FOUR REASONS THE EARLY CHURCH DID NOT BELIEVE HELL LASTS FOREVER Today, many people disagree on how guilty criminals should be treated. Is the purpose of punishment, the argument goes, to rehabilitate the criminal by reforming his character? Or, rather, is the purpose of punishment to inflict eye-for-an-eye retaliation on the wrongdoer? Put another way, is our motive for punishment revenge or rescue? This same analysis can be applied to Gods purpose for Hell. Is Gods motive in allowing sinners to go to Hell a form of revenge upon the sinner, or is Gods motive rather to ultimately rescue the sinner from his own fallen nature? Which purpose better aligns with the nature of God revealed in Jesus Christ? Well, the majority of the early Church believed that Hell was place where God would rescue, reform and reconcile all lost sinners back unto Himself. The process of Hell was intense, thorough, critical, painful, agonizing and anguishing. But, it was ultimately restorative as each and every sinner was led through and past their own Hellish valley of sin and death, and into a deep and heartfelt place of Godly repentance. The early Church had a significantly different view of Hell than much of the Church does today. Hells purpose, for the majority of the Church fathers, was seen as purifying rather than punishing, restoring rather than torturing, healing rather than destroying. They believed Hell was Gods crisis-management for lost souls. Hell was for all those who did not authentically receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior during their earthly lives. The early Church believed Gods Hell-fire was not inflicted to destroy the lost, but rather to ultimately save them. Gods fire was WISE in that it revealed, cleansed and cured the lost soul of all the false identities accumulated during their fallen lifetimes. The wood, hay and stubble of these false identities would be burned off of the lost soul, but they themselves would be saved, yet so as by fire. 1 Corinthians 3:13-15. Hell, from this viewpoint then, was a rocky but redemptive journey to repentance and restoration. Hell was still seen as infinitely intense and unimaginably painful - - just not eternal. Ebenezer Scrooges nightmarish journey as described in the classic Christmas Carol would be an illustration of what such a redemptive journey through Hell might look like. For Scrooge, his journey was intensely revealing, painful and heart-breaking, but ultimately redemptive. Scrooge was not even aware that his own repentance and redemption was the Lords endgame. He was too busy suffering at the realization of his past, present and future sins. And, in fact, Scrooges journey appeared to be outside of time as we know it. His whole pitiful life was played out before him in just a few earthly hours, yet for him it appeared to last a very long time. Would God not have the same type of cosmic elbow room to take our souls on such a Scrooge-like post-mortem journey to repentance? Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation, certainly allowed for this possibility: God forbid that I should limit the time of acquiring faith to the present life. In the depth of the Divine mercy there may be opportunity to win it in the future. Martin Luthers letter to Hanseu Von Rechenberg, 1522. Here is a quick historical survey of the EARLY CHURCH regarding their beliefs about HELL: THE FIRST 500 YEARS: In the first five centuries there were six known theological schools. Four of them taught that all men would EVENTUALLY be rescued from Hell: these being the theological schools at Alexandria, Antioch, Caesarea and Edessa/Nisbis. One school, Ephesus, taught Annihilationism (that sinners are totally incinerated into nothingness in Hell). Only one theological school, Rome/Carthage taught eternal punishment. Source: The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Universalism Entry, p. 96, Baker Book House. 1ST CENTURY: PAUL. It is interesting to note that Paul never used the word Hell in any of his writings, though he was considered the theologian of the New Testament. He spoke of Gods post-mortem purging fire in 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, but never of Hell per se. The Gospel of John, the disciple perhaps closest to Jesus heart, never used the word Hell in his Gospel. It is also interesting to note that the Book of Acts never mentions the word Hell, except to speak of Jesus liberation FROM it. Acts NEVER uses the word Hell to describe any part of the Christian message which established the Church. The following passages suggests Pauls seminal thinking on the eventual and ultimate salvation of all men: Romans 5:17,18; 10:9-17; 11:25-33; 14:11; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 15:22-28; 1 Tim. 2:1-6; 4:10; Eph. 1:10; 4:1-10; Phil. 2:9-11; Col. 1:20, 23; Heb. 2:9. 2ND CENTURY: CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA. Clement was the first to speak of Gods fire as a wise fire which purges the sinner unto salvation. Gods punishments are saving and disciplinary (in Hades) leading to conversions, and choosing rather the repentance than the death of the sinner, and especially since souls, although darkened by passions, when released from their bodies, are able to perceive more clearly because of their being no longer obstructed by the paltry flesh. We can set no limits to the agency of the Redeemer to redeem, to rescue, to discipline, is His work, and so will he continue to operate after this life. Clem. str. 5:14.90.4-91.2; see also; and hyp. (frg. In Stahlin, Clemens Alexandrians, 3:211). 3RD CENTURY: ORIGEN: When the Son is said to be subject to the Father, the perfect restoration of the whole creation is signified, so also, when enemies are said to be subjected to the Son of God, the salvation of the conquered and the restoration of the lost is in that understood to consist.Origen, De Principiis, Book III, Chapter 5, Section 7, Anf, Vol. 4. Origen was the first Christian Systematic Theologian. A fundamental and essential element of his theology was the doctrine of the universal restoration of all fallen beings to their original holiness and union with God. Gods mercy and goodness are all-inclusive and ultimately irresistible. Hellfire is corrective and purgative, not punitive and eternal. This doctrine was called Apocatastasis,the restitution of all things per Acts 3:21. Origen was the greatest enemy of Gnosticism (per his Against Celsus) and is considered the greatest theologian of the early Eastern Church.There is hardly a major thinker who is not deeply indebted to Origen. From the middle of the Twentieth Century, focused scholarly symposia of the Greek and Latin Church have once again begun to study and critically expound the rich Origenian legacy. The Westminister Handbook of Patristic Theology, WJK. 4TH CENTURY: GREGORY OF NYSSA: What therefore is the scope of Paul’s argument in this place [1 Cor. 15:28]? That the nature of evil, at length, be wholly exterminated, and divine, immortal goodness embrace within itself every rational creature; so that of all who were made by God, not one shall be excluded from his Kingdom. All the viciousness, that like a corrupt matter is mingled in things, shall be dissolved and consumed in the furnace of purgatorial fire; and every thing that had its origin from God, shall be restored to its pristine state of purity. Tract, in Dictum Apostoli, Tunc etiam ipse Filius subjicietur, and c.p. 137, and seqq. Gregory was one of the three great Cappodadocean Fathers who protected the doctrine of the Trinity from the Arians at the Councils of Nicea and Constantinople. 