FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Deborah Weinstein November 12, 2014 202-223-2532, ext. 111 Coalition on Human Needs and More than 160 National Organizations Call on Congress to Pass Full-Year Funding that Meets Urgent Needs The Coalition on Human Needs was joined by 162 national organizations today in urging Congress to pass a full-year funding bill that meets urgent needs before the current temporary appropriations bill expires on December 11. The organizations include faith groups, a wide range of service providers, labor, expert policy groups, and other important advocates, together representing millions of people nationwide. (See the letter.) In the letter, the organizations call on Congress to approve full-year FY 2015 appropriations that responds to current needs, addressing inadequate funding in many human needs programs and providing for emergency spending to meet unanticipated and urgent needs related to Ebola and child migrants fleeing violence in Central America. “There is bipartisan support in Congress for full-year funding to meet our nation’s needs. That’s the responsible thing to do, but some in Congress would rather dole out funds a few months at a time. This will leave federal agencies in a holding pattern, unsure of how much they have to work with for the year, making it extremely difficult for them to provide services effectively,” said Deborah Weinstein, executive director of the Coalition on Human Needs. “This large number of national organizations representing millions of people has joined together because so much is at stake. Making program-by-program decisions about funding can help to curb the cuts to education, housing, child welfare services, home heating aid, and nutrition for seniors that these and other human needs programs have endured for years. And only by designating the resources needed to deal with emergencies as emergency funding can we be sure other programs won’t be cut further to meet the new needs. Congress has to potential to turn the lame duck session into something fruitful for those in need. We urge them to do so by finishing the work they started on the full-year FY 2015 appropriations before December 11.” Link to letter text and list of organizational signers: # # #
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 23:29:39 +0000

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