FOR THE RECORD THE SMEALLY TEAXAN ME WAS CAUGHT AND PUT IN WRITING FOR CHEATING ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS IN WRITING USING OVER LIFE LIMITS AND SLOWING DOWN SPEED FRAMES AND USING AND SHOWING OTHERS TAPES AND TACTICS CONSIDERING YOUR PM MESSAGES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES ITS ALL COMING HOME SKILLET SCHOOLS OUT AND SO ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHH JUST ME AGAIN I NEED PITY Maybe its the fact that Ive been too excited to sleep for something like 25 of the past 30 days, but Im up and choosing to sound off about two things today. Thanks to the person who gave me the tip on this one. NOT REALLY I LOOKED AT RUDYS PAGE AND AND SINCE I no longer support the organization this refers to nor am on speaking terms with the current owner, so one of the people who likes to take everything I read off of here will have to cut and paste and share it there. JUST AS I DO IN CODE AND OF COURSE Im not sure if Im more amused or saddened by how the current armchair quarterbacks at my former place of employment come up with wild conspiracy theories for problems with simple answers that could easily be obtained by asking a couple of people a couple of direct questions. NOTHING CONSPIRED EXCEPT WHAT I DID AS A HORRIBLE EMPLOYEE AND AND It can also be seen within the same forums this discussion is apparently taking place, but that would take, you know, slight effort to find and read. EXCEPT THE ONES I BEGGED JACE TO COVER UP THAT ARE NOW IN AT LEAST SEVERAL PEOPLES HANDS FOR OVER 4 YEARS BECAUSE I HAVE LOTS TO HIDE AND YOU SEE Basically the issue being made regards grandfathered scores there. A simple look at the grandfathered scores there should quickly show that the vast majority are on emulators. WHICH I WAS A REF FOR AT LEAST 60 DAYS VERIFIED A CHEATERS SCORES A BUNCH AND USED THE SAME FRAME RATES AS THAT PERSON AND GRANDFATHERED THEM MYSELF VERIFIED MYSELF AND EVEN MY WIVES SCORES Why? A referee (not me) IT WAS ME caught three people cheating on an emulator for a old personal computer. He went to the head referee (also not me) WAS ME I DIDNT HAVE ANYONE TO ANSWER TO who decided to simply nip it in the bud and discontinue tracking of high scores for all emulators except for MAME. WHICH I TOOK A BIG PART OF EVEN RUDYS SCORES BEING CHEATED SHOWED OTHER GAMERS TACTICS OH ITS IN MY PM JACE NEVER COULD HAVE SEEN THOSE BUT OTHERS DID THE SAME PEOPLE ME AND MY RADICAL RED HEAD HIRED TO BRING TG DOWN I WANNA ADD IF I DONT CARE WHY EVEN POST ????? AND OF COURSE I was in on the phone call where he made the call and couldnt disagree with him. It wouldnt have mattered if I did anyway, as his mind was made up. SURE THATS A LIE I KNOW ALL OF This was NOT all talked about publicly after the decision was made, both on the forums there and elsewhere, but apparently the vocal minority, few of whom ever spent even 5 seconds on the staff there, are suggesting that there is some sort of wild conspiracy theories attached to it. That these tracks were grandfathered for political reasons... or, as one vocal arse out there who is as qualified to speak on what went down at this company as I am do perform brain surgery, seems to suggest that it was done to protect certain scores I CAN DO NO WRONG AND WILL ALWAYS LIE TO PROTECT MYSELF NOTICE I NEVER MENTIONED THE FEAR CALL IN FRANTIC I MADE TO JACE AND OF COURSE I NO LONGER TALK TO OR ASOCIATE WITH BECAUSE IM A 90% OF THE PROBLEM BUT OF COURSE Thatd be laughable if not so pathetic. When will some of these people realize or accept that I, and countless others, dont care enough about such a silly thing as high scores on obscure emulator games.... EVEN THOUGH I HAD OVER 700 SCORES VERIFIED BY MYSELF OR OTHERS IN THE DATA BASE INCLUDING THE ONES I CHEATED ON that it was just something done for fun for a short window of time where it was actually fun, and that this was a simple case of the head ref (not me) making a call they had the right to make... FUN IS NOT 700 SCORES AND BOASTING ALL OVER THE INTERNET FROM 2006-2010 not a who was on the grassy knoll? storyline conspiracy over something that ranks somewhere below the 6th grade science fair on the big list of things Ive taken part in during my life. ALL US TEXANS OR OTHERS WE CONSPIRE WITH LOVE THAT WORD BUT I Im constantly reminded of this classic SNL skit here... just replace William Shatner with me and the words TV show with high scores and change nothing else whatsoever. I WILL KEEP BEING THE LIAR I AM AND EVENTUALLY ITS ALL GONNA COME OUT AND NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT ALL I EVER DID WAS FOLLOW AND CAUSE UNETHICAL AND DIRTY ORDERS YET I NEVER HAD ANYONE TO ANSWER TO THE STORY ALWAYS CHANGES NEVER DIFFERENT FACES FUN IS 2 RECORDS A DAY FOR SEVERAL YEARS AND THE CHEATING WAS FUN THOUGH
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 16:16:43 +0000

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