5TH CENTURY: Theodore of Mopsuestia. They who have chosen the good, shall, in the future world, be blessed and honored. But the wicked, who have committed evil the whole period of their lives, shall be punished till they learn, that, by continuing in sin, they only continue in misery. And when, by this means, they shall have been brought to fear God, and to regard Him with good-will, they shall obtain the enjoyment of His grace. Assemani Biblioth. Orient. Tom. iii. Par. i. p.323. Church history is fairly clear that this view of Hell was not just the view of a few, but rather was the majority view of the Church. Basil the Great (329-379) said that, The MASS of men (Christians) say that there is to be an end of punishment to those who are punished. De Ascetics. Saint Jerome (347-420) said, I know that MOST persons understand the story of Nineveh and its king, the ultimate forgiveness of the devil and all rational creatures. Homily on Jonah. Lastly, even Augustine (354-430), who vehemently opposed Universalism, acknowledged, There are VERY MANY in our day, who though not denying the Holy Scriptures, do not believe in endless torments. Enchirdion cxii. (The Latin for very many is imo quam plurimi, which can be translated majority). When the Church rejected this high view of Gods goodness and replaced it with a view of God as an eternal torturer, the dark ages began, almost to the day. Ever since, there has remained a small, constant and stubborn strand of those imbedded in the Church who believe Hell is not an eternal torture chamber, but rather Gods final crisis-center, a cosmic ER station where God performs complicated, intense and painful surgery on our souls in order to remove all our false sin-identities accumulated over our lifetime. The belief that Hell is ultimately remedial and restorative rather than eternally torturous can withstand any Scriptural challenge if you accept four premises, the same four premises widely accepted by the early Church. PREMISE #1- JESUS DID NOT PREACH ETERNAL PUNISHMENT IN THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT! Eternal Punishment is the term used in the English translation of the Bible on which most people base their view of eternal conscious torment in Hell. The term in the Greek is kolasis aionios. If this term does indeed mean eternal punishment, then Hell would seem to be foreverrrrrrrrrr. But, such is not the case. Let’s first consider the opinion of the great Greek scholar William Barclay, who was professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism at Glasgow University and the author of many commentaries and books, including a translation of the New Testament and the very popular Daily Study Bible Series. Barclay discusses this point regarding Matthew 25:46 in his well-known autobiography: One of the key passages is Matthew 25:46 where it is said that the rejected go away to eternal punishment, and the righteous to eternal life. The Greek word for punishment is kolasis, which was not originally an ethical word at all. It originally meant the pruning of trees to make them grow better. I think it is true to say that in all Greek secular literature kolasis is never used of anything but remedial punishment. The word for eternal is aionios. It means more than everlasting, for Plato - who may have invented the word - plainly says that a thing may be everlasting and still not be aionios. The simplest way to put it is that aionios cannot be used properly of anyone but God; it is the word uniquely, as Plato saw it, of God. Eternal punishment is then literally that kind of remedial punishment which it befits God to give and which only God can give. Aristotle supports Barclay on the meaning of kolasis. The only word in the Gospels for punishment with regard to God punishing evildoers is kolasis, which according to Aristotle, who knew Greek word meanings better than anybody who ever walked the planet, said that kolasis is the kind of punishment which is inflicted in the interest of the sufferer, which means it is for the betterment or improvement of the person being punished. This is contrasted with timoria, which Aristotle said is the kind of punishment which is inflicted in the interest of him who inflicts it, that he may obtain satisfaction. (Rhet. 1369b13). G. Campbell Morgan, nicknamed the Prince of Expository Preaching, and one of the great Bible scholars in Church history, also agrees with Barclay: We cannot conceive of a Creator who knows the end from the beginning, one who is Love, who has infinite wisdom, and infinite power, giving to any being life, life which is never to end, but to continue in suffering to all eternity. THE BIBLE DOES NOT TEACH IT ANYWHERE IN THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGES. Gods punishments are remedial and take place within the span of the ages during which he is accomplishing the making of man in His image and likeness. Punishment will last no longer than is necessary to bring man to hate his sin and be reconciled to his Saviour. G. Campbell Morgan Pastor, Sermon: The Cross and the Ages to Come, Westminster Chapel, London. In addition to Barclay’s opinion above, let’s consider some other respected sources about the proper translation of “aionios: The Rotterham Emphasized Bible translates “kolasis aionios” in Matthew 25:46 as “age abiding correction.” Young’s Literal Translation translates “kolasis aionios” in Matthew 25:46 as “punishment age.” The Concordant Literal Translation translates “kolasis aionios” in Matthew 25:46 as “chastening eonian, or chastening age in other words. Our English word “eon” derives from the Greek word “aionios.” Eon, as we use the word, speaks of ages or cycles of indeterminate amounts of time. The term is often used in the plural form, such as “It’s been eons since we’ve talked,” or “Eons ago the universe was formed.” The point is that we don’t even use the term today to refer to “everlasting” in the sense of never ending. Think how silly it sounds to pluralize “everlasting” into “everlastings, yet eon is pluralized into eons all the time. The best translators of the New Testament Greek text would be the Greek fathers of the church over the first 500 years. They were Christian. They were scholars. They lived nearest to the time the New Testament was written and would have a better grasp of grammatical nuances of recent generations. Koine Greek was a lost language for hundreds of years and it is somewhat presumptuous for modern scholars to think they know Biblical Greek better than the Greek-speaking Church fathers did. The Church fathers and writers who used the term “aionios” in their writings to refer to an indefinite “age” and not to an “unending” or “everlasting” eternity are: Ignatius, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Hermogones, Origen, Eusebius, Gregory of Nyssa, and Avitus. The Emperor Justinian in A.D. 540 tried to extinguish Origen’s teachings by defining Catholic doctrine at that time. “The Holy Church of Christ teaches an endless aionios (ATELEUTETOS aionios) life to the righteous, and endless (ateleutetos) punishment to the wicked.” Aionios was not enough in his judgment to denote endless duration, so he employed ateleutetos. The point is that “aionios” by itself did not mean “everlasting.” It needed to be strengthened with another word to in fact mean “endless,” like “ateleutetos.” Jews who were contemporaries with Christ, but