FOR THE GOOD OF THE KINGDOM (FRESH LEAVES / SOULFOOD MONTH) ++SOULFOOD++ Saturday November 8, 2014 “They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated.” Hebrews 11:37 NKJV ANTS, a 1998 DREAMWORKS Animation comedy film starring Woody Allen, Sharon Stone, Jennifer Lopez, Sylvester Stallone, etc, pictures the life of ants. The Protagonist, Z (Woody Allen), is an individualistic, but meet worker. He doesn’t have all the strength as General Mandible (Gene Heckman), but he works “FOR THE GOOD OF THE COLONY” as he always shout. The fathers of faith and the martyrs have one thing in common; all their allegiances are rendered to God and His Christ. All their attentions, actions, were geared towards God and THE GOOD OF THE KINGDOM. This rugged life gave birth to what we have today as CHRISTIANITY. The reason for our exile here is FOR THE GOOD OF THE KINGDOM. Our alms, offerings, helps, evangelism, hospitality, intercession, etc, are all for the kingdom. Those Christians who accumulate wealth here neither know kingdom principles nor do they understand the plan of God for the Church. AFFIRMATION: I do not belong here. Am only on exile; seeking the redemption of my soul and those am called to save. I will always stand FOR THE GOOD OF THE KINGDOM. God help me in Jesus name, Amen! Read: Hebrews 11; Rev. 12:11; Col. 3:1-4 Share on friends’ walls, inbox/Repost /REBROADCAST The SOULFOOD Devotion Team Add us: BB PIN 7F2BE20B Facebook: SOULFOOD DEVOTIONAL https://facebook/groups/631107006945724
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 05:18:40 +0000

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