FOR THOSE WHO WILL GIVE TIME TO READ MY TESTIMONIAL IN DETAILS.., I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH U ALL HOW POWERFUL THE AIM GLOBAL PRODUCT IS... August 16, 2014 that was Saturday afternoon, I talked with my son by phone bcoz that day he had a little fever. After a while, he vomited a lot. My husband brought him to the nearest hospital. He was admitted there. The nurse injected him for anti vomit and gave him some dextrose...Sunday morning, NO LABORATORY so they need to wait for the blood result the next day.On Monday morning, he was getting worse!!! His platelets was 94.Tuesday morning it decreased to 87. For 4 days, he was totally under observation....Wednesday morning he had nose bleeding and some rashes appeared at the back part of his body. Fever was ON and OFF.DR. said it was DENGUE FEVER!!!Thursday morning, I chat with upline Catherine Ablaza and I opened up my problem. I told her that my son is in the hospital. She introduced to me our product COMPLETE PHYTOENERGIZER is good for Dengue fever. She sent 3 boxes of Complete to my address thru LBC.Friday morning, the platelets reduced very low to 54. The Dr. told my husband, if the platelets get lower than 54, my son will be automatically be transfer to another hospital.I talked with my son and he said to me... Mama I feel very weak now. I told him to wait COMPLETE is on the way...He will be fine.At exactly 2:40 PM, the COMPLETE arrived on time. My son took 2 capsules immediately before the Dr. make rounds. After 35 minutes, the nurse get some blood again and the result was amazingly! In just a very short period of time... The platelets increased from 54 to 59 instantly!After 3 consecutive hours of taking 2 capsules of complete., my son feel better.NO FEVER, NO VOMITTING.Saturday morning he can eat well...Sunday NO LABORATORY.Monday morning platelets increased from 59 to 68. And surprisingly that night his platelets increased again from 68 to 141.!!!Aug. 26, 2014 Tuesday morning my son was discharged from the hospital. And today, everything came back to normal...First of all, I am giving back the highest praise and thanksgiving to our Almighty God for HE has given my son a new life!!!Secondly, for the powerful and wonderful product of Aim Global COMPLETE PHYTOENERGIZER as instrument of healing.Thirdly, am also sending my thanksgiving to the No.1 company Aim Global. THANK U SO MUCH.. For more info about our products and our company pls visit my website myaimglobalbiz/anastaciagallardo
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 06:44:47 +0000

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