who wrote in Greek, show that “aionios” was not used to mean “everlasting.” Josephus the historian used “aionios” to refer to temples which were already destroyed (and thus not “everlasting”), indeterminate prison sentences and time lapses between historical events. He never used the word to denote “everlasting,” but rather to mean an indeterminate period or season. The Jewish writer Philo always used the words athanaton, ateleuteton or aidion to denote endless and aionion for temporary duration. Augustine, who knew no Greek, claimed for years that the only meaning of “aionios” was “everlasting,” yet even he had to acknowledge his error when visited by the Spanish presbyter Orosius, who convinced Augustine of his error. Augustine relented, but only to the extent that “aionios” did not only mean “everlasting.” Augustine still believed it means “everlasting” with regard to Hell. To summarize then, Greek word Aionios, which is sometimes translated as everlasting in Scripture (as in everlasting punishment), does NOT in fact mean unending or everlasting in quantity of time. Rather, Aionios speaks to an indeterminate age set by God alone. The word refers to a certain quality (not quantity) of being - - whether it be aionios life or aionios remedial-punishment. Aionios is always qualified by what it is describing. For instance, the word great, when applied to a merciful sentence imposed by a kind-hearted judge, might refer to a small amount of time in jail. Conversely, great, when applied to an atrocious crime, for which the judge throws the book at the defendant, might refer to a life-sentence in jail. Similarly, the nature and quality of aionios, applied to the life of God, is entirely different than when it is applied to the chastening or punishment of God. GREAT life in God is certainly unending, since death will have been completely defeated, but the unending length is not the primary essence of that GREAT life. Rather, the limitless quality of love and peace which come from being totally at one with the Lord is the key aspect of this GREAT life. On the other hand, GREAT punishment by God will not be unending since He punishes to correct and rehabilitate and He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Pet. 3:9. Life in God is not everlasting because it is aionios, but rather aionios is everlasting because it is referring to life in God. Conversely, aionios punishment is not temporary because aionios means temporary, but rather aionios is temporary in this context since Gods chastening is curative and incapable of being eternally resisted. For his anger is but for a moment; His favor is for a life-time: Weeping may tarry for the night, But joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5. Aionios then, by itself, means an indeterminate age, not an unending age. Only the context of the passage provides guidance as to the actual quality and duration of the age. PREMISE #2- HELL AND HEAVEN ARE OUTSIDE OF TIME AS WE DEFINE IT! Time to God is not the same thing as time to man. Kairos is the Greek term generally used to describe Gods perfect timing. It is not run by a clock, but by the heart of God. Chronos, by contrast, is the Greek term used to describe mans fallen timing. Karios is measured by love and meaning. Chronos is measured by clocks and calendars. Kairos is measured by relational events, renewed thoughts, repentant hearts and acts of love. Chronos,by contrast, is mans time measured apart from God. Chronos is linear clock time which is running down this fallen world like a time bomb waiting to explode. Chronos is the sand of our lives slowly but surely emptying out our life force. Chronos is the process of dying. Chronos doesnt caress, doesnt change and doesnt forgive. Chronos ages us, disappoints us, crushes us and ultimately kills our bodies. Kairos, by contrast, cures us, restores our youth and allows us to be fully present in the now with our God. The problem arises when men apply Chronos concepts to Kairos events. To label Heaven or Hell as endless means that it is being measured by mans time, which cant begin to grasp the Kairos reality involved. Heaven is not Heaven because clocks will be ticking and ticking for all eternity without interruption. This Chronos concept that we will be sitting around stroking our harps forever and ever is not eternal life in the Kairos sense. Eternal life in the Kairos sense means life of infinite quality and blessedness. It is life which has evicted death altogether. Chronos doesnt even exist anymore where Kairos life exists. This life doesn’t extend time, it transcends it altogether. So too, with Hell, it is not a Chronos reality but a Kairos event which will be determined by God alone. That God doesnt view time from Chronos’ viewpoint is established by 2 Peter 3:8 which states, But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. In fact, Revelation 10:6-7 says that when the seventh angel declares that the mystery of God should be finished,thatthere should be time (literally Chronos) no longer! Isnt it clear that both Heaven and Hell exist outside of time and space as we know it? Eternity is just a term to describe the limitless life of God which operates apart from the constraints of time and space. To use four dimensional terms (length, width, height and time) to describe 100 dimensional realities is completely inadequate. A Christian writer and theologian, Edwin A. Abbott, once wrote a book called Flatland. It is a science fiction novel about a planet called Flatland where the inhabitants have only two dimensions - - length and width. Since they lack height, they all appear as lines to each other. Some have more sides than others, but all still appear as simple lines. One day, a three dimensional being enters their world. He tries to explain three dimensional reality but the flatlanders cant understand it because all they know is two dimensions. Ultimately, the three dimensional messiah lifts one of the Flatlanders up and out of his two dimensional reality. The flatlander now is astounded with the Heavenly reality of height that has always existed both above and beneath him. The two dimensions the flatlander did know have now been blended with the Heavenly truth of height which now gives everything he knows limitless depth and beauty. In this same way, we who live by Chronos cant grasp the eternal essences of Heaven and Hell until our Messiah lifts us up to spiritual realities which transcend the time and space limitations of our flatland. Do we really believe that when Jesus descended into Hell to lead captivity captive and disarm all the demonic principalities and powers (Eph. 4:8-10; Col. 2:15), that this was done in linear Chronos time? No, Jesus died once for all. What He did was outside of time and space. He died for ALL men-- past, present and future. He preached (literally, evangelized) to all the dead in Hell - - past, present and future (1 Pet. 4:6). If Jesus had done all this in Chronos time, we could assume only that He paid for the sins of those who were in Hell as of 33 A.D. Since we know this cant be the case, we must toss Chronos considerations out of our definitions of Heaven and Hell. As A.W. Tozer said in his book, The Knowledge of the Holy: Because God lives in an everlasting now, He has no past and no future. When time-words occur in the Scriptures they refer to our time, not to His. When the four living creatures before the throne cry day and night, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come, they are