FOSTERING POLITICAL ACCOUNTABILITY THROUGH TOWN HALL MEETINGS. NAYMOTE seeks to make elected leaders more accessible, responsive and accountable to citizens who voted them to power through town hall meetings. Town hall meetings have served as one of the best conduits for promoting grassroots advocacy, engaging community residents and creating an avenue for interaction between residents and their elected leaders, especially legislators. On November 23, 2013, NAYMOTE organized a town hall meeting where Representative Edward Karfiah, of District # 5, Bong County presented his annual report to citizens of his district. Over 350 citizens from Yelequelleh and Suakoko Districts participated in the town hall meeting including the entire county leadership. It was awesome how citizens are getting interested in politics. Representative Karfiah presented for 2 hours followed by a one-hour questions and answers session. The local media institutions were in full and copies of Rep. Karfaih”s Report was distributed to the citizens from the various towns and villages. This initiative was funded by Trust Africa. Such interactions between citizens and their leaders, strengthens local democracy and allow the voices of the people, who elected them, to be heard. NAYMOTE attaches significance to the issue of supporting the maintenance of strong links between the legislators and their respective constituents because it will not only ensure the effective implementation of development agenda, but it will contribute to sound representation through training and experience over a period of time as opposed to frequent replacement of legislators by their constituents due to poor performance as it relates to the roles and responsibilities of a lawmaker.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 07:03:45 +0000

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