FOR INFO FACEBOOK OFFICIONADOS WORLD WIDE FOR OUR LATE BLESSED PARENTS BOTH, MY LOVELY BETTER HALF, JELLY M. TORRES-ALEGRE AND I, ALFREDO UBANA ALEGRE ARE AMONGST THE DIRECT LINEAGE OF GOD THE FATHER JESUS CHRIST, THE GOD THE FATHER AND CHRIST ST. VERONICA GOD THE MOTHER OF HEAVEN, EARTH AND ANCIENT GREAT RELIGIONS AND CIVILIZATION OF THE WORLD FOR ALL TORRES-ALEGREs AND EXTENDED FAMILIES OF OUR BLESSED PARENTS are the Generations of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew 1 (My beloved better half Jelly M. Torres whose lineage and surname originated from religious texts like the Bhagavadgītā, the Bible, the Quran, and so forth. In many cases these family names relate to a religious sentiment such as Favored of God in St. Luke 1:30.Blessed Maxima Adriano-Perez- (Pha’-res and Zara by Judas or Judah and Tamar or Thamar in Gideons or King James International Alegre – born 1908 April – died April 1986 and our late Blessed Mother, Julita Borer-Tolete-Ubana-Alegre. Ubanas such as the family name Fisher which was given to fishermen and western names like Ubana originate from religious texts like the Bible, the Bhagavadgītā, the Quran, and other related texts. In many cases these names are shortened versions of a religious sentiment such as Lamb of God in St. John 1:29). Abraham first of the Patriarchs (Founding Father) of the Jews and Muslims consider Abraham an ancestors of the Arabs through Another son, Ismael. Noah the second Father of Faith who had three sons, Ham, Japheth and Shem. Shem became the Father of Semitic people, including Jews and Arabs. Ham was the Father of the Hamitic (Hamites) peoples inhabiting Eastern Africa, especially Somalia, and Ethiopia and Northern Africa where they are known as Barbers. Strictly speaking, Hamitic is a linguistic classification rather than an ethnic one. Many believe that the Hamitic speaking people originated on the Arabian peninsula but this is not all certain_1/. _1/ Ref. The New Webster’s International Encyclopedia, the New Illustrated Home Reference Guide by Mssr. Michael D. Harkavy, Editor-in-Chief, 1996 Edition Published by Trident Press International, 801 12th Avenue South, Suite 302, Naples, Florida 34102, United States of America The news of the proclamation for anointed, appointed, and approved Messiah by Jesus Christ our Lord and the Rev. Moon received his heavenly mission in 21st of April 1935 not 17th of April 1935 by the Official Record in the Original Divine Principle Seminar in August 2010, in World Mission Department in Unification Church, the world over the churches of UC and the archive in the Original Palace, Cheongpyeong, South Korea. The Rev. Sun Myung Moon have said that before he died, he will live on that nation even just for one minute. All these were all my hard earned research while working in YEG Design and Construction Services. The link to the news…..Sun Myung Moon: THE HIGH PRIEST BUT NEVER THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS AND THE TRUE PARENTS OF MANKIND on as Messianic leader and business mogul as Posted by This Link in courtesy of Agence France-Presse (AFP) News Dated 03 September 2012 AFP News – Mon, Sep 3, 2012 View Photo Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon built his first place of worship from scrap materials some 60 years ago and went on to establish a controversial religious and business empire spanning the globe. Moon, a South Korean who died Monday aged 92, was born to a farming family in what is now North Korea. He said he was inspired by a vision of Jesus at age 15 to complete the messianic mission interrupted by the crucifixion. Rejected by Korean Protestant churches, he founded his own church which now claims some three million members worldwide. Moon was tortured and sent to a labour camp while preaching in communist North Korea after World War II, according to his website biography. He was freed when guards fled before advancing US forces during the Korean War. After trekking to the Souths southern city of Busan as a war refugee, he reportedly built his first church there from discarded army ration boxes. In Seoul in 1954 he founded the Unification Church, terming it The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. It sent missionaries to Japan and the United States in the late 1950s and Moon made his first world tour in 1965. In the early 1970s he moved to the United States. In 1974 he met President Richard Nixon at the White House and controversially urged Americans to forgive their leader for the Watergate scandal. The following year Moon sent missionaries to 120 countries. In 1981 he was indicted for tax evasion in the United States, in what his church claims was a move to make him quit the country, and served over a year in prison. The church, whose devotees are often dubbed Moonies, has been portrayed by critics as a cult which brainwashes followers -- charges it denies. Its teachings are based on the Bible but with new interpretations, and have been condemned as heretical by some Christian organisations. Moons view of God is quintessentially Korean, combining Shamanist passion and Confucian family patterns in Christian form, wrote Seoul-based author Michael Breen in his book The Koreans. His God is the miserable parent who suffers in lonely agony in a world of unfilial and evil children. The church is best known for conducting mass weddings among followers involving thousands of couples. Moon regularly presided over such ceremonies and would personally pair up the couples who were often of different nationalities, sharing no common language or culture. In recent years the church has given couples a chance to get to know each other before they marry, according to South Koreas Segye Times newspaper which is financed by the church. Some 7,000 couples from South Korea and 19 other countries tied the knot at an exhibition centre north of Seoul in February 2010. The church said the event was dedicated to the creation of a peaceful world beyond borders and races. Moon himself officiated at the True Parents Cosmic Blessing Ceremony -- a reference to the churchs description of Moon and his wife as True Parents of Mankind. The churchs business empire spans dozens of firms involved in construction, heavy machinery, food, education, the media and even a professional football club. It owns the Washington Times newspaper and the United Press International news agency. Moon, who met North Koreas then-ruler Kim Il-Sung in Pyongyang in 1991, also has business interests there. A church-affiliated firm, Pyeonghwa (Peace) Motors, established a joint carmaking business in the North in 1999. In 2007 the church finished construction of a World Peace Centre in Pyongyang. Moon had 14 children with his current wife and several are involved in his empire. Hyung Jin Moon, youngest of his seven sons, succeeded his father as the churchs most senior leader in 2008.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 02:10:11 +0000

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