identifying God with the flow of creature-life with its familiar three tenses; and this is right and good, for God has sovereignly willed so to identify Himself. But since God is uncreated, He is not Himself affected by that succession of consecutive changes we call time. The work of Jesus by and through the Cross began in mans time (Chronos), but ended in God’s time (Kairos). Jesus died once for all men for all times for all sins. Heaven and Hell are realms OUTSIDE of this present Chronos time. When Jesus led captivity captive,He simultaneously rescued all men from every past Hell, every present Hell, and every future Hell. We must not apply terms of fallen time to describe God’s limitless time. Chronos terms of quantity of time, like unending or everlasting,simply do not properly define Kairos events like aionios punishment or aionios life, both of which speak to quality of time rather than quantity of time. PREMISE #3- GODS FLAMES OF JUDGMENT SEEK TO HEAL US, NOT TORTURE US! Like the fig leaves Adam and Eve wore to hide their nakedness from God, men wear sin-masks to keep their real naked selves covered and hidden from God. The ugly truth is that there is something rotten in our soul at a subconscious level that wants to ignore and avoid God. Satan helps us here by providing demonically empowered masks to blind and deform our hearts and minds. Like the disturbed teenager who self-mutilates by knife cuts into the flesh, we self-mutilate our soul created in the image of God by disfiguring it. We do this by donning demonic masks lined on the inside with razorblades of fear, doubt and lust. God wants these sin-masks removed once and for all. So, what becomes of our sin-masks, either in this life or the next? How are these masks dealt with, both in the short term and long term? Is there a way that in this lifetime we can rip all our masks off? Sure, this is what the Scriptures call sanctification. Through the renewing of our minds by the Holy Spirit, we are able to progressively shed all our false selves, prideful pretenses and forged identities. Those who persist in achieving this authenticity in the Lord receive rewards in this life and the next. But, what about those masks we never successfully cast away during this lifetime? What happens to our blindspots, the masks we never recognize and remove? What about the areas of hypocrisy that we never allow to be fully evicted? What happens in the hereafter to our masks? Are we, along with our masks, cast into the Lake of Fire to die the second death? Or is there another solution? Can God in future ages somehow perform critical and extensive spiritual surgery on our souls? Can He burn off, cut out and cast away all our sin-masks which, all too often, have rendered us lying letches, fearful followers, and doubting disciples? When we are judged after we die, is it all or nothing? If in any area of our lives, we have never dealt with a particular mask, does that doom our entire spirit, soul and body to eternal fire? What if we sanctified our souls to be mask-less at home, but still wore masks at work, or church, or with certain friends, or on certain occasions? Is this the way an all-powerful God deals with His children? Or is there a better way? A more divine way? A more loving way? Do any Scriptures point to these sin-masks being removed by Gods judgment WITHOUT the necessity of casting the entire person into the eternal flames as well? Oh yes! 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 is quite clear: According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; EVERY MANS WORK shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be REVEALED BY FIRE; and THE FIRE SHALL TRY EVERY MANS WORK, of what sort it is. If any mans work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. IF ANY MANS WORK SHALL BE BURNED, HE SHALL SUFFER LOSS, BUT HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED; YET SO AS BY FIRE. This passage above refers to the judgment of Every mans work (verse 13). The Revelation passage about the Lake of Fire in chapters 20-21 ALSO refers to the judgment of every mans works: the dead were judged... according to their works (Revelation 20:12). So, Paul and John were both describing the same event, the judgment of every mans works, but from their slightly different perspectives. Now, note what Paul says ultimately happens on the other side of every mans work being judged: If any mans work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. IF ANY MANS WORK SHALL BE BURNED, HE SHALL SUFFER LOSS: BUT HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED; YET SO AS BY FIRE. So, what exactly do we know about the Lake of Fire? I have heard theologians of all ilks agree to never build a firm dogma on just one passage in Scripture, particularly if that passage is in the smack dab middle of Jewish apocalyptic section of the Bible like the book of Revelation. The reason is that this form of literature, unlike the epistles and the Gospel, are full of heavily symbolic language and feverish activity. They are more poetic and visionary than they are doctrinal. There is only extended passage that ever even talks about the Lake of Fire, and that is in Revelation 19-21. All we know about it is: ----the devil is cast into along with the beast and the false prophet(19:20) ----those that worship the image of the beast(19:20) ----that the devil (a false identity of Lucifer?) is tormented forever (20:10) ----death and an emptied Hell are cast into it (20:14) ----and whosevers not found written in the book of life is cast into it(20:15) ----and the fearful, unbelieving, etc. shall have their PART in it(20:8) Curiously, no particular individual is named as being cast into it. Symbolic figures are cast into it, beasts and false prophets and the devil. Nobody by proper name is mentioned. Not Herod, not Pharaoh, not Hitler, not Nero. Some part of our sinful being is cast into it, but does other Scripture help us better understand what that is exactly? I say yes. Scripture helps interpret Scripture. The reasons I believe 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 and Revelation 20:12-15 are referring to the same event is because of several factors. ----both are referring to a postmortem experience ---- both refer to themselves as the judgment of mens works ----both explicitly refer to every man man being so judged ----both use the imagery of fire ----both refer to some sort of dividing which includes suffering and loss Do you see? The man himself shall be saved, yet he shall SUFFER LOSS, YET SO AS BY FIRE. But, WHAT EXACTLY is it that is BURNED off and in the process causes the man to SUFFER and experience LOSS? The answer is clear: THE MASKS ARE BURNED OFF AND AWAY FROM US! In this context, the wood, hay and stubble of 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 represents the various types of false masks we have co-created with Satan and worn as the primary motivating forces behind our actions and works. Instead of performing righteous works that will endure, works of gold, silver, and precious stones (v. 12), works done under the Holy Spirits leading and anointing (Romans 8:14), we have masked the real motives for our works with that which is from below and not above--- motives which are false, demonic, and self-centered. Each and every wood-mask, hay-mask and stubble-mask a man has wrongly allowed to be grafted onto his soul will have to be burned. The result is that he will experience the wrenching and painful loss of having huge