FOLKS, IF YOU ARE IN ANY DOUBT THAT LEFTISM IS A PSYCHOPATHIC ILLNESS AFTER READING THIS, THAN PLEASE READ IT AGAIN, AND THIS TIME PAY ATTENTION: Grandiosity is the diagnostic hallmark of pathological narcissism, also known in psychology as “superiority complex,” which characterizes a superficial identity of superiority (a defense mechanism that occurs to conceal a person’s inferiority complex). Conversely, left-wing collectivist narcissism to some extent disguises “superiority complex,” and derives more or less entirely from “inferiority complex.” Narcissism on the political left wing, therefore, is very different from autonomous narcissism In general assessments of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), the autonomous narcissist, also known as a megalomaniac and characterized by superiority complex, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements and will debase anyone to ensure this superiority. The left-wing narcissist achieves these exact identical actions by means of exploiting history’s utmost deceptive illusion, which is the notion of absolute social equality—also known as social equilibrium. So rather than turning to “superiority complex” and expecting to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements, the left-wing narcissist turns to employ “inferiority complex” and expects to be treated entirely equal without commensurate achievements, and will debase anyone, who by any means ever, appears or acts superior to the left-wing narcissist’s extreme inferiority complex—what I choose to refer to as “inferiorlomania.” These general characteristics of “superiority complex” have been the primary assessments employed to diagnose narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Consequently, by hiding in plain sight, socialism has managed to evade detection for its entire era, camouflaged almost entirely by “inferiority complex.” Narcissism consists of nine tendencies; an individual must demonstrate five or more to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Narcissistic Tendencies (Customized Left-wing Traits) Grandiose sense of self-importance, e.g., exaggerates achievements, skills, and talents to the point of lying; common projections of excessive moral superiority and takes for granted that others see this greatness; over-examines and compulsively corrects (policing) or downgrades other people, projects, statements, dreams, or achievements, etc., in an unreasonable manner Preoccupation with success, e.g., fantasies of unlimited power (irrational ideals of achieving a perfect society with equal opportunities, entirely equal treatment, and elimination of poverty), brilliance, beauty, or ideal love, etc. Believes that he or she is special, e.g., feels unique and only can be understood by, or should associate with, other special people or institutions (i.e., collectivists), etc. Requires excessive admiration, e.g., gives overstated compliments for the purpose of personally prying in (e.g., the subject, the debate, or the other person), or for attention, affirmation, adulation; expects to be rewarded for appreciation in others (narcissistic supply Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., demands automatic and full compliance with his or her expectations or holds expectations of unreasonable favorable treatment Exploitative of others, e.g., interpersonality (chameleon), elusive, pathological lying; cunningly exploits the system, establishments, and people, etc., for personal gain Lack of empathy, e.g., unable or unwilling to identify with the feelings of others, their needs, rights, property, preferences, and priorities, etc. Envious, e.g., bears a grudge toward successful people of better psychological and economic standing, etc. Arrogance, e.g., displays regular negative attitudes, haughty, compulsively judgmental, and opinionated; omniscient, highly conclusive about things in which the individual has factually no inside knowledge (magical thinking), regularly projects, tries to dump shame upon others (the weapon of guilt), and hypersensitive to criticism: rages when contradicted, confronted, or disapproved of TEXT IS FROM WWW.MANIPULISM.COM
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:51:58 +0000

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