FOR THE NEW YEAR ... SEE YOUR DIVINE ALIGNMENTS “Our son, HOLDEN was born with a brain tumor which had to be surgically removed. Although the tumor was benign, he suffered a massive hemorrhage which left him SEVERELY DISABLED. During his life, he suffered from seizure disorder, respiratory issues, cerebral palsy, vision deficit, an inability to talk, and was confined to a wheelchair. In short, he was dependent on us for all of his needs. One day a neighbor invited my wife, Melissa and I to join a group from the neighborhood for A GAME OF BUNKO. Normally I’m not one to play games like that, but we decided to go. Not knowing any of the other couples, we introduced ourselves. One of the ladies at my table said, ‘Oh, you’re Holden’s Dad.’ I replied that I was. She proceeded to tell me that she had substituted at the elementary school, and that her son was one of the children who pushed Holden to lunch and music class. She said he loved Holden, and was always talking about him. Her voice changed slightly as she continued, ‘I just have to share something with you. My son attended church camp this summer for the first time. When he returned home, I asked him what type of religious things they did. He told me that they talked about prayer…not like praying for Christmas presents and stuff like that, but for those less fortunate. I asked him what or whom he prayed for. He told me he prayed for Holden.’ As I sat at the table, tears ran down my face. What are the odds … a neighbor offers an invite to a bunko party, we go, though I don’t normally care for those types of things, and I am seated next to a woman whom I’ve never met, who proceeds to tell me how our severely disabled son, who has never spoken a word in his life, somehow played a role in her son learning to pray. There’s no way that God doesn’t have a plan for Holden. He passed away just before Christmas that year, just after his eighteenth birthday.” Sincerely, Charles •••• As we head into a brand new year, with a clean-slate-calendar, let us open our eyes to all of Gods DIVINE ALIGNMENT of GODWINKS ... that will be putting us in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME to do His work. May you have a New Year bursting in godwinks! SQ
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 00:50:00 +0000

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