FOLLOWING JESUS THROUGH DESTRUCTION & CHAOS In a Dream I was in an unidentified City. There was sudden destruction. Bombs destroyed the entire City. All buildings were destroyed at different levels. Crumbling ruins and cement debris was the scene as far as the eye could see. All the people were in panic mode, running to and fro, not knowing what to do or where to go. All homes were destroyed. Many people were killed. Many people were dying and injured. Small scale bombs continued to fall from airplanes adding great peril to the assaulted City. Amid the destroyed City unidentified Soldiers shot continually at people who were in the open places, thus everyone had to remain hidden or be shot to death. It was a difficult situation for people. It was dangerous to stay in one place too long and dangerous to travel even short distances from one ruin to the next. AMBUSHED, TRAPPED AND BARELY SURVIVING I was among the panicked people. I was naturally afraid and terrified by the colossal sights, sounds and massive demolition. There was simply nothing to do, but run from destroyed building to destroyed building in dangerous attempts at finding food, water and rest. What else could I do? I couldn’t join to another army and fight for the City. I had absolutely no physical resources to set up a help center or a refuge. I and everyone else were completely cut off from all communications including all mobile phones, devices and internet. We were all like trapped rats; stuck in a City of ruins; being shot at and bombed. I ran from one building to the next, barely staying alive and missing the bullets. I was confused, shocked and afraid…. That’s when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared before me. THEN CAME JESUS CHRIST & THERE WAS SUDDENLY PURPOSE & PROTECTION IN THE CHAOS Suddenly, Jesus Christ appeared before me. I was already in a dream, so I can’t say I saw Him in a vision. He was simply vividly before me and I beheld Him with my eyes. He was inside a whirlwind/tornado about 15 feet high. It was a tornadic whirlwind of heavenly colors, glory, beauty and power that continuously whirled around Him. He looked directly at me and said, “Follow Me.” He then turned and continued on. JESUS IS OUR CAPTAIN & ONLY PROTECTION…. WE MUST FOLLOW HIM!! I chose to follow Him. I didn’t hesitate for a moment. I began to follow very close behind Him. His glory and power emanated from Him. There was a realm of glory that encircled Him. The closer you followed behind Jesus the more protected, anointed, motivated, excited, energized, etc, etc, etc… you were. I followed Him everywhere He went. I followed close and closer. There behind Jesus as I followed Him I did not have to worry about bombs falling on me, guns shooting me, soldiers trapping and taking me captive. I just followed the Leader and did what He wanted me to do. Jesus was now in control of my fate, not a soldier… not an unrighteous nation… not an unmerciful terrorist…. No one, but the LORD my God. JESUS CALLED MANY OUT OF THE RUINS Jesus walked through that entire desolated City and continued to stop before many, many people to invite them to follow Him the same way He had stopped for me to invite me. Many chose to follow Him, but there were actually some who chose NOT to follow Him! What a foolish choice not to follow Jesus, because it was very clear that Jesus was the only sure protection and purpose in all things. Those who did not follow Jesus continued to be at the mercy of soldiers, bombs, guns, thirst, hunger, disasters, wounds, injuries, death, etc. But, those who did follow Jesus fell in line with God’s will. They were healed and given purpose. They joined the rest of us who were following behind Jesus. WE ARE SOLDIERS… WE ARE ON A MISSION… WE FOLLOW OUR CAPTAIN As we followed behind Jesus Christ through the desolation, the rubble, the broken pieces of society… we were empowered and anointed by God to do an End Time work. We pulled people out of the broken buildings and prayed for them to be healed in Jesus name and they were healed. We preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, wounded, confused, heartbroken people of that City and many were saved. In great darkness, light shines brighter than ever. THER IS A WAY OF ESCAPE… IT IS FOUND ONLY IN JESUS CHRIST & THE CROSS Late 2014, the Lord spoke to me. He told me that I must continue to warn people about the things which He is showing me. (Ezekiel 3:16-21) He encouraged me greatly. He showed me the terrible things that are coming and are here in this world now. All these things He showed me came up like a Great Cloud of CHAOS! I saw this Great Cloud of Chaos as it rose up before me and all around me. Inside of it was great destruction and terror. In truth, there was NO where for any human to run to. There was NO place for the humans of the world to hide. There was NO way to escape from coming Storms (Rev. 6:15-16)… then suddenly the Lord spoke! He said, I PROVIDED A WAY OF ESCAPE FOR YOU AND ITS IN THE SHAPE OF A CROSS. Then, a DOOR suddenly appeared in the midst of the Cloud of Chaos! This DOOR was in the shape of the CROSS! This DOOR was filled with the Light of God Almighty! This DOOR was the Way of Escape the Lord Provided for All who would run into it! (Isaiah 43:16; Rev. 4:1) “I AM THE DOOR. IF ANYONE ENTERS BY ME THEY WILL BE SAVED.” ~John 10:9) There is no other name under Heaven by which we can be saved! (Acts 4:12) ONLY the name of JESUS CHRIST! The Cross is the Altar of Bloody Sacrifice where the Son of the Living God was sacrificed to God the Father for the sins of all the world. JESUS was the LAMB of God high and lifted up upon that Cross. Salvation and ESCAPE come NO other way except through the Cross, the Blood and PERSON of JESUS CHRIST! Jesus said, I AM the Door. Whoever enters through ME will be saved. ~John 10:9
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 05:45:05 +0000

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