FOCUS-UNITY-STRENGTH. Now that it is confirmed that Nicola is - TopicsExpress


FOCUS-UNITY-STRENGTH. Now that it is confirmed that Nicola is the new leader of the SNP and the next First Minister of Scotland we must all get behind her and give her the support she needs. I have to admit that I was gutted when Alex stepped down as I held him in greatest respect for his political acumen and prowess as our first SNP First Minister. He was the best leader any political party in these septic Isles has ever had. He has done such a great deal for the people of Scotland, and will continue to do so in the future, of that I have no doubt. Nicolas job will be harder, because in the future the funds made available to Scotland from Westminster are to be cut. Cameron confirmed this to his partys faithful at their recent conference, where he also announced bigger tax cuts for the rich and further deprivation for the countrys poor amidst rapturous applause from the Tory faithful. They think they have the right to give us even less of our own money back than they are doing at present. They are like the dominating parent reducing the pocket money to a disobedient and belligerent child. Make no mistake, that is how the Westminster Tory elite and many others down South think of Scotland and the Scots. If you doubt it read the comments in the Telegraph, Daily Mail and Guardian, it will be an eye opener for you. The Tory Lord Freuds comment that the disabled were not worth the minimum wage and should only be paid £2/hour was of no surprise to me. His only mistake was voicing what the Tories think, and that is a big No-No in their circles. The actions of people like Ian D Smith are testament to how the Tories really feel about the poor and disabled, but the Tory mantra states you cannot say so publicly. That is Freuds only mistake as far as they are concerned, and why he never lost his job, only receiving a reminder of how to behave. The vow that the Daily Record printed on its front page has proven to be a vacuous piece of propaganda and nothing more. People like me, knew it would be, borne out of experience. Thats why I said in almost every previous post that you cannot trust the Tories. They consider promises to the little people to be of no consequence, and why they appear so magnanimous before an election and afterwards do what the hell they like once in office. Thatcher was exactly the same, remember her quoting St Francis of Assisi, before entering Downing Street for the first time? Words are easy to utter, its actions you must judge people by. The Labour Party are encouraging the Tories to REDUCE the powers to Scotland and REDUCE the income tax collecting that was promised for the Scottish government. We should now consider that they cannot be trusted either in Scotland and neither can the Unionist loving media like the Record. Indeed the Red Tories did more than Camerons lot to promote a No vote in a desperate attempt to save their Party, and their jobs. That was all they were interested in, not what was best for the Scottish people. Regardless of all that, income tax alone is not enough to finance Scotland. It is not enough to finance any country in the world, but it can be used by Westminster as a weapon to reduce the money Scotland gets. Better Together, seems a bit hollow now, doesnt it? Gordon Brown and the loathsome Darling, said the threats to the Scottish health service was nonsense and a pernicious lie by the SNP? He maintained the Scottish government would still be responsible for its funding. Well that will be technically correct, but when our funding is slashed by Westminster, Holyrood would have to consider shutting schools, fire, police and other services to maintain the funding for our NHS. That is the duplicity perpetrated by Brown and Darling because they knew the Scottish funding would be reduced if a No vote was delivered. They want the SNP to be the ones who have to cut funding so they can point the finger at them. That is their version of the Best of Both Worlds slogan, and why Labour MUST be punished for what they have done to Scotland, now and in the future. Consider what has happened within weeks of the No vote. The oil will last for 120 years based on existing sources and probably longer after new discoveries. Ian Wood, the 20 year man was rewarded with the Fracking contract for Scotland by a grateful Tory led Westminster for doing his bit to help the No vote. Westminster want to dump more nuclear waste in the Firth of Clyde when the nuclear subs in Faslane is increased to 19. They also want to dump nuclear waste in Dumfries, turning Scotland into the UKs nuclear dumping ground. The Scottish MPs are to become second class legislators in Westminster after Cameron linked his Scottish promise to English votes for English laws. This will turn Westminster into the official English Parliament, but Scottish money will be used on the decisions they make. ASDA gets rewarded with the new governments welfare card for threatening to raise prices in Scotland if we voted YES. It didnt take them long did it? Its only been four weeks since the referendum with no sign of any decisions on what extra powers we will be given. That No vote means Westminster will decide what they should be, so dont hold your breath in expectation. It is typical that the media establishment are ignoring the SNP, now that they have the No vote they worked so hard to achieve. The SNP currently have six MPs and are the third biggest Party in the UK in terms of membership, but they ignore that because they are not in England. The Scots are