FOR SALE... ORGANIC CANDY BARS. 3.50 EACH OH MY worked. Eleven days ago it began, with the challenge of doing what they say could not be done. Here we are my friends. You have been watching I know. BOOOOO YAH .... OH MY GOSH is all I can say. How did I do it? Read on.... On May 22, I began planting my garden and most people know I love to can my veggies. This year, seeing I had survived so much and had so much time to think during the winter, I decided I was going to change the world. So it all began.... I have a love and passion for candy bars, we all know that. That luscious and refreshing 2 AM snack that revives our sleeping chemicals to our brain, creating dreamy, peaceful, comma like rest. They are the greatest source of food to the human body, in my opinion. So with the rising cost of such treats, I started the study of where Candy Bars come from. I was astonished that they are NOT delivered to factories by storks. They are MAN MADE by machines. Very sad, so I wanted to eliminate the machine. I had to have the best peanuts, which is a major ingredient in most any fine candies on the market so I traveled to the only place I knew would have the best of the best... Nevada Ohio. Chocolate...only one place in the nation could naturally produce the best of off I went. Sugar Grove, and the tiles running from the homes it was there. I now had the secret to our future in healthy candy bar consumption. Now...I begin feeling the adrenaline rush that comes from such discovery! Then...I had to have the seeds, or somehow cross breed existing Candy. Like your veggies, you can save the seeds from them and plant next year for free, so I thought of it. Why cant I take multiple Candy Bar babies and mix with peanuts? The government even tried to step in and stop me with threats of sending in the Military to stop the planting of my garden. It was obvious, I was onto something BIG that THEY didnt want US as American gardeners to know. Under the cover of darkness I planted. Peanuts from Nevada, Crunch Bar Babies, Butterfinger Babies, and then topped it off with the sauce from the tiles of Sugar Grove. I covered them and dusted the surface with premium confectioner sugar and then watered them from the purest of Brokensword Creek Water. Today my friends, things have changed. The blessing this is going to be to all of my health freak, running and work out friends and followers... you can now indulge in totally organic, safe, healthy candies. Feeling Loved! Supplies are limited, dont pass up being the first to buy the new generation of lustful bliss to the taste buds. Missy .... we are gonna be rich!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:54:08 +0000

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