FOX NEWS does a great job developing minority anchors and pundits: - TopicsExpress


FOX NEWS does a great job developing minority anchors and pundits: Harris Faulkner, Michelle Malkin, Julie Banderis, Deneen Borelli, Allen West, Herman Cain and others. Yet conservative media is not attracting Black viewers, who vote 95% Democratic, as well as it attracts Hispanics, Asian-Americans, Jewish, or Gays, who give a growing one-third of their votes to Republicans. So why not a FOX show co- hosted by three or four African-Americans in a round table or Good Morning America format? Call it Hip Hop FOX or FOX Chocolate !! After all they already produce FOX NEWS LATINO. Unfortunately, for Black America, the white liberal media long ago chose their leaders for them in the likes of Marxist, divisive race mongering, poverty pimps: Jesse Jackson; Al Sharpton; self-avowed Communist UCLA Berkeley Professor Angela Davis; Black Panther murderer and drug dealer, Huey Newton, and others, who Blacks were never originally clamoring to be their Black spokespersons. These disingenuous Blacks misrepresent and use their people for money and fame. Jesse Jackson lives in a mansion that dwarfs Mitt Romneys or George W. Bushs comparatively modest estate. And the agenda they shape imbue our Black Americans with debilitating destructive values, resulting in them falling behind in every economic category and group, including Hispanics and Asians, during the Obama years, according to the liberal Black Urban Institute. Why shouldnt FOX elevate new credible reform-minded, anti-statist voices ready to foster the recapture the once great, self-disciplined, and patriotic Black culture liberalism destroys? In essence, a new Black intelligentsia for the 21st Century. Such innovative programming will magnify dozens of rising courageous African-Americans, who say they must overthrow the Marxist Plantation liberals gave them, as author Deneen Borelli states in her book, Blacklash ? How many potential millions of Black minds, impoverished lives, and their noble dreams would they save offering a different interpretation of Black history and its destiny, which are hijacked by Marxist revisionism 50 years ago? The groundbreaking show would offer a liberating view cultivating a definitive future of victory, not the ideology of victimhood. One that surely will bring future prosperity and capital into their laggard and frustrated, crime-ridden, Detroit-type urban centers. Such a innovative show will garner millions in free advertisement from the liberal establishment trashing it. Yet the denunciation and ridicule will draw many new viewers from outside the conservative universe, just as more Democrats and Independents watch FOX than Republicans, according to polling. Imagine the possibility of these cerebral, attractive African-American hosts and guests, who are eloquent Black Conservatives, Libertarians, and trailblazing Republicans: Star Parker -- author, Congressional candidate, CNN, FOX, and C-SPAN veteran. Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Congressman Allen West, US Senator Tim Scott, Mayor Mia Love. Dr. Ben Carson, author, Dean of the John Hopkins College Medical School, and FOX commentator. Deneen Borelli -- author of Blacklash, Project 21, and Tea Party leader. Lynn Swann -- Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl legend and 2008 GOP Pennsylvania Gubernatorial nominee. Herman Cain -- syndicated radio talk show host, author and presidential candidate. Ambassador Alan Keyes -- Harvard PhD, Presidential and Senatorial candidate. Karl Malone -- NBA legend Professor Walter Williams -- syndicated columnist, frequent co-host of the Rush Limbaugh Show, Nobel Prize winner for Economics, and member of the Reagan White House Council of Economic Advisors. General Colin Powell; actor Denzell Washington; former RNC Chair, Michael Steele, and actor Jimmy Walker of the iconic Seventies sit comGood Times. Baseball legend Derek Jeter; USSC Judge Clarence Thomas; author and FOX NEWS and CNN commentator, Angela McGowan. Aveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King; and the 30-35 GOP African-Americans who run for Congress every year. If Blacks vote Republican at the same rate as the growing Hispanic and Asian-American community, the GOP can likely become a true majority Party, not a shrinking one currently abhorrent and culturally resistant in their grassroots to growing their ranks with people and leaders who look different from them.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Feb 2014 15:38:02 +0000

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