FOOD As simple as the word food or cooking sounds, do you know - TopicsExpress


FOOD As simple as the word food or cooking sounds, do you know it is one out of the many things a man will consider before getting committed to you. Can she cook? Do not think socialization will make him overlook this, no way! He will think about it and check out your kitchen skills. Some single ladies keep asking God for a life partner; even when they are not ready for one. Remove the Okey, Tayo, Musa, Edward, living in you; remove the long nails, enter the kitchen, and learn how to fix dinner and breakfast for the home. Ive heard of ladies who cant cook, can you read? If yes, then you can cook; thank God for different cooking resources on websites, social media sites or blogs. Go there and learn, update yourself about new recipes, learn how to make fresh juice, appetizers, pastries, native foods and how to make balance diet rather than waste ample time on networking sites. I visit some websites to learn about cooking new recipes. For example, I learnt how to cook Ewa Agoyin (Mashed Beans) and some other delicacies online. You too can do the same. Not only because you cant cook but to also step up your game. Our mothers did not cook some of these recipes especially the new ones or even some old ones. Just because some foods were not prepared in your house isnt an excuse not to learn them so that your children too can learn from you. Theres a saying that goes thus: the only way to get to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Well, we have learned by now that it’s not the only way, although its certainly one of the ways and, if I may add, a very good one. Give that man good food always and youll see him coming home to savor your meal. Men love women who can cook and women who are willing to learn how to cook for them. Please note, this doesnt mean you should be going to his house every weekend to cook for him or perform a wifes duty. Lots of men tend to delay marriage because most times ladies give them what they should long for in marriage. Hell definitely come and greet you in your house before marriage. Occasionally cook for him, dont go serving him noodles or some quickies gotten from fast food. Prepare him some fresh delicious food and watch him eat with happiness in his heart. This does not mean men shouldnt know how to cook too. Teach your partner how to prepare a particular food, especially your favorite. You can also help her out sometimes. Wont you eat when she travels or falls sick? For married men, when shes making that delicious food for you and youre at home, you can go and lighten her up, make her laugh, tickle her and help her with some things. On the issue of house help, dont leave your husbands meal to the care of the maid, he wants your own delicacy. Cook and serve him YOURSELF. If you dont, do not be surprised when he begins to care for the maid and she becomes the madam. Dont complain he drops little money, therefore, no food. Youre a help meet and not a depender. Improvise with the little or add more. If you nag him about the little money, you are gradually sending him to the one hundred and one women outside willing to be in your position and even spend their money for him. This however, is not an excuse or a yard stick for men to leave feeding allowance or shift financial responsibilities to the woman all in the name of help-meet. Youre not just the head of that house by mouth, your commitment and financial responsibility should also take the lead. The Proverbs 31 woman brings her food from afar. She also rises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household, and a portion for her maidservants. It is your duty as a woman to ensure that your family is well fed. Men loves good food but not junks. Get a means of livelihood and dont hang all the responsibility on him. Do the cooking yourself and not the maid. Marriage is not a childs play. Its not just about your hot legs, conjugal rights, sweet words, romantic dinner or exotic honeymoon, love, godly attitudes and so on. It also has to do with making good food. When you are ready for a husband, God will give you one. If you want any of His precious sons, work to become His precious daughter. BE A GOOD COOK Oluwatoyin Adebowale KEY ©2014
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:20:09 +0000

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