FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 2 Samuel 7:1-5. 8-12. 14. 16 Psalm - TopicsExpress


FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 2 Samuel 7:1-5. 8-12. 14. 16 Psalm 88:2-5. 27. 29 Romans 16:25-27 Luke 1:26-38 HIS NAME IS EMMANUEL A story is told of Nathan the Wise. This man had three sons and he had a gold ring. He loved all his sons and he wanted to give his gold ring to one of them. It was hard for him to decide which son to give the gold ring. He then got an insight. He made copies of the gold ring and the copies came out so exactly, that one could not tell the difference between the original gold ring and the copies. He then handed over to each of his sons the gold rings. The sons were inspired by the wisdom of their dad and each of the sons desired to know who had the original gold ring. Their dad told them, “I do not know who has the original gold ring; please may each one of you live in such a way that shows he is the one with the original gold ring.” Mother Church has given us this special season of Advent so that the birthday of our Savior does not take us by surprise. Today we are celebrating the 4th Sunday of this special and short season of Advent. How have I lived the last days of Advent? This is the time, in this second part of Advent that we need to do and more than doing, we need to be our best as we prepare to celebrate the birthday of our Savior. In the first reading, God reminds King David of his history. He called him from following the sheep so as to be the leader of his people. This is how great our Lord is. This is not a story. It is real. Many people have been lifted from dust, from ashes to being princes. The miracles and wonders of God are unlimited. You do not need to have studied in the big Universities of the world to be considered by God, you do not need to have travelled far and wide, you do not need to be so rich to be saved by God. You are much more than what is on your bank account, yes, even when there is zero, you are not zero in His presence. You are You and no one will ever be like you. For you, Jesus Christ became Man in all things except sin. For you, Jesus Christ is Emmanuel – which means “God is with us.” Jesus Christ is Emmanuel so as to save us, to help us, to journey with us and support us in our lives. He is with us. In our human experience, sometimes we feel that God is far from us. Even when we do not feel His presence, He is always with us. He is the Emmanuel to the lonely, to the unloved, to the troubled. In these last days of Advent, may each and every one of us move steadily to celebrate the birthday of our Savior. He is the Emmanuel – God with us. Soul-Memory verse: “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” (Matthew 1:23) Prayer: O God Almighty Father, you have prepared us through the voices of Isaiah and John the Baptist for the coming of our Savior. We now humbly beg you to strengthen us so that we may always be close to Jesus Christ who is Emmanuel for us and with us. May You grant this, through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, always One God forever and ever Amen. Rev. Fr. Hilary R. Munyaneza Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas – Rome, Italy
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:05:18 +0000

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