FORT WAYNE, IN, USA, 8-31-13 MEETING BETWEEN MEMBERS OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS BCCA AND WORLD EXECUTIVE MEMBERS OF BCWC. Attending: Herb Schwartz (BCCA CANvention Committee Member), Mark Crane (BCCA CANvention Committee Member) , Tom Fay (BCCA Vice President), Juan Carlos De Marco (BCWC World General Coordinator), Dave Vogl (BCCA official speaker for 2º BCWC in Milwaukee 2015 in Martin, Slovakia), Claudio Nogueira (BCWC World Executive Council member), Mark Rodgers (BCWC World Executive Council member, and BCCA official delegate for BCWC), Ron Jones (BCCA CANvention Committee Member), Keith Bennett (BCWC World Executive Council member), Doug Groth (BCCA 2013/2014 President), John Fatura (BCCA Past President and member of USA delegation to Martin), Mike England (BCCA CANvention Committee Member), and Beer Dave Gausepolh (BCCA CANvention Planner) The authorities of the BCAA officially reported to the BCWC World Executive Committee and the World General Coordinator, that the 2nd Brewery Collectibles World Convention will take place between the 1st and 5th of September, 2015, in the city of Milwaukee, State of Wisconsin, USA, in the Hilton Milwaukee City Centre. Deliberations agreed on: 1) Present a strong promotion of the BCWC 2nd in Milwaukee, in the city of Martin, from 3 to 6 October. 2) To ensure smooth ongoing communication between members of the WEC of the BCWC, and responsible for the Organization of the 2nd BCWC in Milwaukee, which will be operated between the World General Coordinator, Mark Rodgers, Doug Groth (President 2013-2014) and Tom Fay (President 2014-2015). 3) The WGC will provide the complete list of e-mails of all the representatives of the different clubs members around the world. 4) Those responsible for the Organization of the 2nd BCWC run out all means to reduce higher costs possible, to allow the assistance of the largest number of foreign collectors. 5) Among all those responsible was combined to balance a hierarchical overlap of the 45 CANvention and the 2nd BCWC, to not generate an event to have higher prevalence than the other. Las autoridades de la BCCA comunicaron oficialmente al BCWC World Executive Committee y al World General Coordinator, que la 2º Brewery Collectibles World Convention tendrá lugar entre los días 1 y 5 de Septiembre de 2015, en la ciudad de Milwaukee, estado de Wisconsin, USA, en el Hilton Milwaukee City Centre. De las deliberaciones se coincidió en: 1) Presentar una fuerte promoción de la 2º BCWC en Milwaukee, en la ciudad de Martin, del 3 al 6 de Octubre. 2) Procurar una fluida comunicación permanente entre los miembros del WEC de la BCWC, y los responsables de la organización de la 2º BCWC en Milwaukee, que se canalizará entre el World General Coordinator, Mark Rodgers, Doug Groth (President 2013-2014) y Tom Fay (President 2014-2015). 3) El WGC suministrará la lista completa de correos electrónicos de todos los representantes de los distintos clubes miembros en todo el mundo. 4) Los responsables de la organización de la 2º BCWC agotarán todos los medios para abaratar los mayores costos posibles, de modo tal de permitir la asistencia de la mayor cantidad de coleccionistas extranjeros. 5) Entre todos los responsables se combinó que habrá que mantener un equilibrio jerárquico entre la superposición de la 45 CANvention y la 2º BCWC, para no generar que un evento tenga mayor predominio que el otro.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 04:57:19 +0000

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