FOR A BETTER AND REWARDING 2015 AND THEREAFTER….PLEASE CONSIDER THESE (PART TWO) CONTINUED…. H Habitation of yours should and MUST be holy; hate and detest and run away from sin; hallow God’s house; handle the things of the kingdom with utmost care, interest and purity; hastily sacrifice ALL things to the expansion of God’s kingdom; hearken unto God’s statutes; hear God’s word at all times and not the ‘Sunday Sunday medicine’ thing; HEAVEN should be your goal at this perilous times; heal the sick (if you can); hell is very real remember!!???; help the helpless; hide not your sin (hence it will find you out); honour the “honourables” (those whom honour is due); humble yourself; hope for the best and happy are ye if you do the will of God. I Idleness is costly; impact knowledge (of God) to the ignorance; increase the time allocated for the kingdom things; you are inexcusable; inherit God’s kingdom AT ALL COST!; inordinate affections should be done away with; inquire MORE of an from God; be instant in season and out of season; instruct the weak; your integrity should not be compromised; INTERCEED more! J Jealousy should be erased from your dictionary, JESUS IS LORD AND GOD! NO CONTROVERSY!; joining of hands to do evil is punishable, don’t be involved; judge not; judgment of sins and ALL sinners is definitely real and true!, are you justified then? K Keep thy mouth, tongue and heart with ALL diligence; keep yourself from ALL idols; kindness is a good virtue, seek after it; King of all other kings will soon return (ARE YOU READY)?; kiss the Son, kneel before Him and be able to stand before kings and men; know your right in the kingdom and claim them; knowledge is a principal thing, pursue it. L Labour not for the perishable things; let not the devil laugh at you for any reason; law of God is the yardstick for judgment at eternity (not your good works, alms giving, church attendance, being a worker or leader in your church, being a prayerful person etc though they are all good but CAN NOT replace God’s word); lead the lost to Christ; lean not on your own understanding; learn more from the Holy Book (The Bible); leave and run away from the company of the scornful; lend a helping hand at all times; liars shall have their part in the lake of fire; “liberty” (penterascal gospel) will always lead to hell fire; live a holy life through and through; lighten the world of darkness with the gospel of Christ; Lion of the tribe of Judah is your Lord, trust Him; little is much when God is in it; love the Lord and the brethren and of course those without Christ yet; LUST nit after the things of the flesh. M Magnify the Lord at every instant; maintain your healthy relationship with God; may you not end your life in sorrow and regret in eternity; measure well unto God for with the same measure shall be used for you too; meddle not with them that are given to change; meditate on God’s word at all times, miracle is good but not a replacement for salvation nor a license to heaven; moderation is approved in everything; mortify your flesh; MURMUR NOT!!!!!!!!!; MIGHTY God shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace! N Newness of life is God’s demand; you need the Lord at all times; neglect not the good works; NOW is the accepted time (for salvation THROUGH Christ); nourish your soul with balanced diet of God’s word; NOTHING is too difficult and impossible unto you; NO should be your answer to Satan’s demand at all times. O Obedience to God’s word is profitable; occupy till He comes; owe no man nothing; offences will come BUT FORGIVE ALWAYS; opportunities are very rare so make use of the ones you have; oppress not the poor; OVERCOME evil with good. IT IS DEFINITELY WELL WITH YOU!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:25:19 +0000

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