being marginalised as unimportant and an irrelevance now that the referendum is out the way. The fact that the SNP will not be represented during these debates is a disgrace; no wonder Scots are cancelling their BBC licence in droves, and so they should because they are not being represented by the BBC. Now more than ever the BBC shows that it is only interested in what is in the best interests of England, and of course their love affair with UKIP. The Scots are considered just a source of income for the BBC, the same as our country is treated by Westminster. Remember the slogan, Too Wee, Too Poor, Too Stupid? Well its true Scotland is a small country but there are plenty of small successful countries in this world. We are definitely not a Poor country, anyone with half a brain should be able to work that one out. The lies spouted about our finances was just a deliberate attempt to scare the uninformed and gullible. Too Stupid? Well the majority of Scots (according to the official result) believed the lies from the three London cretins. One a Tory who has got nothing to lose in Scotland and whose Party has got history of lying to Scots. Lib Dem. Clegg, got elected on the premiss that he would scrap tuition fees and instead tripled them. So he has form when it comes to lying. And then there was Milliband, his Party have been lying to the Scots for years, promising everything and delivering nothing. So Too Stupid has definitely got some credibility and is perhaps why they made the vacuous vow in the first place. How they must have laughed at the No voters gullibility. I believe the No vote was the most stupid decision in our countrys long history, and we will live to regret it. Labour and the other London based parties will reap a bitter harvest in Scotland come election time because of their actions, and that is well deserved. The more the establishment do these sort of things the more determined the OFFICIAL 45% who voted for independence will become. Westminster may have been able to manipulate the vote through lies and dirty dealings but if they think the battle for Scotlands freedom is over they are mistaken. We must continue holding rallies, continue to attend meetings and knock on doors. We must not lose the momentum and impetus that has been created in the hearts of patriotic Scots who dont want to settle for Westminster rule. The rallies help to let people know that they are not alone in their aspirational desires for Scotland. Those who want to settle for Westminster rule are content to see Scotland become poorer, to see our services and benefits the SNP government have provided lost through lack of funds. Many pro Unionist people will never change their viewpoint because they dont care what happens to Scotland. They are content for our people to be called British poor rather than Scottish poor, which is all that matters to them, especially the Orange bigots and their fascist friends. Others think they are too posh to vote anything other than Tory, and will support Camerons line regardless of what he does. It is the six percent that were persuaded by the lies and propaganda to believe that we would get substantial new powers that we must target. That six percent would have made all the difference, perhaps less than six percent if the vote count was an honest one, of that we will never know. Only the SNP fights for Scotland and we must accept that truth once and for all. We must turn our backs on the Red Tories masquerading under the Labour banner if we want Scotland to progress and get a fairer deal from Westminster. Remember, Brown was a Scottish Labour Prime Minister, Darling was a Scottish Labour Chancellor, and NEITHER of them did anything to help Scotland. They continued with the London-centric policies at the expense of Scotland. So why the hell would anyone think voting Labour would benefit Scotland in the future? Continuing to vote Labour is akin to throwing money into a fountain and wishing for something that will never materialise. The only person who benefits from your wishes is the one who cleans the fountain. The Scottish Labour MPs have become rich on the back of your wishes for a very long time, and they dont want that to end. Scots need to help Nicola and the SNP team by joining the Party, because its no longer enough to wave a Scottish flag or sport a YES badge. We must all become political activists if we want to be part of the force that is fighting for Scotlands freedom. Now is NOT the time to dilute the pro-independence vote, we must focus on winning our independence by turning all those Labour MPs into SNP MPs, that is the road towards independence now. Diversification into other Parties can come later, but now is not the time. FOCUS-UNITY-STRENGTH is the formulae for success. Focus on what is important; independence. Unity is essential so as not to dilute the SNP vote. Strength in numbers will make sure we are a force to be reckoned with and cannot be ignored. Like Alex Salmond, Nicolas political aspirations and incentive is to deliver a better deal for the Scottish people and for Scotland to become a better place for all its people to live in, irrespective of religion, colour or ethnicity. The SNP want to eliminate poverty, and provide social justice for all where every child no matter how humble their background has an equal opportunity to succeed. Now that is worth supporting, and fighting for, and why I have been a SNP supporter all my life. Alan N McPhail
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:55:23 +0000

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