FOOD FOR THOUGHT REAL BOYS Real boys are getting - TopicsExpress


FOOD FOR THOUGHT REAL BOYS Real boys are getting busy investing on their future making money, Using most of their time thinking and getting ready for future. FAKE BOYS Fake boys are swagging, showing off, living a fake life to impress others sleeping around and boasting to women what they cant be or afford in the next 10 years. REAL BABES Real babes are serious, staying faithful, Graduating, building a career, trusting God for a better life, getting a Good job and a having good family with kids in future. FAKE BABES Fake babes are unfaithful, flirting clubbing, gossiping, swagging, sleeping around exchanging their precious body for money, worldly material things that wont last for ever... (VANITY) WHAT ARE YOU DOING? TIPS: Remember that even a broken clock WORKS, are you surprised how???? it is correct 2 times daily..... Time is money, INVEST pls INVEST YOUR TIME ON VALUABLE THINGS TO BUILD YOUR FUTURE, NOT LIVING TO DRESS TO KILL, OR IMPRESSING OTHERS TO SHOW OFF. MOST OF THESE THINGS ARE VANITY, IF YOU REALLY SIT DOWN TO CALCULATE HOW MUCH TIME AND MONEY WE SPEND ON THESE THINGS, THEY ARE NOT WORTH IT. FUNNY PART OF IT IS THAT SOME PEOPLE LEND AND BORROW. THEY BORROW TO IMPRESS........ Just my opinion Q Agree / Agree ? LIKE & SHARE to educate others, dont be stingy!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 12:31:47 +0000

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