FORGET THE #16BarChallenge!! FORGET THE LAWTON TWITTER - TopicsExpress


FORGET THE #16BarChallenge!! FORGET THE LAWTON TWITTER TAKEOVER!!!! Whos ready to organize for the sake of OUR PEOPLE? Samantha Sam Bridgewater-Phillips: But the thing is, there is such a disconnect between us and them & us & our own that its almost inevitable. We have come so far while also getting left behind. There is a huge gap between those of the black race who are successful & those who are enslaved by the ghetto mindset. Reparations was entirely important & remains to be one of the biggest ways in which we got screwed...not because we shouldve gotten a check but a real opportunity to flourish. There should have been schools established and college educations given out by the thousands for generations to bridge the disparity... there should have been land passed out to families to increase the property ownership amongst us & add balance but... before and after the infiltration of crack into the hood. This is the campaign we need to be championing. We need the power to correct & empower & build up our own....from the ground up. We need clinics and centers set up with some real folk counseling real issues from a place of indentification. Prison being the new slavery & all is not helping! We need to be demanding reparations! Forget the mule, but give us the land and resources to rebuild our people. Before they pipe them into the prison, or condemn em as a lost cause...before we get out here making random public statements about how we are our own problem, give some of us the chance to correct these broken mindsets & repair the faulty programming thats been a default for generations WITH REAL & JUST CAUSE! Church is no longer enough. Church is outside tge 4 walls & its gonna take all of us who are not enslaved to work together. People always looking down on these others of our brethren but... look, its time to unite and roll up our sleeves and get in these trenches & save these folk... the ones who are willing to be. Ijs, people love bringing up the symptoms! We know! We see...lets decide that we are gonna act! Not based on our religion, but from a true place of justice inside & reclaim our broken. Quit using division to undermine the progress! daddies...lets go heal our men. Ok blacks killing blacks...lets quit bringing it up in the middle of a crisis & demand the tools to repair our kind!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 16:59:39 +0000

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