FOOD FOR THE CHARIOTS SATURDAY 16TH AUGUST, 2014 THEME: KNOWING YOUR CHURCH LEADERS ( the fivefold ministry) part 3 ---IDENTIFYING THE PROPHETS--- SCRIPTURE REFERENCE: EPHESIANS 4:11-12 And He gave some as..., prophets..12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ... We have been looking at the fivefold ministry and yesterday it was how to identify the apostles. Today, we are looking at identifying the prophet. This would also help us fish - out the false prophets. These days, there are alot of them in our system because this generation have iching ears so the devil has taken advantage of them as Matthew 24:11 says And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. The following would give you an idea about who a true prophet is. 1. They are plain– Hot or Cold A prophet sees in black or white or speaks plainly. It is either yes or it is no, black or white, night or day. You are a sinner or youre not. It is either right or its wrong. The program is either correct or it is incorrect. That prophecy was either anointed or it was unanointed. It is was either of God or not of God. That is just the way it is. There is no middle line with the prophet. They can be very frustrating to be around when you are trying to find your way sometimes, because you are still feeling around and they are saying, No, thats not good enough. Youre either here or there. Youre either committed or youre not committed. Youre either on fire or you are not on fire. Make up your mind. We dont have time to mess around here. You decide now. They are black and white. 2. They have the Desire to set captives free A prophet has the desire to set the captives free. Do you know people like that? That is the motivation of a prophet. He wants to set the captives free. He wants to see those in bondage set free. He wants to see the broken healed. He wants to see those who have been hurt by the church restored. He wants to go out on the highways and byways and find all the sheep that have fallen along the wayside. He wants to get the rejects, the little nobodies, and he wants to bring them in and mend heal and heal them. It is a very strong passion and desire in the heart of a prophet. 3.They faces a lot of Rejection Rejection is the middle name of the prophet. They know rejection better than they know anything else in this world. From the day that they were born rejection is something that they have faced all their lives. They couldnt fit in here, they couldnt fit in there. If you are a prophet, the chances are you have left the System for a while, you have rebelled against the System, you have been thrown out of the System. You name it, it has happened, probably a couple of times, depending on how many times it took you to get the lesson the first time. If you are hard headed it has probably happened a good many times. 4. Always having Continual Conflict The prophet has had conflict with the local church and they need to have it, because it is part of their training. And then the Lord brings them back changed. They rock the boat wherever they go. They dont even try. They do not even need to stand up and try and rock that boat, but it is rocking. They open their big mouths and say things they shouldnt say at the wrong time. Their foot is more often in their mouth than it is on the floor, and they almost do it subconsciously. They dont even need to try. They are forever stumbling. They have not fitted it with anyone in their whole lives. They are even the black sheep of their families, very often not even fitting in with their parents and their brothers and sisters. So if you are not even fitting in with those you should be fitting in with, you are perfectly normally here. 5.They have Difficult Life They have had a lot of difficulty in life. This is about ninety nine percent of all the prophets. The minute the enemy sees a prophet being born he throws everything he can at them. So a prophet has faced a lot of difficulty, not just rejection, but actual abuse as well from the world and often from those closest to them. 6. They See the Wrongs They can see the wrong where others cannot. A prophet just seems to see the wrong in everything. You go to church and you just see, That preacher is preaching that again. It is not in the Word and it is wrong! Nobody else can see it though. You say, What is wrong with these people. Are they blind? Cant they see that thats heresy? Cant they see that its wrong? You see these people going back time after time and it angers you. You see the sheep being beaten down. You see them being cast in the wayside and it angers you, and you say, Doesnt anybody notice? and nobody else does notice, but the prophet does. That is what sets them apart. 7. They have a Desire to Identify Ministries in Others They have a desire to identify ministries in people. They dont just want to see somebodys potential. They want to say, Youre an evangelist. Youre a pastor. Youre a prophet. They want to identify ministries in people, and then they want to release them into those ministries. 8. They Think in Pictures and Symbols They think in symbols and pictures. A prophet cannot think straight. He has to think in symbols and pictures all the time. Whenever you ask them for a revelation or anything they are always using symbols and pictures. They are using illustrations all the time. I live in illustrations and pictures. I couldnt stand up and complete a single sentence without getting my inspiration from a vision. I live in it all the time. It is my world. It is the world of a prophet. Intercession comes naturally to them. They travail, they pray. They have a passion for prayer. 9. They are Musical Prophets are musical in some way. The prophet has the ability to release the anointing through music. That could be through dance, it could be through an instrument or through singing. It does not matter if you have the ability. I never said that you had musical ability. I said you can release the anointing through music, and if you are prophetic and you are not doing that, know that it is available to you and it is a trademark of a prophet. 10. They are like a Pendulum The prophet swings the pendulum. One day he wants to conquer the world, the next day he wants to give up! You are like Elijah saying, The rain will stop until I say so. However, a little while later he is sitting depressed saying, Nobodys listening to me. I think Ill just kill myself and die. That is the prophet! One minute he is a big mouth standing up there proclaiming, and the next minute he is saying he wants to die. Lord, I dont want to do this anymore. One day he has zeal that he is going to change the world, and the next day he is just going to turn his back on this whole thing. Death has become a way of life for the prophet. Death is something that they live every day. It is something that is very real to them and they embrace it. When I say embrace it, they go from level to level to level.. PRAYER, Lord Jesus, thank you for your teachings today. Help me identify the true prophets and to know if I am one of them. Note: This is a devotional the Good Lord is giving me for the Chariots. Pray for this to stand. Send your comments about it. Send it to your families and love ones. Written by the Holy Ghost through Eric dzesakumah ( apostle) For Counselling and Prayer Supports Contact: 0244871432, APPEAL FOR SUPPORTS 1.Our appeal for weekly, monthly or one time support is still on. Or any other way you can support us. Be a partner with us and you would be remembered forever. 2. If you have any spiritual challenges and needed help, contact us. We can set a prayer time with you and even an all-night with your family
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 06:37:52 +0000

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