FOR MY BIRTHDAY: MY MAN OF THE YEAR: AND WHAT REALLY COUNTS IN THE END As my birthday remains just hours away and as I still wondered how and where to spend it, I had to choose one person in the whole world that could be my person of the year, and I state why. This year, I choose Manny Pacquiao, the current Phillipino boxing legend as my person of the year. The reason I choose him is in the latest story about him in the news. It is not really how much you have that matters in the end. Rather, it is a question of how many ordinary people you brought happiness to their lives. Manny is a man of the people. He lives for the people. And even when sudden stupendous wealth tries to separate him from the people, he stubbornly refuses. Todays Nigerian Vanguard wrote of him as follows: World boxing champion Manny Pacquiao said Thursday he would sell his mansion in one of the Philippine capital’s swankiest areas after his neighbours complained of his visitors wearing shabby clothing. Pacquiao told AFP that as a “man of the masses,” he is not finicky with his visitors, even if they are wearing “just shorts and slippers.” The boxer’s rags-to-riches story, from being a fish vendor in his hometown to winning world titles in an unprecedented eight weight divisions, has made him wildly popular in the Philippines. He used his boxing fame to get elected to Congress in 2010 and like many wealthy Filipino politicians, he frequently has to meet with constituents asking for hand-outs and favours. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome my person of the year. Another resolution I have for my birthday is that I shall not criticise President Jonathan and his administration for the next 24 hours. If I see what they have done wrong such as bungling the trial of the so-called master-mind of the terrorist bombing, the mess over 15 million dollars arms deal in South Africa, the blunders over how to deal with Boko Haram, the nonsense over use of the police to deny members of the legislature access to the legislative building, the blunder over gladly becoming a sole Presidential candidate for the ruling party when he really faced no real challenge over it, the constant lies and manipulation of the Nigerian people just to sow fear and hate in their hearts, the abysmal state of the Nigerian criminals justice system system where only the poor people can go to jail even before they are convicted, etc: When I see all such crap, I will keep quite and smile like others, but just on my birthday. Im still wondering how to mark my birthday. Many ideas come to my head, but I dont know for sure. I spoke with my daughter and that is what makes me so happy. She and I talked about my birthday. She has a surprise for me. I cant wait to know what it is. That is really going to be my birthday moment, the climax. Since a few days ago, friends and well-wishers and supporters have been sending me inbox messages suggesting various things we could for my birthday. I get offers for a drink or a dinner or lunch or some other nice events. I wish I could accept every such offer. But to do so would require me to split myself in a thousand times. I am seriously thinking of inviting everybody to an event to mark my birthday. But I should have thought about that all this while. I plan my birthdays only hours away. I think I should invite friends to my office in V. I., Lagos, this evening by 4pm this Friday, so we can have a get-together. But that is only for those who are in Lagos. I shall ask my staff to step into the street and order as many as possible local garden eggs and groundnut paste. I love that stuff. They look so beautiful and healthy when you see them, robust and well rounded and green. It would be awesome to have a fill of it on my birthday. And we can chase it down with some nice cold water in the African heat. I am seriously considering it. For those friends who have been waiting for the moment to send me money because it is my birthday, please wait no further. Now is the time. Send it!. If you dont send me money now, then you cant ask me for money when it is your own birthday. In fact, if you know what you would want me to give to you on your birthday, this is the time to show it. Set the example that you would want me to follow. Thank you friends. Happy Birthday to Emeka Ugwuonye.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 07:46:16 +0000

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