FOOD FOR THOUGHT: AMNESIA / AMNIOTIC FLUID/ SLEEP / MEMORY LOSS :-) TO KNOW THYSELF IS TO KNOW THY CREATOR! The amnion is the membrane which surrounds and protects the unborn fetus while in the womb.Amniotic fluid is the fluid which protects and nurtures the fetus, and allows its movement, while it is within the amnion. Amnesia is a loss of recall whereby a person is unable to remember a part of, or the entirety of, their life.. Prior to entering our Current Incarnation our Spirit resided in the realm of Unity with the creator; an Unknowable and sublime realm of Beauty and oneness within The All. Matter cannot exist without Spirit. At the moment of conception Spirit and sperm Become one in the egg of the womb. The sperm grows into the fetus which lives within the amniotic fluid, which is within the amnion, which is within the womb of the mother. The fetus spends approximately nine-months within the amnion. After this Time the fetus breaks free of the amnion, leaves the womb, and enters the world of duality as a newborn child. LOL ....At birth we all lost recollection of our past life experiences as well as Divine Self during our incubation in the womb (Matrix). Our sole (SOUL) purpose is to RE-MEMBER or put back together Our GOD SELF. Contrary to popular belief we are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. WAKE UP AND REMEMBER !!!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:27:08 +0000

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