FOR THOSE OUT THERE THAT KNOW ABOUT PROJECT BLUE BEAM, (some new tech that is beyond 3D Holographic) THIS VIDEO WILL NOT SHOCK YOU! THIS IS A 2014 UPDATE! FOR THOSE ASLEEP, YOU NEED TO SEE WHAT SATELLITES PUT IN PLACE ABOVE THE EARTH WITH THIS TECHNOLOGY COULD DO! FOOL YOU INTO BELIEVING A LIE! This video will answer the real reason for conspiracy chemtrails in the skies! Please enjoy and share! Remember, this is the technology that is shown to the people! What do you think the Government has hidden?! If you think 3D technology, Holographic Imaging is just for Entertainment... you better think again! Now Im sharing with you some info that has been out for years and sounded crazy.. But now, just like before, what sounded crazy years ago.. might not sound so cray! The coming New World Religion LIE! Project Blue Beam and the real reason for Chemtrails! Project Blue Beam is a continuous experimentation of the Philadelphia and Montauk experiments. The collective plan is to create a world wide light show with accompanying electronically driven wave patterns. This PLUSE wawe would make people think God is talking to them. THEY have four different steps to prepare: 1: The first step concerns the breakdown of all archaological knowledge. There will be quakes in various places which will reveal unusual items which will be used to support their coming lie. This falsification will be used to make the polulation believe that all religious doctrine has been misunderstood. 2: The second step is the gigantic space LIGHT SHOW 3D optical holograms and sounds, laser projections of multiple holographic images (all of the systems working together to FOOL THE WORLD) 3: The third step is telepathic electronic two-way communication ELF (eXTRA Low Frequency), WLF (Very Low Frequency), and LF (Low Frequency) waves will reach the people of the earth.. inside their head the messages will pour in. When the project is activated, a messiah will appear in every country, representing that countrys biggest religion - thus Muslims will see Muhammad while Christians will see Christ, and so on. All religions gods will melt into one god. Jesus will be melted also into the new world religion leader. 4: Electronic universal supernatural manifestation designed to deceive will create the following illusion: - make mankind believe an alien invasion is imminent - make Christians believe a rapture is imminent - and the aliens have come to rescue the people of the world convince all that a global satanic supernatural force will manifestations worldwide able to travel through optical fiber, coaxial cable, electric and phone lines - are everywhere and inescapable. Like some weird EVIL Matrix. While these types of projects are super top secret, the evidence for its existance and possible utilization is over whelming. Notice whats increasing in Cost: cars, food, Liberal House Democrats voted for a $551.3 Million GAS TAX INCREASE, Insurances, Pharma Notice what is going down in cost: Public to get free TV without Govt coupons, HD TVS, On food stamps or Medicaid Get a FREE cell phone!, How to get free cell phone and internet service, Microwaives, The Elite want as many people with electronics as possible! No more shuttle missions? Hmmmm. Are we not interested in space anymore?! or is something almost complete and put into place for the future...?! Using the International Space Station to Control the Event from Space. Billions of dollars, Euros, Yen etc have been spent. Sticking thousands of electronic satellites and probes into our upper atmosphere. But HOW will they project this image on the SKY YOU ASK? Chamtrails contain Strontium Barium Niobate, which is used for HOLOGRAPHIC technology. The sky is one big movie screen -- GET THE POPCORN! Thats right, now you know the real reason for Chemtrails over most populated areas! Our World is wired! How many weather and climate satellites do we need? There are thousands of Sattelite. Satellites are only one part of the equation. They even make them look like TREES even church steeples will be used for evil. JUST DONT BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE! REMEMBER ITS A LIE! from comments: - Not that the actual technology of the elites has progressed that much since 911, considering they are at least thirty-five to a hundred years ahead of what the public is aware of. Considering the illusion they pulled off on 911 with its only flaw being human ineptitude of reporting it and covering it up, its been 13 years for them to improve their tactics and prepare the stage and masses for the greatest show on Earth. Just be aware when you throw rotten fruit at the performance, those giving a standing ovation and yelling bravo will be attempting to cut your tinfoil wearing heads off, for trying to spoil the magic show and piss off our supposed saviors. Stay Safe and Blessed - Awesome! I see the Evil One and his plans for mankind in this video...The Bible plainly states that in the Last Days there will be happenings of supernatural proportions around the globe....You ask?...Where is this coming from?...Most people do not know Lucifer or Satan very well...Nor, do they understand his plans for human beings!....SATAN HATES US!...SATAN WANTS TO DESTROY US AND TAKE US TO HELL!...FOREVER...Do not be fooled by the images and MAGIC!...IT IS ALL ILLUSION TO DESTROY YOUR LIFE AND SOUL!.. - They stole that tech from tesla. - Makes a guy wonder what exactly was in Nikola Teslas lost papers, or shall we say, stolen! - Tesla was a true genius in his own right. - He made Edison look like an idiot. They wanted what he had. His notes. - He wanted everything used for good...not for weaponry! What a brilliant mind he must of had! - He was an old man when he died, yet that doesnt mean he wasnt murdered for his papers! Brilliant, brilliant man who LOVED HUMANITY! Tesla really LOVED HUMANITY! All Documentaries,videos and much more at: nicholson1968/index.htm
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:26:08 +0000

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