FORWARD : Obama and Holder condemn police executions : Really? - TopicsExpress


FORWARD : Obama and Holder condemn police executions : Really? Shallow, very Shallow! Wallowing in the act of Divisive, Self-Serving, Race-Baiting Political Bloviating : Promoting their Divisive Race-Baiting Mob Rule Activist Agenda, the Rioting, Looting and Burning of Ferguson and miss-directed protest based on false political rhetoric and Racial Bias creating the Divisive, “Hands Up Don’t Shoot”, and “I Can’t Breath”, Protest and its Mob Assaults on society, on the Grand Jury, and our American Justice System. I unconditionally condemn todays murder of two police officers in New York City. It does appear that Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder failed to examine their own statements on race over the past few months, and instead put out self-serving comments about the NYC Police Officers Killings. Unfortunately, the Police Officers Executioner took them seriously, responds and acts, (“I’m putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours ... let’s take 2 of theirs,” Brinsley, 28, wrote on Instagram, alongside a photo of a silver handgun. He also included three hashtags: ShootThePolice, RIPErivGarner (sic) and RIPMikeBrown.” ) Two Murdered-Executed NYC Police Officers, Are the reality and wages of Progressive Liberal Democrats poking the mob with a stick for political reasons. Progressive Liberalism shouldnt be surprised when the mob responds. Expressing Sorrow, all the while, Promoting Mob Rule., The progressive Liberal Democrat, blame and run reality of their failed Progressive Ideology and Liberal Purpose. Maybe, the P.O.T.U.S. thinks his rhetoric may have had something to do with the killings? Or Not ? Maybe it is his Self-Serving Dictatorial Control, Political Bloviating, Divisive Race-Baiting Mob Rule Activism and the Reality of the Progressive Liberal Democrat Over-Criminalization of behavior is their Reality of Liberal Being. Who Knew? Obama and Holder condemn police executions Rick Moran writes, The two people in the United States who have done more to fan the flames of racial unrest than anyone have issued statements on the execution of two police officers in New York City. President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder failed to examine their own statements on race over the past few months, and instead put out self-serving comments about the killings. BBC: Mr Obama said the officers would not be going home to their loved ones and for that, there is no justification. The two were killed while on patrol in Brooklyn. New Yorks police chief says they were targeted for their uniform. The gunman had posted anti-police messages online, amid continuing tensions over police tactics. In a statement President Obama said: I unconditionally condemn todays murder of two police officers in New York City. Officers who serve and protect our communities risk their own safety for ours every single day and they deserve our respect and gratitude every single day, said Mr Obama, who is on holiday in Hawaii. I dont think Ive ever heard a president say that he unconditionally condemns an action of anyone. Is it an indication that the president thinks his rhetoric may have had something to do with the killings? Meanwhile, Holders words ring hollow when you consider how he tried to nationalize the purely local matter of a policeman shooting a young man: Attorney General Eric Holder condemned the “senseless” shooting of two New York City police Saturday, and pledged the full resources of the Justice Department to assist in the investigation of the ambush killings. “This was an unspeakable act of barbarism, and I was deeply saddened to hear of the loss of these two brave officers in the line of duty,” Holder said in a statement. “On behalf of all those who serve in the United States Department of Justice, I want to express my heartfelt condolences to the officers loved ones and colleagues.” [...] Our nation must always honor the valor -- and the sacrifices -- of all law enforcement officers with a steadfast commitment to keeping them safe,” he said. “This means forging closer bonds between officers and the communities they serve, so that public safety is not a cause that is served by a courageous few, but a promise thats fulfilled by police officials and citizens working side by side. Recall that Holder didnt call what happened in Ferguson barbarism, despite the savagrey of the rioters. These are the wages of poking the mob with a stick for political reasons. They shouldnt be surprised when the mob responds. By Rick Moran Assassination of 2 NY policemen has the left scrambling Thomas Lifson writes, New York City Patrolmen Rafael Ramos and Wenjin Liu are dead at the hands of an assassin who executed them as they sat in their patrol car eating lunch, working an overtime shift. “They were, quite simply, assassinated,” a shaken NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said Saturday night. The shooter — identified as Ismaaiyl Brinsley — boasted about wanting to murder cops in the hours before he ambushed the officers outside the Tompkins Houses in Bedford-Stuyvesant about 2:45 p.m. “I’m putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours ... let’s take 2 of theirs,” Brinsley, 28, wrote on Instagram, alongside a photo of a silver handgun. He also included three hashtags: ShootThePolice, RIPErivGarner (sic) and RIPMikeBrown. “This may be my final post ... I’m putting pigs in a blanket.” There can be no question that this was a political assassination. It comes just over a week after marchers in Brooklyn, the same borough where the officers were assassinated, chanted, “What do we want? Dead cops!” Mayor deBlasio failed to denouce this. His silence spoke volumes. Compare the New York Times and Washington Post early reports on the crime: the Times omits any mention of motive. That tells you that the left is desperate to avoid the fact that deliberate political agitation led a possibly deranged man to political violence. The left was anxious to blame the attack on Gabriel Giffords on an obscure post by Sarah Palin using targets to indicate competitive House races. Now, when demonstrators called for dead cops, and when the mayor of New York City spoke of his son as a potential victim of police racism, implying that police are racists, they will seek to deny a connection. Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, and Mayor de Blasio are all implicated in stirring up hatred for the police and all have issued mealy-mouthed pious declarations of their grief. It will not be enough. President Obama, enjoying himself in Hawaii, will have to interrupt his vacation and make a strong statement. What he says will have a strong influence on the furtue of race relations. By Thomas Lifson
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:18:44 +0000

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