FREE EP OF MUSIC FOR PARTICIPANTS!!! MY DIDGERIDOO & FACILITATING BACKGROUND: I started playing didgeridoo 23 years ago after a full-blood Pinjanjitjarra Tribesman on walkabout gave me his (yidaki) didgeridoo. My step-father, Yabu Bilyana, was an indigenous fella and one of my best from in my teens was an indigenous didge player. I taught myself and got circular breathing within 8 days and a massive positive transformation started occurring in my life. 6 years after starting my journey with this sacred instrument I started to intuitively play different noted didgeridoos upon people & noticed startling affects within others and myself . At that time I knew nothing whatsoever about the chakras. I hadnt even really heard of them, but as things do happen in divine synchronicity I stumbled across an old manuscript describing how sound affects matter (science of cymatics) & that it corroborates with certain energy centres in the human system. Thats when I found out about the chakras. As I delved into learning about the chakras I realised that the specific didgeridoos I had been playing on only specific areas on peoples bodies were in fact the exact keys corresponding to the chakras! It truly blew me away! Somehow my intuitive higher mind was guiding me unfettered into using the right note on each didgeridoo to heal the right area according to the ancient knowledge passed down for thousands of years. In 1998 I teamed up with Chakra Dance/ Kundalini Dance exponent, Leyolah Antara & co-facilitated many retreats & workshops centred around bringing people into a state of ecstasy through a journey through the chakras. Over the years I placed much focus upon utilising the powerful vibration of the didgeridoo to help induce rapid meditative states within each participant. In these workshops I would guide the group into lying in a circular mandala shape with their heads facing the centre & then play each didgeridoo upon certain areas of their body, participant by participant... The feedback from these experiences has been profound. Although my music career took the priority of my focus, I still play my normal gigs with an undercurrent of utilising the didgeridoo & the chakras to help bring people into a deeper connection with the Great Spirit being that exists within them. I needed time out from facilitating such workshops for many years, but now I am ready to bring this part of my spiritual world back out to special select groups of people who are ready for the next level on their personal path. If you are ready for something deeper and more profound to help reset & recalibrate you on your path, then dont hesitate. This is the moment! THE EVENT: The 1st part of the evening is an intimate acoustic special of deep, uplifting tunes, including some fresh new ones. The 2nd part of the night is a guided Didge Massage Meditation, which is a very powerful way to access deeper parts of yourself. When you feel the strong vibrations (literally) of the didge pulsating upon your body it not only feels physically amazing, but also connects the elements (fire, water, earth, air, ether) within your system, activates your kundalini, clears your energy centres, quickly harmonises brain waves into theta & so much more... DETAILS: Tickets must be purchased prior to the event to ensure your place as there are very limited numbers (if you have problems doing this purchase, please send a private message here). CLICK THE TICKET LINK BELOW. Please arrive at 6:30pm for a 7pm sharp start. If possible, please bring a cushion & even a yoga matt for comfort. Chai & vegan Nibblies will be available. This is a private residence in a private residential area. Please be considerate of the neighbours when arriving & leaving. Om Shalom.... PS. this is important to note: the ticket price as it is wont even cover the cost of my flights, so this time Im doing this group session at an exceptionally cheap price as a once off, especially considering the experience you will have with this healing session. Future sessions of this kind will have to be a lot more in future so get in whilst its still cheap. :D CLICK THE TICKET LINK HERE:- SPECIAL FREE GIFT with each ticket pre-purchased (online). Come to Nathans Melbourne house concert & Didgeridoo massage meditation this Thursday and you will receive this Burning The Candle EP (download version with bonus track) plus sticker (normally valued at $10) Absolutely free as air!! Click on the ticket link now!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 10:16:13 +0000

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