FORMAT AND RATIONALE FOR FORUMS WHY HOLD FORUMS? Responsible voting starts with knowing the capability, platform, values, and character of the candidates. WHO SHOULD ORGANIZE FORUMS? Concerned citizens, civic clubs, schools, and church groups in every barangay should organize non-partisan forums. WHY HOLD FORUMS? To make up for the sorry state of our democracy, responsible sectors should explore ways of screening candidates while educating voters. With thousands of able citizens to draw from, it is ridiculous that a community is forced to choose from among a line-up of dubious candidates without some sort of qualifying process. Unless responsible sectors do something to enable the neighborhoods to assess the suitability of the candidates, the next batch of barangay leaders will again be dominated by the irresponsible, the incompetent, or the corrupt. That of course is a prescription for disaster during the next national and local elections – which are won or lost in barangays, especially where the leaders manipulate and corrupt the neighborhoods. The barangay is our basic community. It should not be a staging area for rivalry between candidates with no concept of the common good. So many of them are picked or supported by irresponsible individuals who think what’s good for them is good for everyone. It is time the community confronts the harmful effects of bad politics; time to admonish families, neighbors, and clans that it is improper to field or support unfit candidates; time to point out that people with no demonstrated ability to manage the community’s government, public corporation, and economy are unfit for public service; time to weed out opportunists and incompetent jobseekers – who should be told to seek employment elsewhere. THE FORUM Every aspirant should be invited in writing, its purpose clearly stated – i.e. to enlighten the electorate and promote intelligent voting. Ideally there should be three Forums: first, candidates for barangay chairman; second, candidates for kagawad; and third, candidates for sangguniang kabataan chairman and kagawad. Announcements should be made in advance -- orally, as in sermons or flag-raising rites, and by posting on bulletin boards. If possible it should be supplemented by handouts or roving loudspeakers. Announcements are more effective if supplemented by facts about the barangay that people should know – e.g. its income and budget, the right of the people to know these, and the right to know what problems are sought to be covered by the budget If possible, the Forum should include a brief lecture and discussion on: The duties and responsibilities of barangay officials; The important structures, processes and mandatory requirements of barangay administration – e.g. a barangay assembly at least twice yearly, posting ordinances in at least three (3) prominent places (the budget is an ordinance), regular reports on income and expenditures, holding public biddings and hearings, the barangay development council and its duty to prepare a comprehensive development plan and annual investment plan, and its duty to mobilize and involve local civil society; Keeping an up-to-date roster of all residents (not just voters) so that every member of the barangay is accounted for; The obligation to enforce all laws; Transparency and accountability. and The process of initiative, referendum and recall (removing officials for loss of confidence). Venus/Format The Forum should be held in an auditorium or covered area large enough to accommodate everyone if it rains (a church, a gym, and the like). Invitations should be formal, with personal follow up where possible. Invited candidates shall be seated on a stage or elevated platform with unobstructed view so everyone can see them. There should be a panel of respected citizens who shall ask the questions in alternating order. They should be introduced, along with their background or qualifications to establish their credibility. Panel members may be drawn from outside the barangay if the situation calls for it – such as if the community is seriously divided and no one trusts anyone to be non-partisan. Questions should be prepared beforehand -- designed to elicit answers on the candidates’ knowledge of the office, its responsibilities, and how he would manage barangay affairs for the benefit of everyone (not just favored sectors). 5. Questions need not be uniform for all. What is important is that answers will reveal knowledge of facts (what), style (how they would do things), and character (idealism, integrity). Each one should be asked his reasons for running (ambition), his vision (his idea of how the community should be), his worth (qualifications) as a public servant, and his integrity (his view of corruption and how he would deal with it). Advance preparation is necessary so that questions can be designed to enable the community to know who are and are not suitable. ILLUSTATIVE QUESTIONS On Ambition, Vision, Worth, Integrity: Why are you running and what do you hope to get out of being [chairman/kagawad]? What is your idea of a model barangay community? What in your background or experience qualifies you for the position? Do you know of any corruption, corrupt practices, or criminality in the community? What will you do about these? Have you ever engaged in gambling, heavy drinking or other hobbies or activities that are disapproved by the community? On knowledge of the Office 1. Why is the barangay head called chairman and not kapitan? Or are the two the same? A chairman presides over his peers, a captain commands troops/subordinates. A chairman is a good listener, a captain expects to be listened to