FOE-LOGY vs. THEOLOGY (For your - TopicsExpress


FOE-LOGY vs. THEOLOGY (For your Sunday reading pleasure) There is an upsurge of a new brand of doctrine in the church today especially in the global south (Africa & South America) that stems from what I call foelogoy rather than theology. This concept shifts focus from Gods benevolent power to save and deliver to an obsession with the devil, cum our enemies attack against us. While it is obvious that we live in a fallen and broken world which is drenched in sin and wickedness, the title deed of world however hasnt changed yet. It is still Gods world and Christ is the head of all things that were created by him and for him (Col. 1:16). This is a stark reality of all ages that would not change. No matter how much wickedness advances, Gods omnipotence can never be compromised. Preachers of this foelogical gospel and many Christians out there spend colossal amount of time and energy on dealing with the devil and human enemies in their prayers than focusing on God. Their messages are often times overladen with foelogically oriented nuances than theologically inspired insights. Such messages often associate covet reasons for misfortunes, adversities, trials, sickness, suffering, hard times etc to works of the devil which are carried out by human or demonic agents. Some of whom could be members of your household or loved ones. They disingenuously quote Jesus words out of context that A mans enemies shall will be members of his own household. This leads to family feuds to the point of children turning against their old folks, sibling rivalry and neighborhood collisions. Many people are held captive by these kinds of teachings. They grow suspicious of others, become extremely sensitive to hateful feelings toward them and are quick to bind and rebuke every hurdle they encounter. Here is a word of encouragement to those who are held captive by these strange teachings. Jesus destroyed the powers of darkness when he died on the cross and has given the key of life to everyone that believes in him (Colossians 2:14-15). He never promised a perfect bliss on this earth though, on the contrary, he said through trials and great adversities shall we overcome. But he did not only give us such assurance, he also gave us power to live free of the dominion of the kingdom of darkness because he lives in us - Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world (1Jn. 4:4) Stop being like Balaam who severely beat his donkey until it spoke. The poor animal saw an angel with a sword in the direction Balaam was headed so she lay down under him. When she protested Balaams beatings, an angel appeared and informed him that had it not been for the donkey, he would have killed Balaam. That was a blessing in disguise that Balaam did not realize. So dont always be quick to bind and cast every hurdle you encounter. They might just be the situation God will use to make you into a better person (Numbers 22:21-ff) Selah!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 09:30:38 +0000

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