FOR A BETTER AND REWARDING 2015 AND THEREAFTER….PLEASE CONSIDER THESE (PART ONE) A Acknowledge your weakness; error and wrong ways; abhor sin and avoid unhealthy competition; abstain from fleshly lusts and all appearances of evil; accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour (if you have not done so) and acquaint thyself with him. B Bow before the King of all other kings in worship and adoration; praise more than asking; believe on the Lord Jesus Christ; beware of evil doers, of sin, of covetousness; be blameless; break off from ALL unholy relationships; borrow not from tomorrow (worry and anxiety) and build your relationship with God. C Continue in God’s love and righteousness, care for the dying, cease to do evil; choose rightly (like Moses); clothe yourself with the garment of righteousness, kindness and humility; come to the Lord to reason with him at every cross roads; comfort those that mourn; consecrate yourself unto God; contend for The faith; crucify your flesh. D Deny your flesh all the unnecessary earthly pleasure; DO NOT except the Lord says; dare to be different from the multitude, deal not treacherously; declare Jesus at every available opportunity; defend the poor; defraud no man; delight in the Lord God; devout your life unto God, die daily, disappoint the devil by not yielding to his suggestions; dwell in His presence continually; don’t let the praise of men enter your head and you become pompous! E Eschew evil, encourage and edify others; enter into his gates with thanksgiving; envy not your neighbour; esteem God’s words; examine yourself daily; ; exalt Jesus and not self (no matter your call, talent or gifts). F Follow peace with ALL men; fast often for it is both good spiritually and physically; fold not your hands as per the things of the kingdom (Meroz was cursed…); fool not around with the fools lest thou be as one of them; forbear one another in love; forgive other as you want God to forgive you; forsake all evil ways; FORNICATION?........RUN away from it completely; fortify yourself with the whole armour of God; furnish yourself with God’s knowledge and his words; fulfill God’s call upon you. G Give more of your time, talents and treasure unto God; gird yourself and your salvation jealously; give more this year (and it shall be given unto you); glorify God whether you understand the situation or not; godliness should and must be your watchword; greediness should be far away from you; grieve not the Holy Spirit; guide your heart with ALL diligence…..; grow in grace too. Be rest assured that IT IS VERY WELL WITH YOU!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 04:15:21 +0000

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