FOOD FOR THOUGHT: PLEASE BEWARE OF THE OVER-FAMILIARITY SYNDROME. OVER-FAMILIARITY BREEDS CONTEMPT: This is a very very common saying in America and nothing can be truer than this. You have reached the highest form of consciousness and maturity when you can learn to not to allow any form of familiarity to breed contempt between you and anyone. Your elder is your elder, your superior is your superior and your boss is your boss, no matter how nice and familiar your elder, superior or boss is to you, never cross certain boundaries. Never ever take advantage of over-familiarity between you and anyone, especially your client/boss and talk anyhow or talk/behave out of bounds to him/her cos you will be making a grave mistake if you try it. The penance will be very quick and swift. So be very professional when you are at work or with people expecially the ones above you. Do not, and I repeat do not ever be over- comfortable at work or with pple, rather be at alert at all times. Even if you are doing a job for your uncle, friend or someone you have been close to or very close to, once it is a job please take it seriously and do what is right. This applies in every facet of life. Know your limit with people. No matter how nice and sweet or ordinary Dangote is to you, he is still Dangote,know your limit with him, dont allow over-familiarity to encourage you to cross boundaries you should not cross at all.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 05:43:51 +0000

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