parts of who he thought he really was over the course of his entire life completely burned away with white hot fire. Like the most intense form of chemotherapy we know in the physical, yet multiplied a thousand times in painful intensity in the spiritual, every mask will be irradiated and destroyed with the fire of God. The man suffers a searing identity crisis which, though in the long term will bring great positive transformation, is in the short term painful beyond words. The length of time for the burning process may vary. Wood takes longer to burn than hay or stubble, so wood-masks are the most dangerous. These false identities caused the man during his time on earth to operate outside his authentic self, and instead assume the sin-identity of a lust-mask, or a pride-mask, or a legalism-mask. The man may have grafted on a religious mask and thereafter thought he was serving God, and that all his good works were in the service of the Lord, when in truth he was only serving his own self-righteousness (Matthew 7:22-23). Or, the man may have been serving his own fleshly desires while wearing a mask of carnality. Finally, the man could just be wearing the pride of life mask which prevented him from humbly submitting to the Lordship of the Spirit by operating in self-will. Regardless, these masks warp the core motive of every man and cause them to be someone they are not, someone they were never created or called to be by God. To the extent these masks corrupt the purity of our identities in Christ, they MUST go. So, how are they removed? In this lifetime, by sanctification, repentance and the self-judgment that comes through prayer and communion. Paul said that if we judge ourselves NOW by removing every inner sin-mask, we will not be judged later. But, IF these sin-masks are still grafted onto our souls at the time of death, which means we never dealt with them fully during our lifetime, then the Lord deals with them at the judgment of every mans works, yet so as by fire. The Lord uses, what the church Fathers Clement and Origen called Gods WISE FIRE to burn off and away all the false masks we have lived out of, the Satanic strongholds which have blinded, twisted and deformed us. The masks are the result of the MISUSE of our freedom combined with the Devils temptations and lies. Seen from this angle, judgment is a good thing, not a fearful thing. The Greek word for judge means to separate or put asunder. God separates our true self from all our false selves. He tears asunder the masks from our true identity. And then what becomes of all our masked identities? THEY ARE CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE, NEVER AGAIN TO BE PUT ON BY US OR ANYBODY ELSE! This is a good thing, not a bad thing. I long for the day all my false selves (Richard the fearful, Richard the doubter, Richard the oppressed, Richard the lustful, Richard the liar) are FOREVER FAR REMOVED from my true self, my best self, my authentic self, my Christ self, my new man created in righteousness and true holiness. God has a name for each one of us that only HE knows. This name is who we are called to be, who we WILL be for all eternity. These false selves CAN be burned off in THIS lifetime IF I submit myself fully to the Lords sanctifying Spirit. But if my heart falls short, God is greater than my heart. He WILL see me delivered in the ages to come. The great sculptor Michelangelo famously said, The statue lies within the stone. He believed that all the sculptor does is chip away the exterior stone to reveal the interior truth. Or, put another way, the artist removes the masked false in order to reveal the naked real. For us, we have the chance to use this life to chip away all our false masks with our Spirit-led chisel of faith. But to the extent we fail in this lifetime, God will use the righteous chisel Himself in the ages to come to perfect and reconcile all things to Himself. As the greatest artist of all, He will chip away the masked false to reveal the naked real. It seems that God is all about name changes, or what I like to call mask-removal through name-renewal. On the positive side, the ugly mask known as Saul was burned off to reveal a mask-less Paul created in righteousness and true holiness. Likewise, in Genesis 17:5, Abram was de-masked to reveal Abraham, the father of many nations. Revelation 2:17 tells us that God has given to each man who overcomes all worldly and demonic masks a white stone with a name on it only the Lord knows. This name is our mask-less self which ONLY the Lord can reveal to us. On the flip-side, the angel Lucifer became the masked Satan. Satan as a mask, certainly the deadliest and densest mask of all, will definitely be cast forever into the Lake of Fire. But, whether God will, at the end of all the ages, restore Lucifer back to his original God-created identity by wrenching away his devil mask is an open and intriguing question. Toward Satan, I have nothing but righteous hate and violent opposition on every level. But, towards the angel Lucifer who fell so very far, I must confess a stirring of pity. Being a father of seven, I have often thought that if I were an all-powerful Father, I dont think I would ever give my children enough freedom to destroy themselves, not forever and ever and eeeeevvvvvvveeeeerrrrrr. I would certainly give them enough freedom to learn real gain and loss, the nature of love and cost of evil, and the nature of faith and doubt. But, I would never give them the keys to a car which could destroy them eternally. I would give them a lot of elbow room to learn and grow, but I would not create an environment where they could destroy themselves for all time. And I dont think God does either. He might allow these masks of rebellion to deform us for a season, but it is hard to conceive He would allow the masks to stay attached to us for an eternity in the Lake of Fire. On the contrary, I see Him using the Lake of Fire as the place where He separates from us all the enemies of our soul, and then destroys forever all the things that have harmed and deformed us. Under this view, the Lake of Fire is not a torture chamber where anybodys essential self, spirit or body are cast into flames for eternity. Rather, the Lake of Fire is Gods final deliverance of those souls who neglected their so great a salvation by not taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. These souls have allowed enemy grafting to occur in their heartland. And now they are in the crisis of Hell because of it. But God will not pull them by up their roots and destroy them totally. GOD WILL INSTEAD PRUNE BACK WHATEVER BRANCHES ARE NOT OF HIM. He will then hurl these branches into the Lake of Fire. What will be left is a transformed man, a born-again man, a man with no mask. 1 Corinthians 3:13-15 clearly envisions such a separation. For Christians who win the crown of an overcomer, there is little if any wood, hay and stubble to separate and burn by flame. However, for the lost, the burning will be intense and they will lose much, but they themselves will be saved. The lost will have their part in the lake which burneth with fire,but their part will be their wood, hay and stubble and not their essential selves. Rev. 21:8. PREMISE # 4: GOD OVERCOMES ALL EVIL ONLY ONE WAY-- WITH GOODNESS! Gods nature overcomes evil only one way-- with GOODNESS! Romans 12:21; Matt. 5:43-48. It simply could not be in His nature to eternally torture any of His children, no matter how prodigal they have become. Gods goodness