FOURTH/Final Question from the Writing Process Tour: --- How - TopicsExpress


FOURTH/Final Question from the Writing Process Tour: --- How does your writing process work? -- Well lets start with the next authors I get to tag to post on their process. The amazing Allan G. Aquino already beat me to my own punch by posting all of his answers before I finished mine (scroll down on my page here to see his great post)!! So, Im calling him the Special Highlight and will TAG the 3 others I had outreached to all at once -> 3 Authors who: 1) likely dont know each other well/at all; 2) collectively span and represent different writing forms/communities/ages in their current artistic process; and 3) Id like to toss a special platform to...folks who are either usually pretty private or too busy promoting other people and spaces. 1) Jessica Ceballos - One quarter of the publishing prowess of Writ Large Press, a third generation Southern Californian poet, community advocate, former interior designer, musician, amateur photographer, and cultural wanderer, was recently elected to the Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council and is curator of the literary arts programming at Avenue 50 Studio. Jessica will post her answers on jessicaceballos/notationsblogpoetry-in-progress and Ill share it on my page here tomorrow. 2) Vicky Luu - From the Bay Area, is currently residing in LA. Formerly with writing group The Undeniables where she completed her novella 54. memory Is now writing for television comedy. Vicky will post her answers over Tumblr and provide a link on her Facebook page. Ill share it here tomorrow. 3) Beau Sia - is a tony award winning poet and author of the book the undisputed greatest writer of all time. Beau will post his answers and link it on his FB page. Ill also share it here on my page tomorrow. Theyll answer these questions: 1) What are you working on? 2) How does your work differ from others of its genre?) 3) Why do you write what you do? 4) How does your writing process work? --- Finally...ill stop procrastinating now... How does your writing process work? Any writer can go on at length about their writing process in general. Ill try to keep this to readable length by staying on the past few months and what has been going on. Im in a cave. Right now. These days. It took a long time to get here. I had to attend writers panels, read books, lots of books, on writing and theatre and poetry, lots of anthologies, and Mr. Hawking, and a few childrens books. I read several people and books at once throughout many days and then I throw it in my trunk for some other time, and then I drive. I drive a lot. I use my voice recorder and keep track of thoughts in a long thread of text messages to myself. I write on the back of receipts and various strips of paper atop my right thigh while Im stopped, or, er, driving. I drive so much its part of why I try to reduce the amount of meat I eat. Dont judge. In any case, I was afraid of the cave - I was writing all around it. Jumping at the opportunity for other deadlines - not just because I needed and/or wanted the work, but because it gave me a solid excuse to veer far from where I knew I needed to dive. So then, I remembered one of the first things I heard this year - writer Ron Carlson was on a Poets & Writers panel. He talked about making a deal with himself to stay at his desk for 20 get to the first sentence without anticipating the second. Wow, sounds like an improv exercise, I thought. I like small chunks of time. They lead to big chunks of necessary thought. I always give facilitate short rounds of time alongside topic and form prompts in writing workshops. I needed to listen to what was being said around me and heed some of my own advice. I entered the cave. Some pieces get built initially over several days or weeks of walking a path with it and laying out bread crumbs, portions of a map...creating miniature time capsules or treasure chests that get pushed ahead of me once laid down - I may forget them for now, but I meet up with them at some point later. Some pieces get built within hours of a similar journey, but hairtriggered at a breakneck pace. Thats how I got to this current cave. Im now in so deep, I no longer remember exactly where I entered nor do I hold the fear that makes me want to turn back. Ive been finding some of the time capsules. Even stumbled onto a couple treasure chests. Ive opened many. Some, Ill try to unlock over the next couple weeks. But Im in. Ill likely be here for the next couple of months. And in the next handful of weeks, Ill try to craft some of the crumbs into bits of treasure and in turn, they will become the tools Ill need to start carving out a light at the edge of the other side of this here cave. So, all that wasnt very short. But hope it was still readable. tkk ps- Thank you, Zoë Ruiz
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 04:36:48 +0000

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