FOR…………EXPLOSIVE DREAM THRILL SEEKERS, SOUL CHASERS, JESUS IMITATORS…………ONLY………… SPIRITUAL THRILL SEEKERS, AND SOUL CHASERS…………..GOD is ASKING YOU TO LIVE BY SUPERNATURAL, KINGDOM FAITH, not bread and material, physical needs alone. THAT WILL MAKE YOU NORMAL, wise, and OPERATING in COMMON SENSE………………………………..but it WON’T get you very far in a KINGDOM that requires BLIND, DUMB, STUPID, ILLOGICAL FAITH……………………..once JESUS rejected the tempting devil, WHAT happened? THEN ANGELS, KINGDOM BEINGS created by GOD came to MINISTER to HIM………………………..St. Matthew 4:11 (The devil left HIM, and then ANGELS came and ministered to HIS needs.)……………………YOU HAVEN’T SEEN ANGELS and the GLORY of GOD…………….because YOU don’t need to. YOU, I, WE have chosen to MINISTER to our OWN NEEDS……….SO BE IT…….BE NORMAL……….OR THRILL SEEK………………………….when YOU, I, WE deny our flesh and getting our needs desires OUR way, the NORMAL way, the EARTHLY way, the COMMON sense way, the way 99 per cent of the WORLD way……………..THEN WE SEE THE GLORY OF GOD, POWER OF GOD, MIRACLES OF GOD, and gain the FAITH………..WE need to LIVE THIS SUPERNATURAL LIFE…………………as we see in the BIBLE…………………………. …………St. Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God…………………………………... …………………………..THE MOST THRILLING MAN ever, wasn’t Michael Jackson. BUT JESUS CHRIST. HE lived on the edge so that WE could ALSO live on the edge and outside of what is NORMAL for this LIFE……………….We need food to eat and live right? We need shelter, and clothes right? We need jobs and so many material, physical things. …………………………………….BUT here is where we slightly go wrong. WE TAKE these things to the extreme and suddenly are FEELING we ABSOLUTELY NEED AND DEPEND upon them more than NECESSARY……………………..And there by, these material things ACCIDENTALLY, subconsciously become what we DEPEND on. They become things we base DECISIONS upon. WE speak of GOD, but we place HIM in a box. WE SAY, LORD you know I need this or that, THEREFORE, A GREAT MAJORITY of my actions are based upon THINKING of how to get these things, keep them, and even my KINGDOM thoughts are DROWNED out, because in this NORMAL WORLD, ……………YOU know I need these things. …………………….This was JESUS dilemma while fasting. HE WAS HUNGRY, and satan KNEW it. FLESH NEEDS FOOD…………LOL!.............. ..............if you THINK YOU DON’T NEED FOOD, try FASTING FORTY DAYS and NIGHTS…………….Heehee………………And after FASTING FORTY days and nights, I guarantee if someone sets a BOLOGNY sandwich in front of you……………………………..TO GET THAT FOOD, you may be tempted to do things YOU NEVER imagined…………………………WE do things….to get PHYSICAL NEEDS, MATERIAL NEEDS……..MET………..not always IMMORAL things. WE SIMPLY BASE A LOT OF THOUGHT AND DECISIONS into HOW to get THINGS we need. And so …………..WE end up PRAYING to GOD, LOVING HIM, believing in HIM, trying to WALK BY FAITH, STEP OUT ON FAITH, JUMP OFF A CLIFF to OPERATE in FAITH………………but WHILE TRYING…………satan just like he did to JESUS, says, “IF YOU TRULY ARE A son, daughter of GOD………..GOD wants to PROVIDE for your needs……………and HE has. So DO this or that to INSURE you have things you need. And sometimes, many times, THIS or that………………CAN TOTALLY REMOVE KINGDOM PRINCIPLES, and place us in NORMAL SITUATIONS and doing NORMAL THINGS……to get the PHYSICAL, MATERIAL NEED MET……………… …………….JESUS, our GREAT EXAMPLE didn’t LIVE like that. HE PLACED THE KINGDOM FIRST……………………………………That is why, HE lived on the EDGE, and in a THRILLING WAY, GOD answered…………..BY FIRE, MIRACLES, SIGNS, WONDERS……… back HIM up……………………GOD, THE FATHER SAID, MY SON doesn’t live by (bread, material, physical needs alone)……………..BUT BY EVERY WORD that PROCEEDS out of my MOUTH…………… if I tell HIM to step out on WATER, HIS physical body, NORMAL gravity and earthly wisdom doesn’t come into PLAY………..HE feels MY WORD is what will HOLD HIM up………….NOT what science and gravity says……….SO THEREFORE HE finds out, IT’S TRUE………………..IT’S MORE DEPENDABLE TO LIVE BY OBEDIENCE, COMMANDS OF GOD, and to OPERATE IN FAITH…………………………….than to live by NORMAL, EARTHLY thoughts, needs………….
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:47:57 +0000

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