FOCUSSING ON THE RIGHT THOUGHTS Right believing leads to right - TopicsExpress


FOCUSSING ON THE RIGHT THOUGHTS Right believing leads to right living. We have heard this phrase too often. What do we focus on today? Is it on our circumstances and our situations or on how big our God is. It all starts in our mind. Jesus said Guard your heart. Don’t allow negative thoughts and words of defeat spoil your life. The battlefield is the mind, always allow Godly thoughts and focus on Jesus. He is the author and finisher of our faith. Our thought life is one of the main areas where most of us struggle with. We sometimes get ripped off with our emotions. We have often heard this too don’t let your emotions overrule you. Well the question is then how do you overcome negativity and frustrating thoughts? The answer is simple focus on Jesus. As we all know what happened in the Garden of Gethsemane, his sweat fell like blood from his forehead. This was for you my dear friend. He washed away all your negative thoughts and frustrations. It’s all cleansed dear friend. When bad thoughts come just say, Stop! What was I thinking? The Bible gives us a lot of instructions on what we are supposed to think. We have to think on those things which build us up rather than tear us down or to say make you fall into temptation like bad because thoughts, fleshly desires. We have to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Our thoughts affect our attitudes and moods. Everything the Lord tells us is for our own good. He knows what will make us happy and what will make us miserable. And if you feel miserable you will land up making others miserable also. So the best thing is take a test every day on what you have been thinking about. Spend some time examining your thought life, Thinking about what you are thinking about is very valuable because Satan usually deceives people into thinking that the source of their misery is something other than what really is. He wants them to think that they are unhappy because of what is going on around them, but the fact is it is due to what is going on in their minds (their thoughts).I’m cleansed by the blood of Jesus and move on. Today many focus on positive thinking but positive thinking is only possible through the blood of Jesus. He took all our worries and pain and hurts. He knows your mind well, so just surrender to him. He said Peace I give to you. In Hebrew Shalom means complete wholeness physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. Lean on his peace dear friend and feed on his work. Jesus was crucified on a mountain called Golgotha which means Place of the Skull. Skull literally means dead. Jesus wore a crown of thorns over his head and the blood which flowed from his head cleansed all your thoughts and all your worries. Friend focus on the finished work of Jesus. Let the blood of Jesus cleanse you and be refreshed. Let not your heart be troubled. Just rest in his finished work. You will reign in life in Jesus name Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:08:01 +0000

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