus from God: Jesus descended to dwell among men, in order to recondition men unto the focus of God, so that, they will not miss out on God for vanities within their lifetime, lest they perish out of ignorance, whereby said He, “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or drink? or Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof” (Matthew 6:31-34). And now, because, you can only know God by His Word, and that Jesus, is the Word of God, the way of wisdom, is to set your affection on things above; set your gaze on God; focus on the Word, for knowing Him only, makes you free. Again, Jesus, after walking with the disciples for a while, teaching them many things for a knowing into His purpose on the earth, programming them to represent Him in the world: and that they should never faint in their minds, irrespective of whatever contrary wind might blow around them, made them to understand why He taught them to know certain things, saying, “These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Understand that, Jesus foreknew that the disciples shall face challenges in spreading the truth; because, to establish something at somewhere that another has already taken root, there will surely be resistance, but, because they were not supposed to give up in the face of adversity, He strengthened them with words of trust, to enable them to see only victory, no matter the stormy wind. Because, it doesn’t matter what happens to you, or around you: all that matters is your response towards that. The only way you will fear your enemy, is your inability to defeat him, but if you are confident to overcome him, even when he roar like a lion: you will see a goat. And your response also is determined by your grounds; or your inner state which results from your knowing, which gives you a perception for a reaction, thus, your knowledge produces your actions; and your perception determines your response, even as your understanding causes your reactions. Jesus knowing that, spoke to them certain things to instill His confidence in them, so that they will completely put their trust in Him, which will cause them to stand on their feet, and fulfill their ministries amidst adversaries without any sense of fear or intimidation. So, He said to them, “I have spoken to you these words, that ye might secure a knowing, that, as far as ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, even though, there shall be tough times in the world in which you are to shine as lights, but cheer up, and remain optimistic; for you are not to struggle for victory, but I have guaranteed your victory; I am not going to overcome, that ye might be uncertain, but I hold the victory, and its for your sake, therefore, I say to you, Go! And be a success! Remember, you can only win; for ye are of God, and not that ye might overcome, but that ye have overcome, yet, not by your own might nor power, but by my Spirit in you, who is greater than any that might wrestle against you.” That was what when the Apostle Paul fully understood, he examined all storms and adversities, stood, and confidently declared that, “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors [not that we will struggle enough; but] through Him that loved us” (Romans 8:37). I want you to understand that, though, the circumstances may not be favourable, or may not agree with your faith in God, and many thoughts will also attempt to pull your attention to other things, yet, do not lose focus on God; steadfastly focus on Jesus, for He’s the author and finisher of your faith. If you focus on Jesus, you will always recognize victory amidst of temptations and trial: but if you lose focus on Jesus, you will definitely begin to feel like a failure, and yield to defeat, anticipating fear. For example, if you have allowed sickness into your body, and yet, your focus is on Jesus, the sickness will mean nothing to you; for you will easily acknowledge healing in the Word, and resist the sickness, and that sickness will have no life with you: but if you focus on the sickness, you will be caused to underestimate God in your mind; and you will begin to hopelessly anticipate death, considering how terrible the sickness is, you will lose heart, and begins to give up, all because, you have put the One who wants you well behind you; magnifying the one who wants you destroyed, and then, you will begin to recall to consider the examples of the end of those who also suffered from that same sickness, not knowing that you are different; and that what killed somebody should not kill you. Even though, “…in the last days perilous times shall come” (2 Timothy 3:1): but yours is to “Cast(ing) all your care upon Him; for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5:8); “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). If the LORD direct the paths of whosoever trust in Him, then, you have no reason to fear any evil in the way at all; but like David, confidently declare that, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4). Refuse to stagger at God’s Word through unbelief, bur remain steadfast in the faith, “…being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He’s able also to perform” (Romans 4:21). Moreover, there are many systematized contrary winds to compel you to waver in your walk of faith; for many deceptions fill the air every second, sometimes, it may seem