FRANCE IS THE BIGGEST OBSTACLE FOR MANY AFRICAN COUNTRIES. By Nimba Tiannimbo Mhaat. The economic bloodstream of European countries and in particular France are the African countries which for long time have been feeding the West. From slavery via colonization until today, France has always maintained its hegemony over its former colonies in Africa. After losing the war in Vietnam by dragging AmeriKKKa in it, France largely waged its effort solely on African French speaking countries to develop its economy. In Africa,there are 14 countries that have the currency called Franc CFA which was created in the 20s century to exchange goods among themselves,but the real purpose was to all the African French colonies to only supply France,buy Frenchs products. Nothing more ,or nothing less. The Franc CFA which is a colonial currency created by France for its own interest,has been put in place to facilitate the pillage of the African resources. France through this tricky system keeps the reserves of the African countries of the CFA monetary zone in its coffer in Paris. As a real bandit State,France has imposed on many African countries its monetary dictatorship by maintaining in power African leaders who must obey on its order. It is very important to know that the UEMOA( West African Economic and Monetary Union ) comprising 8 countries: Cote dIvoire(largest economy detaining at least 50% of the GDP of the group), Senegal,Mali,Benin,Niger,Togo,Burkina Faso,and Guinea Bissau(the only non-French speaking country in the group) with also the CEMAC ( Central African Economic and Monetary Community) comprising 6 countries: Gabon,Chad,Congo-Brazzaville,Cameroon,Equatorial Guinea,and Central African Republic) are all countries’ French-controll ed CFA franc which nothing but just a slavery and colonialism system establishment by the European/White people in Africa to suck up more their blood. The Colonial Pact Agreement that France had signed/imposed to African countries after each African countries got its independent was a special enshrining preference for France in the political, commercial and defense processes in the African countries is detrimental to the African people. Originally the two Franc CFA currency zones were pegged at 100 CFA for each French franc,the former Frances currency, after France joined the European Community’s Euro zone at a fixed rate of 6.65957 French francs to one Euro, the CFA rate to the Euro was fixed at CFA 665,957 to each Euro, maintaining the 100 to 1 ratio. These cruel monetary treaties are still in force and operational between the good old France and its extended African territory. You cannot allow a thief to be served as a surveillance to your house. This colonial pact that France has maintained on its former colonies is to take control over the economies of the African states, take possession of their foreign currency reserves; control the strategic raw materials of the country at the same stationing French troops in the country with the right of free passage. In this poison deal,the country of Napoleon or this midget and racist Nicolas Sarkozy, had demanded that all military equipment that these African states have to get must be acquired from France to keep running its military industry.All the police and army of those African French speaking countries must be under the direction of Frances system or administration. And talking about business,it assumes that French businesses must be allowed to maintain monopoly enterprises in key areas such as water, electricity, ports, transport, energy, agriculture products,retail,mining,etc....Can you believe it?? Many African people have risen against this monetary criminal system of France. When president Laurent GBAGBO of Cote dIvoire came to power through a democratic election process in 2000,he was the only African leader who opposed against the French economic diktat on African countries.No wonder why in 2002, coup dEtat orchestrated by former French president Jacques Chirac,failed to oust him. President GBAGBO has criticized this unjust France monetary system and was working on the process to remove Cote dIvoire out of the EUMOA group and create an independent currency of the country. The Ivorian economist Nocolas AGBOHOU in his book LE FRANC CFA ET LEURO CONTRE LAFRIQUE = The Franc CFA and Euro Against Africa,has with force criticized this slavery monetary system of France. The former president of the Ivorian National Assembly, former Finance Minister and economist of the government of President GBAGBO, Professor Mamadou Koulibaly had labeled the French-led CFA franc criminal arrangement as ‘financially repressive, unfair and morally indefensible’. Professor Koulibaly lamented that the francophone Africans have been reduced to ‘taxpayers for France.Just to say they have been reduced to slaves for France. One thing to remember about this toxic monetary deal set up by Ali Baba( France) is that 65% of hard currencies that the 14 CFA zone states are obliged to deposit yearly in the French Treasury to feed their economy while Afrikan people neither have French nationality nor access to the public goods and services made available to other French taxpayers: the relation between the slaves working hard for the masters. It is unacceptable to see more than 80% of our foreign reserves being deposited in the ‘operations accounts’ controlled by the French Treasury. Why African people cant have their own monetary policies to develop our nations? Just recently the president of Equatorial Guinea has risen voice against this African enslavement monetary practice of France. Where those African leaders who are waking up were when president Gbagbo was telling them to join force and work as one to get rid of this devilish pact of France? This evil monetary pact of France toward these Francophone African countries will end. The revolution to end this has already started in Cote dIvoire(Ivory Coast) and that will spread all over the African continent. As we say in Cote dIvoire: Time is another name of God.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 06:50:21 +0000

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