FOR THE LOVE OF MARRIAGE THE DANGER OF NEGLECT Why do we not pick up privileges of prayer and reading Gods Word ? Simple neglect is probably the biggest reason . We just dont plan for them to be as much a part of our lives as eating and working . Furthermore ,these practiced require honesty . We cant have problems in our relationships and pray with meaning and reality . That may be one reason why the Bible warns us not to have a spirit of bitterness against our spouse . Such a spirit hinders a prayer . Never go to bed angry or bitter , says the scripture . Nowhere is this instruction more needed than in our marriages and families , to let wrong feelings and attitudes drag into bedtime means that only harm can come . Small differences and difficulties have the capacity to smolder into tremendous anger and distrust which tear true lovers apart . Love can survive large problems which are faced and dealt openly better than small ones which simmer , hidden inside . Why do we fail to exercise the privileges of praying And reading scriptures together ? The values of power , money , and self-gratification which surround us easily crowd out our intention to live God-centered lives . A selfish spirit and the Spirit of Christ are contrary to each other . We know that to make marriage work we need to be a key player . A marriage needs forgiveness and God makes forgiveness possible a marriage needs Grace , which means that we receive more good things than we deserve , and God makes us gracious , giving persons . A marriage needs Mercy , which means that judgement is withheld when we deserve to be punished . And God gives us Mercy for ourselves and for each other . FOR FURTHER THOUGHT : How essential do you believe it is never to go to bed with a bitter spirit or without clearing up any misunderstanding ? How possible do you believe that is ?
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 11:21:19 +0000

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