FRAME OF MIND - SHORT FILM CONTEST ON MENTAL HEALTH The sixth edition of FRAME OF MIND, a unique film festival on mental health will be held in Chennai 31st August 2014. This festival is an innovative attempt by Schizophrenia Research Foundation ( SCARF) to counter the stereotypes and clichéd portrayals of mental illnesses in movies and to promote positive and realistic depictions. As part of the festival, we announce a competition for short films on the theme . LEADING FULFILLING LIVES WITH MENTAL ILLNESS. This is open to students and potential film makers or anyone with a keen interest in the issue. The duration of the film can be upto 5 minutes in any format like drama, documentary, docudrama, animation, etc in English or any other language with English subtitles are welcome. The films can be on any type of rnental illness ( excluding mental retardation),and include realistic portrayals on how the person handles his illness, manages his everyday life, the support he gets from others, his relationships at home/work /society etc. The shortlisted entries will be screened to a jury of eminent media and mental health persons who will choose the best films for cash prizes. The total prize money will be Rs.1 lakh. All short listed entries will be screened during the festival. A person can send more than one entry. There is no entry fee. The last date for receiving entries will be 10th August 2014. For further details please call: 9003778038 / 9444027388
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 05:09:11 +0000

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