difficult to tell some from the truth, but you can only be swayed by lies when your focus isn’t on the Word; and have not the knowledge of the truth. Sometimes, you might hear information such as, because of this, this and that, you can be sick, like, as long as you eat and drink, it is possible to be sick, and so many explanations will be given, just to justify to you that it is ok to be sick: but sickness, diseases and infirmities are not from God, so why should that be ok with me? What sayeth the truth, “…Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses;” and that, “…by whose strides ye we healed” (Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24), meaning, when God looks at me, He sees a healthy man, full of vigour, for it is not that by His stripes I will be healed, that I should say, oh God, see how I’m suffering from this disease, please heal men now, heal me now, heal me quickly o: no, no, no! But that by His stripes I were healed, notice the tenses ‘I were healed,’ not that I will be healed; but I’m healthy, for He sent His Word to heal me: why and how then must I be sick, because I eat that which He created and saw it was good, and gave me to eat? And the principle is that, whatever you believe works on you, or for you. When you focus on Jesus, you will come to realize that, “…the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3:17), and immediately you understand that, you begin to do Galatians 5:1. Why must you focus on Jesus before that? It is because, your focus steers the direction of your thinking, and that determines the thoughts that you will accommodate, and the thoughts you accommodate defines life to you, which will cause your actions unto a lifestyle, which means, to dominate in life, you must think as a dominant or think of dominion, likewise, to be free, you must think freedom, and that will cause you to resist any form of oppression. Remember, whatever a man created in God’s image cannot do, is whatever the man do not know, for immediately you know, you are enabled to actualize, that’s why God said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6). That means, the only area you might defeat a man created in God’s image, is his area of ignorance, therefore, it is very dangerous to be ignorant, because, to be ignorant is to be a victim. That was why the Apostle Paul prayed for the Church, “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what is the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” (Ephesians 1:17-18) Notice that, it matters most the subject of your knowing, or the information that forms your knowledge, which basically determines the life that you will live, by which your destiny is defined. Therefore, none could be better than the creature knowing the Creator, and that makes it very vital to focus on Christ, for He’s the Word of God, and the Word of God is God’s information, and information also imparts knowledge, thus, focusing on Jesus will condition you to acquaint yourself with God, through the knowledge of Him, and that is a life! And indeed, a glorious life of absolute liberty and dominion, my goodness! When will men discover this glorious truth? And of a truth, this is the mentality required of the Church to live supernaturally, if you want to completely subdue the works of the enemy, then, focus on the author and finisher of your faith, knowing that the victory is your faith, and the more you grow your faith, the more kingly you live. Finally brethren, let nothing distract your attention from the prescribed material, given to build your faith, and never forget that, you are given a lifetime on this earth, so, what do you do with your time, and what things do you give your time to? What’s your focus in life? Be ye not negligent, that, no matter the excuses you give to the Word, giving so meaning in your mind with your reasons, one thing is certain; heaven and earth shall pass away, and you shall answer to the Word, so, to know Him more today is to do yourself a great service. Gone are those days, when men were enticed to believe in God: now, men are to understand the need to believe in God: and if any man created by God, still finds why he will rebel against God, then, such will be left on his own; to be reserved unto the day of God. For men are not to be forced to accept the truth, but are to be taught to know the truth, and then, the rest falls between that individual and His maker. This I say then, FOCUS ON JESUS. If you do, is for your spirit, but if you refuse, is against your soul. Let him with ears to hear, hear what sayeth the Spirit. If you want to receive Christ into your spirit, kindly pray thus: “O LORD GOD, I COME TO YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, YOUR WORD SAYS, “…WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED” I ASK JESUS TO COME INTO MY HEART TO BE THE LORD OF MY LIFE. I RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE INTO MY SPIRIT, I DECLARE I AM SAVED; I AM BORN AGAIN; I AM A CHILD OF GOD; I NOW HAVE CHRIST DWELLING IN ME, AND GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN ME THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD! I NOW WALK IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF MY NEW LIFE. HALLELUJAH!”
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 12:42:44 +0000

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