will ultimately, irresistibly and totally overcome and reconcile all forms of evil. As George MacDonald wrote, Nothing is inexorable but love. . . .Love is one, and love is changeless. For love loves into purity. Love has ever in view the absolute loveliness of that which it beholds. . . There is nothing eternal but that which loves and can be loved, and love is ever climbing towards the consummation when such shall be the universe, imperishable, divine. Therefore, all that is not beautiful in the beloved, all that comes between and is not of love’s kind, must be destroyed. George MacDonald: Scotland’s Beloved Storyteller, by Michael Phillips, p. 201 (1987). What then is Hell, where did it come from and how are we delivered from it? William Laws answer is simply this: There is no Hell but where the heart of the creature is turned from God, nor any heaven but where the heart of the creature worketh with God....Purification therefore is the one thing necessary, and nothing will do instead of it. But man is not purified till every earthly, wrathful, sensual, selfish, partial, self-willing temper is taken from him. He is not dying to himself til he is dying to these tempers, and he is not alive in God til he is dead to them.” Selected Writings of William Law, by William Law. Hell, then, is the heart turned from God and Heaven the heart turned toward God. The crisis of Hell is Gods emergency rescue of lost souls from their self-made and Satan-generated Hell which has hardened their hearts toward God. But, they may run but they cant hide in Hell. God will go after and save them from themselves. It will be painful and agonizing, but it will ultimately lead to repentance, redemption and life. As the Theologia Germanica states, Nothing burneth in Hell but self-will. This echoes William Law’s statement, Nothing separates us from God but our own self-will. Rather, our own self-will IS separation from God. George MacDonald famously said, The one principle of Hell is, I am my own. C. S. Lewis said, Hells gate is locked from the inside. But, praise God, Jesus has the keys to both death and Hell. He is truly the stronger one who enters Hell, binds Satan, and saves us from our own destructions (Matt. 12:28-29). This is the HEROIC view of God which is most consistent with His revealed nature in Jesus Christ. John A.T. Robinson summed it up best when he observed that the idea of Gods deliverance from Hell for all men comes from insight rather than foresight. In other words, an insight INTO God’s love makes the permanency of Hell impossible. It is not based on the foresight of what exactly Hell WILL be, but rather is based on an insight into what Gods character IS as revealed in Jesus Christ. The early Church fathers had this insight and so can we. So MUST we! IS APOCATASTASIS A HERESY, A HOPE, OR A DOCTRINE? What is APOCATASTASIS? The Apostle Peter was the first to use the term in the following passage: Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of RESTITUTION (Greek APOCATASTASIS) of ALL THINGS, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. Acts 19-21. APOCATASTASIS was one of the great Church Father Origens favorite topics. When the Son is said to be subject to the Father, the PERFECT RESTORATION OF THE WHOLE CREATION is signified, so also, when enemies are said to be subjected to the Son of God, the SALVATION OF THE CONQUERED and the RESTORATION OF THE LOST is in that understood to consist. Origen, De Principiis, Book III, Chapter 5, Section 7, Anf, Vol. 4. Origen was the first Christian Systematic Theologian. A fundamental and essential element of his theology was the doctrine of the universal restoration of all fallen beings to their original holiness and union with God. Gods mercy and goodness are all- inclusive and ultimately irresistible. Hellfire is corrective and purgative, not punitive and eternal. This doctrine was called APOCATASTASIS, the restitution of all things pursuant to Acts 3:21. New Testament Scripture is clear that there will be apocatastasis, which the NSRV translates as universal restoration in Acts 3:21. This dynamic is repeated in Revelation 5:13, Phillipians 2:10 and 1 Corinthians 15:22-28, which also describe the apocatastasis to come in the future age of Christus Victor. EVERY knee of EVERY creature will bow in worship, and EVERY tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. EVERY creature in Heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and in the sea, shall bless the Lamb forever and ever. The end result is that God will be ALL IN ALL! We dont yet see this full reconciliation of all creatures back to their creator, but we will. But, many challenge this idea as heretical. They say that billions upon billions upon billions of lost souls will never be reconciled to God----- neverrrrrrrrrrrrrdr! Not after a year in Hell, a decade, a lifetime, a millennium, a million years, or a trillion years there. These eternally unreconciled souls will be tortured and tortured and tortured and tortured and tortured and tortured--- FOREVER! But, others fervently disagree. They believe that this harsh view of Hell is incompatible with the revealed character of God. They believe Gods love wins in the end by converting all men to salvation, whether it be in this life or the next. They believe Jesus to be Salvador Mundi, the Savior of the World entire. So, the question we face is this: is APOCATASTSIS a hope, a heresy or a doctrine? Is APOCATASTASIS a HERESY? No, not if Apocatastasis was the prevailing doctrine of the Church for its first 500 years as established in the previous chapter entitled FOUR REASONS THE EARLY CHURCH DID NOT BELIEVE HELL LASTED FOREVER, where I document numerous sources regarding early Church belief in this area. Heresy is error from traditional doctrine. The weight of evidence is that Universalism was a, if not the, traditional doctrine of the Church. The Evangelical Alliance Commission on Unity and Truth Among Evangelicals (ACUTE) stated in its 2000 Report that differences of opinion regarding the duration and quality of Hell are less essential to Evangelical faith, which I take to mean non-heretical. Is APOCASTASIS a HOPE? Karl Barth and many others believe APOCASTASIS is best presented and understood as a real possibility to hope for rather than a doctrine to dogmatically declare. This is why it is often called the blessed hope. Barth called eternal Hell an impossible possibility. Its possibility seems to be a clear and present danger because of the evil that men do. But, Hells impossibility seems just as clear when we see the infinite love which permeates the nature of God. This love leaves the ninety-nine to go after the one. This love joyfully meets every prodigal with a warm embrace when he or she is ready to return home. This love was willing to forgive all from the cross because they knew not what they were doing in crucifying the Lord of glory. Eternal torture simply does not fit the nature of this love. As F. F. Bruce said, Eternal conscious torment is incompatible with the revealed character of God. See Timothy Dudley-Smith, John Stott: A Global Ministry, The Later Years,(Downers Grove, Ill.: Inter Varsity Press, 2001), 2:354-355. For this reason, we may hope that Gods unsurpassed love will ultimately trump and redeem mans unsurpassed evil. Is APOCATASTASIS a DOCTRINE? Theologians like William Barclay, John Baillie and John A. T. Robinson believe that APOCATASTASIS is thoroughly scriptural. There is a strong line of Scriptures which promise