FOOD FOR THOUGHT:Taking Every Opportunity. Scripture Reading: How, - TopicsExpress


FOOD FOR THOUGHT:Taking Every Opportunity. Scripture Reading: How, then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans 10:14. Message: In Acts 21-22, apostle Paul was seized by a bloodthirsty mob who tried to kill him. Now how would you view the situation if you were in Pauls shoes? Amazingly, apostle Paul, saw it as a witnessing opportunity and asked the Roman commander who rescued him to allow him to speak to the crowd that was after his blood. Most of our opportunities are more routine. To Paul, this was an extra ordinary opportunity which he made up his mind to take advantage of it. He remembered the Scriptures which say that we must proclaim the Gospel in season and out of season. What this simply means is that God expects us to present the Gospel at every available opportunity. This is what apostle Paul did. He ignored the fact that he was on the verge of death. He considered his life as worth nothing but to be used mainly to testify of the Gospel of Gods grace. Some years ago, a young man came take us to the place where were having Bible Study. As we headed for the car, he said that he had heard me and my wife talk about witnessing and was looking forward to watch us witness to someone to someone on the way to the meeting. To whom? I asked. Oh, we will just stop in some neighbourhood, knock on a door and i will watch you witness to the person who answers the door. I admired his creativity, but it seemed like a faulty plan. Okay, i said, but first allow me to check if my laundry has been done by the hotel. I mentioned to the desk clerk that i was on my way to the university to conduct a Bible study. She seemed interested, so i proceeded to explain about Christ; Who He is; What His mission on earth was. I clearly outlined the Gospel in 3 minutes starting from the Creation, through the Law of Moses to the cross of Jesus Christ and resurrection. The Holy Spirit gave me the grace. I also gave her a very short testimony of my life before Christ. How i had come to know Christ and my life after receiving Christ as my Lord and Saviour, (about a minute). Just as i finished in 4 minutes , several people came into the lobby, and i couldnt pursue the matter any further. As we got into the car, i said to the young man, Well, there it was. There what was? he asked. You saw me witness. It was so simple that he had missed it. Most of our witnessing opportunities are just as ordinary, but we wont recognize them unless our eyes are open. We must however always remember that we, as Gods children, are a letter being read by all. What kind of a letter are you? When people read your life letter, what they come up with does it make them like your God. Even if you are not witnessing, your behaviour generally is it characterized by virtues such as mercy, agape love, humility, faithfulness, justice, etc. Why am i saying this? Today you may not be witnessing to certain people but tomorrow you would. May be as part evangelism initiatives organized by your local Church. If you are that kind of a person who does not live a consistent Christian life, here you will have a problem. What kind of a letter are you? What are people reading out of your life? Think deeply about this. They play a very important role in the art of witnessing. The Holy Spirit has been given a symbol of a dove. One of its major characteristics of a dove is that it does not build its nest on dirt things. Spiritually it means that the Holy Spirit does not operate in a dirty vessel or flow with a dirty vessel. If He cannot operate in us because we are full of dirt or are comfortable with having dirt, it means that we will be alone when we try to witness under such circumstances. The One who convicts people in regard to sin, righteousness and judgement will not be with us because He does not operate in vessels where sin is entertained. It will be necessarry for us in such circunstances to deal with sin in our lives first so that the Holy Spirit will be able to work in and through our lives. We need to learn to live a life of holiness and the Holy Spirit will find it easy to flow in and through our lives easily. Meditation: Most of us miss witnessing opportunities every day. Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to the witnessing opportunities all around me, in Jesus name, Amen. Be encouraged.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:18:48 +0000

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