FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVENT SEEN THIS . YOU NEED TOO! FOLKS I WROTE THE BILLY GRAHAM ORGANIZATION CONCERNING THE YOUTUBE VIDEOS THAT WERE BEING PRESENTED ON FACEBOOK. YOU DECIDE FROM THIS LETTER WHICH SIDE YOU STAND ON HERE! I AM NOT OUT TO PROVE ANYONE RIGHT OR WRONG . JUST TO DEFEND A MAN OF GOD I BELIEVE HAS ALWAYS DONE HIS BEST TO DO THE WORK OF THE LORD! I STAND ON THE SIDE OF MR. GRAHAM AS A MAN WHO BELIEVES JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY TO GOD AND HEAVEN . BUT YOU DECIDE FOR YOURSELF! AND PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS POST . Mr. Cope, We appreciate the concern you shared for YouTube videos featuring abbreviated interviews with Mr. Graham. Compared to Mr. Graham’s life-long preaching ministry and available Bible-based sermons and writings, these selected statements placed in editorial videos serve to misrepresent Mr. Graham’s long-held faith in Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation. His interviews, books, sermons, and articles from over 60 years of evangelistic ministry are available to confirm for others his adherence to both the Bible and the Gospel message. Many of these resources are available at Most YouTube clips feature old interviews with Robert Schuller and Larry King. Shortly after the interview with Reverend Schuller in 1997, Mr. Graham responded to concerns in his newsletter, saying, “In all our Crusades we place a prominent banner with Jesus’ words, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.’ We put that verse there because people live in a confused world, with so many competing religious voices calling men and women to follow them. But Christ is distinctive and exclusive about the way to God. There can be no true Christianity apart from Him. While some of the ethics and idealism of other religions may run parallel to Christian teachings, the fact remains, as stated by Jesus Christ, ‘No man cometh unto the Father but by me’ (John 14:6, KJV). Over the years I have met people with many religious and philosophical views. Many of them have had deep commitment to their beliefs. But I have become even more convinced of the uniqueness and the truth of Christ and His Gospel. And I want to continue preaching it as long as possible.” At the time of the Schuller interview in particular, Mr. Graham was struggling with physical symptoms related to a then-undiagnosed condition called hydrocephalus, involving fluid on the brain. These issues, in addition to his age, were evidenced by a weariness and instability in many areas of his life. We believe that, under the pressure of a live interview, Mr. Graham may have become sidetracked and acknowledged something he has never believed. In a June 2005 Larry King Live interview, while preparing for his final New York Crusade, the discussion touched briefly on being angry or unforgiving towards people of non-Christian faiths. This was not a discussion about accepting unbiblical faith and doctrine. The key to understanding Mr. Graham’s response is to distinguish ‘the message’ from the ‘the method.’ Mr. Graham believes and preaches the message that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. However, over the years, he has mellowed in his method and is less likely to threaten or berate followers of other religions when he preaches or is interviewed. In the case of the New York Crusade, Mr. Graham was inviting all people to attend the Crusade where the gospel of Jesus Christ would be preached. Perhaps these observations will help you in understanding what is the essence and direction of Mr. Graham’s ministry. His earnest desire and commitment has been, and is, to present the Gospel clearly and accurately. Be assured that Mr. Graham’s heart is fixed on this one purpose. Sincerely, K. C. James (ch) Christian Response Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 21:15:16 +0000

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