FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SEEN OR ARE SEEING THE AITs rotten propaganda - TopicsExpress


FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SEEN OR ARE SEEING THE AITs rotten propaganda video. I have this to say about the Boko Haram statement purported to have been made by Buhari. Hear this: before this time I have maintained that this current Boko-Haram is not the one that was, which was the one led by Yusuf. Yususfs BH was a rag-tag band of Islamic zealots who were of course very dangerous none-the-less. This was at a time when the OPC held sway in the West, the Bakassi Boys in the East and the MEND and allies in the South-South. Each of them had their demands at that time. The Mend were assuaged by the Amnesty Program, the OPC rose to the status of statesmen in the West and were recognised by state Governments while the Bakassi Boys became the de-facto Executive State Guards in the East but the BH leader was killed in the North-East along with some of their members and even relatives. It was in this context that Buhari spoke up. In other words, he said what was good for the goose was also good for the gander. That since Armed Militancy was now (then) being assuaged it was only fair that the good gesture should go round. Remember that before this time, way back in 1985, Buhari had decimated the Maitatsine group. But the Jonathan Government has since destroyed the original Boko-Haram and its place put up its own Boko-Haram and even appointed some of its leaders into his cabinet (in the presidents own words). This new Boko-Haram the which Patrick Aziza (or is it Azazzi) was said to have been killed for because he had said shortly before his death that THIS BOKO-HARAM WAS A PDP THING. They want to rope Buhari into their own Boko Haram. The Boko-Haram which they founded and which they are using to siphon the nations money while making sissies of our very strong and vibrant Nigerian Army. The Nigerian Army which went to Liberia, a foreign land, faced the armies of Yormie Johnson, Sergeant Doe and Charles Taylor and broughT peace and democracy to that Land. The Nigerian Army that went to Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone and brought peace will now be afraid of a bunch of nonentities in Sambisa Forest?! The Nigerian Army, our own Nigerian Army, the pride of the African Continent when it came to fighting for the Liberation of Africa and and even of the world. From Burma in the time of ogun hitila Hitlers War or the second world war...and even dating back to the days of the West-African Frontiers of Valour now twisted around by bloody civilians led by one drunken-master called Shekau! They should tell us another story! THE VEIL SHALL SOON BE LIFTED AND WE SHALL HEAR STORIES THAT WILL REND THE HEART APART! Let the PDP go no further...weve heard enough and seen plenty of their lies. The propagandist tale on ait have some facts but then you cant buy the West (of nigeria) with those 1979 the NPP aligned with the NPN in spite of the Civil War and Alex Ekwueme was voted in along with Shehu Usman Aliyu Shagari of the NPN..When Odimegwu Ojukwu came back from exile, he joined the NPN widely acclaimed as a Northern means that, in Politics there are no permanent enemies only permanent interests. Japan is today a siamese twin of the US and it was this same US that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki two cities in Japan.Today APC has been banded as one in spite of your historical analysis of yesteryears...We cannot be deceived and boxed into ethnocentricism...Nigeria must be free of the PDP and if its Buhari that will get us out of be it! And for the rest of their nonsense, there are so many holes in it, but I dont want to go on and on...please Pay no attention! Vote them out! Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 21:49:20 +0000

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