FOR THE RECORD Update on prior FB post from back in July. I - TopicsExpress


FOR THE RECORD Update on prior FB post from back in July. I have just found an article from the online business news Lost Coast Outpost that I have will post separately that Bank of America is Playing Hardball with Nine of Arkley Owned companies, at least one of which was involved in the fraud against my family on September 27, 2007; and, before, when it authorized its lawyers from the McLane Law Office of Manchester, NH to use uber Robo Signer Victor Parisi to commit fraud upon the New Hampshire Superior Court in Belknap County, and in US District Court, NH. As I commented in the Lost Coast Outpost article. I filed a RICO complaint against Robin Arkely et al, and US DOJ has recently fined Bank of America for mortgage fraud, among other violations of Federal Law. My question is who has jurisdiction over my familys complaints now? Clearly, we have been victims of a massive fraud scheme. We should be getting some relief and soon, I really do hope and pray! Prior July Post If my FB friends have been reading my recent posts, they already know that the US DOJ has opened a probe into the banking practices of certain TBTF banks to include Bank of America. And, you also are aware of the fact that Bank of America, just days ago, offered to sweeten the settlement probe pot to the tune of $13 BILLION. Not too many, if any companies, offer $13 BILLION, if there is ‘no there, there’, so to speak. Now what my FB friends may not know is that in July of 2007, according to Bank of America, Sequioa, a Robin Arkley company, agreed to amend its agreement to repay Bank of America $124 MILLION, by July 2008. Robin Arkley made a guarantee of repayment, even pledging his personal assets to Bank of America. So the pressure was on Robin Arkley to make good on his pledge. In May of 2005 another of Robin Arkley’s companies, Ingomar, LP had filed the attached hyperlinked jpgs pages which allegedly laid out his proof of claim in a Petition to foreclose on the real property owned by my family Trust, the Jean E. Vorisek Family Trust, and located at 309 Waukewan Road, Center Harbor, NH. As you all are aware, the Trust challenged the Petition as fraud upon the court and fraud upon the Trust. (Forged documents are a nullity to any court Order). The matter was even brought to US District Court, New Hampshire, in 2006. At that time, the presiding judge admonished Mr. Arkley’s lawyers, not to commit fraud if they determined to go forward with the threatened foreclosure. What a reasonable person may deduce is that with the Bank of America pressure on, Mr. Arkley chose to ignore the admonishment of the Federal Judge, and commit grand theft by knowingly and illegally foreclosing on the subject Center Harbor property. The value of the theft was in excess of $300 THOUSAND. The damning fraud facts are cited for the most part in the hyperlinked Petition. And, then to add insult to injury, and massive damages, Mr. Arkley retained uber robo signer Victor Parisi to swear to the lies, as if they were truthful. He must have figured that he was ‘Teflon’, and could get away with the theft. So far, he has been right. So far. We now know that ultimately, in 2009, Bank of America sued Robin Arkley personally for $50 MILLION. We believe there was a settlement that has been sealed by the two parties. This is about the same time that the State of New Hampshire made the determination that I was ‘not competent’ to testify to facts that would have painted Mr. Arkley into a far darker place with Bank of America, and perhaps the FDIC, since his other bank in Louisiana was, at that time, in the process of being shuttered due to massive fraud. Therefore, we find that the TOO BIGS win more than once. They win ‘under the color of law’ foreclosures, and they again by what I term as ‘information foreclosure’. Thus preventing victims such as my family from ever either obtaining already discovered patterns of fraud, or preventing us from sharing our fraud facts. The system appears to work well for the TOO BIGS, but not for the true victims such as my family. We do hope the US DOJ hangs tough in its probe against Bank of America…We, the true victims, need all the assistance that we can get!!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 02:38:16 +0000

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