FOR YOU WHO NEED LESSONS ON HOW TO ACTUALLY GET PEOPLE TO BELIEVE YOU GOT MONEY WHEN YOU ARE BROKE ... SHEESH! Tips and Warnings 1 Dress in a CLASSIC manner. Cardigans, plaid, polo shirts, jumpers, skirts, slacks, knee-high socks, and shorts. Also, for the old money look, more vintage style classics will work. Fabrics should be all natural, such as cotton, cashmere, silk, linen, . DONT OVER DO it; try to go for a relaxed look, like you just got back from a week at the family home in Kennebunkport. Well fitting clothing in relaxed muted colors and maybe a touch of pastel is very old money. Pay attention to the fit and fabric when you are shopping. Buy fewer quality pieces rather than a bunch of DISCOUNT items. 2 Have good hygiene. Make sure you always brush your teeth and take a shower. Wash your hair and keep it tidy but understated. Clean your nails and get manicures . Short Tips are really pretty but avoid long CRAZY nails with bright colors! 3 Keep your face neat and your body well groomed. Men should have precise haircuts, and well shaven facial hair. Women should have a tasteful cut, color and shine in their hair. Hair color should look natural and highlights and lowlights must be natural as if obtained on a visit to the beach house. 4 Act in a more PATRICIAN manner. Drive more SLOWLY. .WOW. Your car should look as though it is freshly detailed INSIDE and out: cleaned and waxed, with shiny tires. Slow down your speech, and LOWER YOUR VOICE AND VOLUME .Try talking about IMPORTANT MATTERS LIKE WHATS happening today. Dont be LOUD or DRAW ATTENTION to yourself. Learn to play golf, tennis and sail, or to ride (horses), Get familiar with English history. Groom regularly, nails, body, face and hair. Keep clothing neat. You must think before you talk, because, as small as this may seem, some people BLURT out things that make them seem as if they HAVE NO SENSE. . and it can hurt you and OTHERS AROUND YOU. 5 Put on your best face. A WEALTHY womans makeup is NATURAL WITH neutral colors, except for red lipstick, the only color in her makeup. Her nail polish is a pale white, pink or beige. Perfect skin is a rich woman must. Natural skin color looks much BETTER.. everyone looks better with a healthy glow. 7 Smell like money. Men and women should wear a small amount of an expensive scent. (Men- on inner wrist and underneath the jaw line, Women- on inner wrist inner elbows and underneath jaw line or behind ears) NEVER DOWN BELOW.. SEE GOOD HYGIENE. Do not put too much on! 8 Remember, REAL DIAMONDS are forever, but be discreet about it. Jewelry should be minimalistic, classic and inoffensive. IF YOU CANT you cant AFFORD THE the REAL THING DONT GET IT! ! OMG--keep it classic. In lieu of a genuine Cartier tank watch, do what lots of the wealthy do and get the cheapest, simplest Timex with a basic black leather band, small and discreet. Pearls always a plus. .. Nothing FLASHY FAKE or too big. 9 An AUTHENTIC designer bag or wallet is nice, but go for something a bit ORIGINAL or obsolete. Something that is the latest fashion is by definition a TREND, which is ANATHEMA to the OLD MONEY CROWD. It must be well made and LEATHER even if not designer, go for simple designs, such as the LL Bean Boat & Tote or a classic black quilted Chanel. Nothing avante garde, and nothing that looks like the Balenciaga Lariat, or the Chloe Paddington. However, if youre IMPRESSING the nouveau riche, trendy is pretty much mandatory. 10 Walk in a wealthy persons shoes. Acquire at least one pair of REALLY DECENT well made shoes. For men, some very conservative and understated oxfords or loafers. For women, a conservative pump, like the classic AUTHENTIC Chanel pump would be a good choice. 11 One of the most important things is to try and act normal. People who are not rich, wish they were. People who are rich dont want anyone to know. Be relaxed and LIGH-THEARTED. Wear things that are GOOD QUALITY, but do not ADVERTISE. Do not wear clothing with advertisements or brand names on them. If someone is truly wealthy, they WILL be ABLE to TELL. Do not act as though you are above normal activities. Act rich, walk and speak properly, but when you talk about the subject of yourself or your life, speak about yourself as though you are a normal person. Never accept that you are rich. Never openly DISCUSS YOUR FINANCES OMG!! 12 Be careful who you talk to, what you do, and WHERE YOU ARE all time. Be AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. One wrong move you make could change a persons mind negatively. LOVE YOURSELF, no matter what. 13 Act like a learned person. Wealthy people frequently receive private schooling and so EDUCATION is IMPORTANT. Brush up on general knowledge, but dont FLAUNT your education or CLAIM to be an expert. Read books and have perfect grammar as well as a good vocabulary, but do not throw long words around to sound impressive YOUR WELCOME ! HAVE A GOOD DAY♥♥♥♥♥
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 04:47:21 +0000

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