FOR BETTER FOR WORSE.................... Many couple have - TopicsExpress


FOR BETTER FOR WORSE.................... Many couple have climbed to alter just to seal their marriage by taking an oath that says FOR BETTER FOR WORSE... The great difference between a boy and a man; a girl and a woman is the level of reasoning, the ability to tackle serious and odd situations and mode of executing an already planned work. For better for worse is not a language nor slogan for the boys and girls because it is equilvalent with the fact TRUE LOVE Many youths have been in a serious or not serious relationships thereby commiting themselves to the simple oath of I love you and echoeing a response from the opposite gender with I love you too without reading properly meaning into that statement. All they get at the end of the day is heart break. Most heart breaks usually come from boys due to negative inflence from peers, family backgrounds, cultural beliefs and psychological comparison. Girls who break the heart of the boys does that due to personal Ego, church customs, peer groups and first impression forgetting that soul mates can even be met outside their comfort zones. Though, not every relationships must end with marriage but its better to marry among your friends. Within the period of casual dating, Girls are highly calculative and attentive than boys and hardly forget things easily. They will try everything possible to please you, know your ability and dissability, likes and dislikes and use it to do all kinds of manipulations just to be happy with you. A lot problems and hurdles may come along within the period of casual dating; the girl may try to feature in both the good and bad. When surprises will begin to show up from both parties, rhetorical questions may arise such as how did she/he knows that i need this at this point? Who knows the reason behind this?? What will people say when i say he/she gave it to me?? ETC without you knowing that you have given the opposite a place within. A time shall come when you begin to disclose privacies to each other. When you begin to see all this signs and others, Just know that for better for worse is being nutured gradually. Forget what people are saying. True Love also has emotional attraction. If God is love, salvation is the general attraction if you must enjoy his blessings. Sometimes we over estimate what we are and try to make people we know we actually need and love find it difficult to share love with us. It can ruin our intention to be truly loved in a long run. When we see love and we truly want it, make haste to keep it. Love sometimes acts like a passer by. Everybody admires it but it selects who it visits and we determine how long it stays. Bro that girl you have now is not cheap as you may think. She doesnt love you because she has no one to love her. She want your attention not because no one can take care of her but She has just seen something in you that Pleased her; and she has seen you as a person worth sharing her love with. She has just seen that she can get happiness in you. So before you brag around that you are expensive, because she is loving you and always seeking attention with you, just know that there are many boys out there, who are looking for her but she has devoted loving you. If you can Check her Facebook account you can even get suprised to see the boys texting her for a date but she is turning them down because of you. Check her wasap and see the high degree of love reserved and ready to be poured out for you as she rejects the proposals of boys. Why dont you do the same to her? Why dont you give her that love she wants? Why dont you give her that attention she is seeking from you? Treasure that girl NOW because the boys she is avoiding one day will finally get her AND YOU WILL APPREDIATE WHAT YOU HAD INSTEAD OF WHAT YOU HAVE. CAUTION: Love is sweet. Love gives joy in the begining. Love always seems right to its feelings but love never believe on a good oppose adviser about lie & truth. Love always believe in today but love never think far about tomrrow. Love is always strong in doing its desire, even if it goes wrong. But the same love hurts. The same love gives pains and the same love will eventually kill. Then u will realise the wrong u did and had i known might come at last. So dear be in love, but never develope a love with ur nuntribe. Even God told the people of Israel not to marry with every tribes they see, but marry for tomorrow. Ask about the condition of some easterners who married to northeners as a result of friendship; what they were saying today to themselves. ADVICE TO GUYS: Pls do your best not to bring tears out of her eyes more than once. The first tears a woman sheds for you can make her love u more. Its simple psychology. Love brought out the tears but if she cries AGAIN and AGAIN, she may hate u more except its her decision to love and overlook her mans excesses. It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but, we cannot dodge the consequences of our Responsibilities. Look before you leap. ADVICE TO LADIES: Its bad manners to say I LOVE YOU with a mouth full of lies. Mean what u say and say what you mean. Finally make hail while the sun shines. A womans loyalty is tested when her man had NOTING while a mans loyalty is tested when he have everything. Any girl worth friending also worth marrying, vice versa. #prince_umez
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 21:31:53 +0000

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