FOOD ADVENTURES! -at the Frankenmuth Farmer’s Market, Wednesday - TopicsExpress


FOOD ADVENTURES! -at the Frankenmuth Farmer’s Market, Wednesday Special 7/02/2014 – Strawberry Soup . . . en Croute! Hi Marketeers! This week, I thought I’d share with you something made in the true spirit of adventure – that is to say, it didn’t turn out like I planned. But I did promise my readers that the column would always be entertaining, so I hope you all enjoy my folly! Here’s what I bought at the Market this Wednesday: - A pint of Strawberries from Miller’s Orchard. - Another pint of Strawberries from Paul’s Produce THIS WEEK’S INSPIRATION: Old-fashioned Strawberry Pie My fella was having a bad day. “I’ll make him a strawberry pie”, I thought, “He’ll appreciate that!” Nice thought, right? Only problem was, I’d never made a strawberry pie before. “But hey – you write a cooking column! You know what you’re doing”, I told myself. What’s that saying . . . “Pride goeth before the fall”? FROM MY OWN PANTRY: -1 ready-made 9” deep-dish pie crust, top and bottom – thawed. -1/3-cup of flour -1+1/4 cups of sugar -2 tablespoons of Cinnamon -Pinch of Nutmeg PREPARATION: Wash, cut tops off and half strawberries. Preheat oven to 425o. In a large bowl, mix the sugar, flour, cinnamon and nutmeg together and fold the berries gently through. Pour coated berries into bottom crust Cover with top crust, seal the edges, and slit the top Place pie on a baking sheet Bake in center rack of oven for 40-46 minutes – until the crust is slightly brown. Let cool for at least 20 minutes before serving. Meal Review So, my darling man came over, and I presented him with my masterpiece. He cut into it, tried to lift out the first piece and . . . skabloosh! To say that the filling was runny is the understatement of the century. It was totally liquid, and that’s even after having cooled for more than 2 hours. I hadn’t made strawberry pie after all; turns out I made strawberry Soup – in a crust! Oops. The good news it, that, once we shoveled some filling onto our plates to go with the hollow crust, it was really very tasty. Kind of made me wonder if Strawberry Soup en-Croute might actually be a good idea . . . individual sized crusts . . . maybe skip the flour? Well anyway, Thanks for reading, Food Fans. Hopeflly you found this entertaining. And if I ever do manage to make an actual strawberry pie, you’ll be the first to know!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 02:47:16 +0000

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