that all men, even the enemies of the Gospel, will come to a saving knowledge of God, preferably in this lifetime, but certainly in the next. The title of Robinsons book on this subject, In the End God is self-explanatory. Under this view, post-mortem conversion is a possibility. Whereas hard-liners like Martin Luther thought it the highest degree of faith to believe that God is merciful who saves so few and damns so many,others have preferred to believe that the highest form of faith is to believe that God will ultimately save all men from all evil in all ages for all time. The evil of men and fallen angels simply cant outlast and out-maneuver the love of God. A man can perhaps avoid and deny God during this earthly existence, but in the afterlife the crisis heightens and intensifies. God will send wave after wave of His love and forgiveness to the soul trapped in his own Hell. The soul may scoff, sneer and spit at this love - - at first. The sinner may keep it up for days, months, years or millenniums, but God will not quit. His love will wait out the sinner. Gods love will minister truth to the sinner in and through the sinners delusions. Gods love will torment the sinner because of the sinners hatred of good. Evil can escape God only by believing lies about God. As God strips away the lies, the sinner will wail in pain and travail as these fig leaves are wrenched away from him one deception at a time. These fig leaves make up the false identities behind which the sinner has hidden from God. As the fig leaves go, the sinners nakedness and shame before God is revealed. In this process, repentance is birthed and Jesus delivers this soul from Hell. This is what is meant when Jesus is said to have preached (evangelized) all the lost in Hell (1 Pet. 4:6) and then led captivity captive by harrowing and emptying the power of Hell (Eph. 4:8-10; Col. 2:15). Under this view, Hell is infinitely intense because Jesus is saving us to the uttermost parts of our deepest being, but Hell is not of infinite duration because evil cant resist God eternally. Jesus did not suffer the pangs of Hell in infinite duration, but He did suffer them in infinite intensity. If the nature of Hell was endless torment, then Jesus should still be there and in fact should never leave there. Since He is not there now, and never will be again, we can know that His full payment for our sins was of infinite intensity rather than infinite duration. The major difference between Jesus view of Hell and our view of Hell is that Jesus knew that the Father would not abandon Him in Hell (Acts 2:26-28). We, however, with our limited faith in His goodness and power to save, believe that Hell is eternal abandonment by God. Jesus knew better, and so can we. God will not eternally leave any soul in Hell. This belief works both as a hope or a doctrine, but it is NOT a heresy. Let me leave with you with a few special passages that establish the Scriptural reality of APOCATASTASIS: As you read this passages, remember that ALL MEANS ALL: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. . .For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; WHO WILL HAVE ALL MEN TO BE SAVED, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim. 2:1,3-4. For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the SAVIOR OF ALL MEN, specially of those that believe. 1 Tim. 4:10. (Specially at Strongs 3122 means in the greatest degree). EVERY MANS work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every mans work of what sort it is. If any mans work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any mans work shall be BURNED, he shall SUFFER LOSS: but HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED; yet so AS BY FIRE. 1 Cor. 3:13-15. For as in Adam ALL die, even so in Christ shall ALL BE MADE ALIVE. But EVERY man in his own order: Christ the first-fruits; afterward they that are Christs at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put ALL enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. For he hath put ALL things under his feet. But when he saith, ALL things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put ALL things under him. And when ALL things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put ALL things under him, that GOD MAY BE ALL IN ALL. Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead? 1 Corinthians 15:22-29. THE BENEFITS OF SPIRITUAL SPECULATION: RE-IMAGINING HELL We are called to spiritually speculate on the things of God. Jesus taught primarily in parables, metaphors and analogies. It takes our Spirit-led imaginations to successfully pierce these wonderful mysteries. Jesus did not teach explicitly what the Kingdom of Heaven was, but rather He taught what the Kingdom of Heaven was like.All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. Matt. 13:34-35. Jesus activated our imaginations so that we could use our understanding of things we already experientially know (farming, shepherding, etc.), and then apply this knowledge to understand the Heavenly realm through Spiritual speculation. If Heaven can only be understood by analogy, so too must Hell. Whereunto shall we liken the Kingdom of God? Or with what comparison shall we compare it [or the Kingdom of Hell]? Matt. 4:30. Let us start by looking at a well known Old Testament story that has been frequently seen as an allegory of Hell for the last 1,500 years. JONAH AND THE WHALE. Jonah in the belly of a fish (Jonah 2:1-10) was used by Jesus as a type and shadow of His suffering in Hell for three days. Matt. 12: 39-40. Jonah believed he had been in the belly forever(v. 6), when in fact it had only been three days. Jonah in fact called the whale’s-belly the belly of Hell (v. 2). Thus, Jesus and Jonah both referred to it as a type of Hell, yet it was not in fact eternal. From Jonahs viewpoint, it certainly seemed eternal and hopeless, yet God was working repentance in Jonahs heart during this three days in Hell. For Jesus it was different. Even though he suffered infinitely intense torment over His three days in Hell, He was aware of something the hopeless Jonah did not have the faith to know: Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope: Because thou wilt not leave my soul in Hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Acts 2:26-27. The following verses, Acts 2:29-31, confirm that this above-quoted passage is referring to Jesus persevering confidence during His worst moments in Hell that the Father would not abandon Him. Perhaps this is why Jesus holds the keys to Hell and death(Rev. 1:18). The key out of Hell is the hope that God could never abandon His children to eternal torment. Jonah thought God would abandon him forever. Abraham thought God would abandon the rich man to eternal damnation in Luke 16:19-31. But, hallelujah, they were wrong! I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of Hell and of death. Rev. 1:18. Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all Heavens, that he might fill all things.) Eph. 4:8-10. The challenge here is that some things are stated in the Bible from mans limited view, while others are described from God’s limitless view. For instance, from mans limited view, it was the kings of the earth, the Jews and the Gentiles who killed and crucified Jesus (Acts 2:22-23; 3:13-15; 4:26-28). But, from God’s view, nobody took Jesus life. Rather, He voluntarily laid it down (Jn. 10:18). Lets consider another example. From mans view, it seems impossible for any man to be saved (Mk. 10:26). But, from God’s view, all things are possible (Mk. 10:27). Romans 7 and Psalm 90 describe the dismal viewpoints of men. Romans 8 and Psalm 91 describe the joyfully unlimited viewpoint of God. I believe that much of what is said about the hopeless, eternal and tortuous nature of Hell is an accurate portrayal of mans view. But, other verses which seem to trump this view of Hell by emphatically declaring that all men will eventually be reconciled to God are portraying Gods viewpoint. Speculative faith is what allows us to grow out of our own limited view of things, and into God’s unlimited view of things. NINEVEHS REPENTANCE. Saint Jerome (347-420) said, I know that MOST persons understand the story of Nineveh and its king, to be [a type and shadow] referring to the ultimate forgiveness of the devil and all rational creatures. Homily on Jonah. If true, then there are a whole lot of sinning men and sinning angels in need of a soul- transplant. Gods purging fire will separate our false sin-identities from our true identities. Each of us has a true name (nature), or essential self, which only God knows. Unfortunately, the identities we create for ourselves during our lives here are often false, warped and artificial. If Satan is a false identity of Lucifer, is it possible that at the day of final judgment, Satan, as the false self of Lucifer, will be cast into the lake of fire along with Hell and death (Rev. 20:14; 21:4) and all other former things. Yet, Lucifers original self, the angel God created to be good, will be saved, yet as by fire. (1 Corinthians 3:11-15). Can such a thing be possible? When the Scriptures say that all the unbelievers, liars, fearful, idolaters, whore-mongers, etc. shall have their part (Rev. 21:8) in the lake of fire, which is the second death; does this mean that the only part of us to go into the final flames will be the false identities of evil we have worn as fig leaves? Will we ourselves be saved, yet as by fire? Is this possible? Dare we hope it? Dare we believe it? That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Phil. 2:10-11. For as in Adam ALL die, even so in Christ shall ALL be made alive. But EVERY man in his own order: Christ the First-fruits; afterward they that are Christs at his coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith, all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that GOD MAY BE ALL IN ALL. Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead? 1 Cor. 15:22-29. PARABLES AND ANALOGIES SCARECROW PARABLE: There is a Batman villain from the comics named Scarecrow. His evil power was to spray a toxic gas which would produce fearful hallucinations in whoever breathed it. In this delusional state, every perception was twisted into fearful torture. If anybody moved to help these infected people, the helpers would be perceived by the infected as monsters on the attack. No matter how harmless and helpful the gesture, it would be perceived as an act of aggressive terrorism. What if Gods love is perceived the same way by lost souls after death? These souls are guilt-ridden minds. The loving arms of Jesus to them might appear as monstrous appendages seeking to kill them. C. S. Lewis adopted a similar theme in The Great Divorce, where Heaven seemed horrible to the inhabitants of Hell due to their self- created delusional states. If this is the case, we can see Gods challenge in trying to minister to these deluded souls so that, bit-by-bit, the effects of the Scarecrow gas dissipate so that true repentance can come. One gets the flavor of this dynamic in Romans 12:20-21. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Rom. 12:20-21. INSANE ASYLUM: What if Hell, from God’s viewpoint, was a medical facility for the criminally insane, the fearfully delusional and the murderously mad? What if Hell, from Gods view, was man-made - - fig leaves of delusions behind which the fearful and unbelieving hide from God? What if God patiently endures and ministers to these sick people in, through and around their delusions? What if God uses the spiritual shock treatment needed to awaken these poor souls to the truth - - a truth which will set all men free - - God loves them and gave His life to cure them from their sicknesses? Lets consider Adolph Hitler as an illustration. Hitler was one of the most evil men who ever lived. But, what if God took Hitlers soul on a cosmic journey right after Hitlers soul left his body? What if this journey had a purpose - - to take Hitler back to the point where it all went wrong, to show him the gravity and immense sufferings he caused, to reveal all the bitter roots of his evil. What if this journey, because of Hitlers intense will to evil, APPEARED to take months, years, or centuries by our measurements, but in the reality of Gods timing could take place in a wink of an eye. But what if Gods irresistible goodness eventually, ultimately and totally outlasted and overcame Hitlers defiance. Hitlers wood, hay and stubble would be burned off and he would suffer much loss, but he himself would be saved, yet so as by fire. Similar examples of this dynamic can be seen in The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens; Josephs treatment of his brothers (Gen. 42-45); and in the movie The Three Burials. Lets not be like Jonah, who was angry with God when Nineveh repented. Lets not be like the older brother in the Prodigal Son story, who was angry when his father fully forgave and restored the younger brother who had been lost in sin. Lets be open to the idea that God will reconcile all things to Himself without the use of eternal torture. Lets use our sanctified imaginations to believe a better ending to Jesus story than to believe the vast majority of humans who have ever lived will ultimately spend eternity writhing in Hell with no hope or possibility of reprieve. God is better than that, MUCH BETTER! BEWARE MISINFORMATION ABOUT HELL: A LIE ABOUT HELL TOO MANY BELIEVE How many times have we been sternly told by fiery evangelists and brimstone theologians that Jesus talked about Hell FAR MORE than He talked about Heaven? I have seen little children become wide-eyed with fright when they hear that claim. And rarely does anybody ever challenge that statement..... Until now! Jesus did NOT talk about Hell more than Heaven. Not even close. In the Gospel, the word Heaven is mentioned by Jesus over 120 times. Hell is mentioned by Jesus some 15 times. But more than just that, consider the following verse which describes Jesus ministry starting after His return from the wilderness: FROM THAT TIME Jesus began to preach , and to say , Repent : for the kingdom of heaven is at hand . Matthew 4:17. Heaven was always His constant thrust. Do you see? EVERYWHERE and EVERY-TIME and to EVERYBODY Jesus preached the kingdom of Heaven, not the kingdom of Hell. Add to this that most all His parables are talking ABOUT the Kingdom of Heaven, and that He CONTINUALLY taught the crowds with these Heavenly parables, one thing becomes clear--- Heaven was His constant topic, not Hell. The Gospel of John mentions Hell nowhere, nor does Paul mention Hell in ANY of his letters, yet he is considered the greatest theologian of the New Testament. Sure Jesus occasionally referred to Hell and gave us some valuable information about it, but it was not the ESSENCE of His message-- Heaven was---- and IS the heart of the Gospel. Sent from my iPad
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 20:47:48 +0000

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