FOR YOU, BARACK!! (A Poem by Joe Esposito) And heres to you, - TopicsExpress


FOR YOU, BARACK!! (A Poem by Joe Esposito) And heres to you, Barack! You low class SOB for all that you have caused. The five years of misery You could not have planned it any better All this hate mongering youve got it down to the letter Leave it to you to restart the Cold War And how in such a short time youve made our debt soar Future generations will have to pay down this debt And they will loathe you and on that I would surely bet But what will stand out will be your signature legislation That has been pure hell and has caused much devastation You came into office when things were bad and made it worse And the tone of your adminstration is increasingly perverse It is your lies that we will never forget and will always remember See the hell it will cause the Democrats this coming November Barack, Ive got to say theres never been someone quite like you Your arrogant and narcissistic personality is in full view And thanks to you political polarization has been much higher This was always your purpose and heartfelt desire For when there is this ever widening divide The joy you get from this you just cannot hide It is just a plain fact that demagoguery is your favorite tool That and your cunning guile is the way you wish to rule And when all else fails the race card is there for you to use Hey, why not use it you really have nothing to lose And with your political enemies you do get your pound of flesh Just look and see what is happening to poor Dinesh No one can dare express a different political point of view For we know then what the IRS will surely go and do Barack, you have destroyed everything our America stood for It is you and you alone that I truly do loathe and abhor As the old saying goes..You will reap what you sow For you that will come to be. That I do surely know!!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 22:38:04 +0000

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