and obeyed ) 2. Who are the members of the Barangay Assembly? Should they attend its sessions? What should be done to have them attend? Every voter is a member. Everyone should attend so his opinions and preferences are known by the community as a whole; only thus can decisions on any issue be truly a community decision (Section 397, Local Government Code) 2. What is the importance of the Barangay Assembly? It is the congress or parliament of the people, the supreme governing body of the community. Its members are the people in whom sovereignty resides and from whom all government authority emanates (Article II, Section 1, Constitution). It can remove or discipline undesirable officials. (Section 69) Unless it convenes, the people have no voice – because they can only exercise their sovereign power during its sessions, apart from voting during elections. 3. What is the agenda of the Barangay Assembly? To hear the reports of the chairman and the sanggunian and to approve or disapprove them, including the proposed budget for the barangay. To pass upon past, present and future activities; only those approved by the Assembly are valid. (Section 398) To let the people express their concerns and proposals. 4. Are programs and projects approved by the sanggunian supposed to be reported? Section 398 requires that all activities and finances of the Sanggunian must be heard and passed upon by the Assembly. 5. What is the role of the Barangay Development Council and its importance? It is responsible for preparing a comprehensive development plan for the entire barangay – its infrastructure, its services for all neighborhoods and sectors, its programs, and its facilities. Without this plan, there is no basis for justifying the budget or the expenses incurred by the officials. Unless it is prepared, the development of the barangay will be purely a game of chance. Moreover, this council is supposed to mobilize public support for all programs and projects. 6. Why is it important to observe the law in constituting or forming this Barangay Development Council? The law requires that at least one-fourth of it shall consist of representatives from NGOs or civil society, and that the NGOs themselves shall choose their representatives, not the chairman or the sanggunian. Unless this is observed, the community cannot be properly represented in preparing the plans – which must be done for their benefit and not just for favored sectors. 7. Why is it important to have a comprehensive development plan? If it is not comprehensive, some sectors or districts may be overlooked. Social justice demands that equal opportunity should be given to all; moreover, that there should be preferential treatment for the poorest inhabitants, for those who live farthest from the center, for those who inhabit the harshest environment, and for those who have disabilities. Unless these are seriously considered, the community cannot be said to be fair and just and caring. 8. Do you think you can increase the earnings of the barangay so it will serve the people better? How? The barangay is a corporation, just like a municipality, a city or a business corporation. It can establish a money-making business, a cooperative, or anything that can expand the earnings and services of the barangay government. (Section 16-19) 9. What is the income of the barangay today? Can you break it down by source? The barangay earns Internal Revenue Allotments (IRA) yearly, which is released every quarter. It also has a 35% share of all collections from the extraction of national wealth such as quarrying, mining and forest products; a 25% share of all real property taxes, and a 50% share of the community tax collected by it. In addition, it keeps 100% of collections from filing fees of the Lupon, clearance fees for all types of transactions, and permits and licenses. 10. In what way does the barangay provide legitimacy to national officials and stability for the Philippine Republic? All voters live in the barangay and all precincts are in it. Votes cast in it elect the local and national officials. If the votes of the barangay are corrupted and election laws are violated, the outcome of elections becomes doubtful and the legitimacy of those proclaimed is clouded. Then conflicts erupt, harmony is jeopardized, and order is threatened – making our Republic unstable and vulnerable to rebellion and coup d’etat attempts by sore losers. There are many other possible questions a panel can pose to candidates. Suffice it to say that these should be designed not only to enlighten but to aid the community in deciding who are fit for office and who are not. Forum organizers and panel members do not take sides or endorse candidates. Any hint or indication of partiality or favoritism will impair the credibility of the process and should be avoided. To violate this impartiality is a disservice to the community. However, it behooves the organizers and panel members to warn in no uncertain terms against any violation of election laws or any attempt to employ unfair, corrupt or dishonest campaign practices. If there is clear proof of such wrongdoing, there should be no hesitation in denouncing the act and in exposing the perpetrators. By doing this, we give a chance for reforms and good governance to take root in our already much-abused and corrupted system. The GBM welcomes inquiries and requests for assistance in respect of the foregoing. GISING BARANGAY MOVEMENT INC P.O. Box 0496, Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Tel. (08822) 74-5150
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 11:55:44 +0000

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