FPST HOUSING AUTHORITY FORENSIC REVIEW – FINDINGS “In public service there is one cardinal rule: any Tribal officer, employee or member that commits misappropriation or theft of tribal funds, federal funds or property from the Fallon Paiute Shoshone Tribe will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law including jail.” – Ermert Nihoa Mr. Pishion, why did you spend $60,000 of Tribal funds, if you were never going to prosecute the Housing Authority’s several thousands of dollars in missing money? The $60,000 Forensic Audit that Jon Pishion publicly demanded in 2010 was quietly released four years later on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 with the expected results – several hundred thousand dollars is missing and unaccounted from the Housing Authority. The current Fallon Business Council will not prosecute the theft because it is a “historic finding”. Background Facts: In 2007 Jennifer John was terminated as FPSHA Director. Rochanne Downs and Jackie Conway were appointed temporary FPSHA Directors. In 2008 Sharol McDade was hired as the temporary FPSHA Director for 6 months. Her contract was extended based on Vice-Chairman Down’s personal recommendation. McDade was given a “special contract” for services. In 2010 McDade was fired by the Chairman for failure to complete the requirements of her position and misappropriation of funds. Vice-Chairman Downs and Council Member Burton sued FBC for firing McDade (the case was dismissed as frivolous). Four years later the McDade v. FPST lawsuit is still haunting the Tribe. Currently McDade is attempting to squeeze a $100,000 cash settlement with a complete confidentiality clause. Mr. Pishion stated there is “no one person to blame” for the loss of several hundred thousand dollars. In 2010 the FBC was set to prosecute the culprits for the FPSHA misappropriation of funds. The 2010 election stalled the prosecution because the new FBC directed the Tribal Court to dismiss both cases. The forensic audit only confirms the FBC should have let the Tribal Court handle the FPSHA misappropriation of funds without interference. The missing HUD/BIA funding had to be replaced or FPST would have lost the Housing Authority program. The Tribe’s only cash asset is the Settlement Fund. Wonder why you’re only getting $300 in per capita? Get out and vote on Saturday, October 4, 2014!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 19:34:58 +0000

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